Mori Kogoro began to observe the blood dripping from Hatakemoto. He carefully observed every drop of blood, and there was nothing left on it. It was not like the bread crumbs left in the previous life anime. The corsage on Xiaowu's body Such things, hands and feet are very clean and neat.

Interesting, this murderer is quite cunning!


And at this moment, all the suspects present began to fight.

The fat aunt Mariko Banmoto spoke first, pointing her finger at Huang-haired man: "I heard that the turtle man owed a large amount of debt outside, could it be that you killed father and wanted to inherit the property of the Banana family quickly? Come pay the debt."

Kameo Hajimoto repeatedly denied it, and Akie Hashimoto, who was eager to protect her husband, couldn't help but said: "Auntie, I think it's you who want grandpa's property the most. I made it so obvious on the deck just now; and uncle has always wanted to leave. It's been a long time since the flag consortium went it alone, but it was stopped by my grandfather; and Ichiro, his award-winning painting was torn up by his grandfather. Your family, I am afraid that you have a long-standing grudge against your grandfather. It makes sense for the three of them to conspire to kill Grandpa!"

At this moment, Xiangji Banmoto in a white suit said angrily, "That's enough, don't you feel ashamed enough? Dad just died, so you just talk like this."

The fat aunt Banana Mariko sneered immediately: "Second, why are you pretending to be a good person? We are here to help find the murderer. Don't think I don't know. Your restaurant is suffering serious losses. You wanted to borrow money from your father, but your father beat you up." You scolded me, and you may have killed Dad because of it."

Suddenly, Mariko Hatakemoto seemed to think of something: "Oh, by the way, I almost forgot, we have an outsider here, Xiaowu, don't you want to express your opinion?"

Xiao Wu waved his hand: "What did I say?"

Mariko's face turned extremely gloomy in an instant: "I overheard everything just now, the thing that Dad told you to go over, Xiao Wu, I didn't expect that you were the son of that brave man from Caicheng who died ten years ago .”

Everyone who heard this couldn't help but change their faces, and they all looked terrified!

The bald-headed male Hokuro Banner had a look of disbelief: "Xiao Wu, are you here for revenge? Because your father took away the property of your Fortune City consortium ten years ago, forced your father to death, and even implicated your mother in the second year. You died in depression and made you an orphan, so you came back today to take revenge?"

Xia Jiang's pupils kept shrinking: "Xiao Wu, tell me, is this true? Are you the son of a brave man in Caicheng?"

Xiao Wu's expression kept changing, and he couldn't help laughing wildly when he saw everyone's vigilance: "That's right, since I've been recognized by all of you, there's no need for me to keep hiding, I'm Caicheng who was forced to death by you." Yongfu's only son Caicheng Takehiko, I admit that I approached Xia Jiang with a plan at the beginning, but Xia Jiang, I really love you, and I didn't kill this old guy."

Xia Jiang burst into tears immediately after hearing Xiao Wu's confession. She no longer believed what Xiao Wu said, turned around and ran outside.

"Good boy, I still want to argue!" Ban Xianger, who was wearing a white suit, grabbed Xiao Wu: "Who else wants to kill Dad except you, and your identity has just been exposed by Dad. Tomorrow It's the wedding, if you don't do it today, tomorrow's wedding will be canceled by your father, and you will have no chance to enter my banner family, and you will have no way to get back your property of the Fortune City Group."

"That's right, and you were the last one to show up at dinner just now, so you have enough time to kill people." Qiu Jiang couldn't help echoing.

"I said I'm not the murderer, let me go." Xiao Wu kept struggling.


Kogoro Mori looked at this scene, and it was really a good show. The grievances of the rich and the bloody revenge were all gathered, and he would feel sorry if he didn't shoot [-] episodes.

Banner Shouji said to Maori: "Detective Maori, we all think that this outsider killed my father. What do you think?"

Mori Kogoro smiled and said: "His motive for killing is very strong, but it cannot be concluded that he is the murderer."

Mariko Banner also said, "I think the murderer is Xiao Wu, who was forced to kill after being exposed."

Hagimoto Akie and Hatakemoto Kameo also echoed their voices repeatedly, Mori Kogoro immediately understood that to this group of big family members, it didn't matter who killed Hatake Takeshi, what they valued was property, and it was wrong to use this outsider as a crime It's the best choice, and it can eliminate future troubles.

It really is an extremely ugly upper class!That is to say, Xia Jiang, a rich lady, is not crooked. Thinking about it this way, it is really not easy for Xia Jiang to maintain a kind nature in this environment.

Mori Kogoro and the others watched Xiao Wu being imprisoned in the warehouse by them. If Mori Kogoro could not find the murderer this time, then this group of people would definitely get Xiao Wu into prison.

Mori Kogoro searched carefully in this room for a long time, but still failed to find any useful clues.

He couldn't help asking the butler Suzuki beside him: "Excuse me, butler Suzuki, besides the kitchen, who else has the weapon in the room?"

"Oh, Mr. Shoji is a chef, and he seems to have knives in his room." Butler Suzuki thought for a long time, clapped his hands, and remembered.

"Then can you ask the butler to open the door of Mr. Xianger and let me see his set of knives?" Mao Li asked.

"Of course." Several people followed Butler Suzuki to Hoseji Hatamoto's room, opened the door, and found the box for keeping the knives. Everyone opened it, but they were disappointed.

The knives in the box are neatly arranged, and there is no missing half at all.

In this way, it was not with these knives.

The murderer really didn't have any flaws this time, Mao Li sighed, and hugged Hui Yuan: "Xiao Ai, have you found anything, remember to tell uncle if you have something?"

Haibara just shook her head slightly, and she stretched out her hand to smooth the frown between Kogoro Mouri's brows, and Mouri couldn't help laughing when he saw this.

Even Kogoro Mori's IQ couldn't find useful clues, let alone Conan, but this little devil still didn't give up, and went to the place where Hatakemoto died to find clues by himself.

Chapter 0083 Confrontation in the dark

Mori Kogoro hugged Huiyuan, followed Xiaolan, and followed the old housekeeper to the restaurant.

At this time, the people who had just imprisoned Xiao Wu returned to the dining room, they were talking and waiting for dinner.

Among them, the fat aunt Mariko was the happiest, and said to the bald man beside him: "Father is dead, Beilang, this entire banner consortium is yours, and Ichiro can concentrate on further studies in painting in the future, when the time comes It can also inherit the banner consortium."

The yellow-haired Kameo Banmoto said dissatisfiedly, "Auntie, don't you want to monopolize the property?"

Mariko laughed, and the red light was visible on his face: "Of course not, we will share some with you at that time."

At this moment, the old housekeeper Suzuki who heard this said: "I have something to report to everyone. In order to prevent this from happening, the master actually made a will a few years ago. Miss Xia Jiang was supposed to finish it in a few days. It will be announced when we return to Tokyo after the marriage."

When everyone heard this, they couldn't help but stand up with a big change in expression.

Mariko's mouth began to tremble: "Housekeeper, could it be that all the property is given to Xia Jiang?"

The old butler nodded: "This will has been established since Miss Xia Jiang was admitted to the University of Tokyo."

When everyone heard the news, they couldn't afford to sit back on their chairs, and their expressions were extremely ugly.

The yellow-haired Kameman Banmoto stood up suddenly: "In this case, there is no hope of inheriting the property. Damn it, I would have married Xia Jiang if I knew it."

Qiu Jiang was immediately enraged when he heard this: "What did you say, did you marry me for the property of my banner family?"

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