"Of course, otherwise, who would marry you, a shrew, and being with you every day is a kind of torture."

"You are a useless guy. You are idle and lazy. If it weren't for me to marry you, you wouldn't even be able to find a wife."

Another round of tearing has begun.

Not long after, when they heard the extremely bad news, everyone was in no mood to have dinner, and got up from the restaurant one by one, and dispersed one after another.

This is the people of the big family!Value property above all else.

Mori Kogoro was still thinking, he always felt that he seemed to be missing something.

Haibara, who was hugged in his arms, looked at Mouri Kogoro's pensive face, and couldn't help reaching out to help Mouri massage his temples.

Mao Li looked at Hui Yuan with this appearance, and couldn't help showing a smile on his face. It really is a small padded jacket, no, it's a big padded jacket.

Mori Kogoro kissed Haibara on the cheek, then put Haibara on a chair beside him, and said to Xiaolan, "I'll go out by myself to enjoy the sea breeze and clear my mind."

After that, he walked towards the deck alone.

Just as Mori Kogoro walked out of the cabin, he saw Miss Xia Jiang who was crying by the fence. She was only wearing a light blue skirt, and her body looked very thin.

Mori Kogoro was about to walk towards Xiajiang to comfort her.

But at this time, the entire ship suddenly lost power, all the lights disappeared, and it was pitch black both in the cabin and on the deck.

Everyone panicked.

Suddenly there was the sound of running, and it seemed that someone was running towards Xia Jiang in the darkness.

Mori Kogoro immediately felt that something was wrong, and hurriedly ran in that direction according to the direction he had just memorized.

Xia Jiang Qiben turned around, and panicked with teardrops on his small face: "What's going on, why is there a power outage."

This voice just gave Mori Kogoro a guide, and Mori Kogoro hugged Ban Xiajiang's slender waist, and Xia Jiang screamed immediately.

"It's me, don't be afraid." Mouri Kogoro's gentle voice came out, and Xia Jiang stopped struggling.

But at this moment, the sound of breaking the wind came, as if someone was attacking with a weapon, Mori Kogoro quickly stretched out his hand to block it, and there was a bang.

Mori Kogoro couldn't help but let out a cold snort, what seemed to be an iron rod hit his arm.

One blow failed, the man struck again, and there was another sound of breaking wind. In the darkness, Maori couldn't see the person coming, but out of the intuition of a martial artist, he listened to the sound to argue, this time he gave the iron rod tightly. Hold on tight.

The visitor couldn't break free, and couldn't pull the iron rod away, so he immediately let go, turned around and ran in other directions.

"Mao Li, Mao Li, are you okay?" The frightened Xia Jiang kept groping Mao Li with his hands, asking if he was injured.

Mori Kogoro held Xia Jiang tightly under his body, and he was relieved when he was sure that the murderer had left. If he was a step too late, Xia Jiang would have turned into a corpse.

"Xia Jiang, I'm fine, but the person who wanted to attack you escaped." Mori Kogoro hugged Xia Jiang's trembling body tightly, and gently patted her soft back with his big hands, comforting her gently.

In this way, the murderer's purpose this time is very clear, it should be for property.

"Xia Jiang, let's go to the electric room together to have a look. It should be tripped, but I'm afraid the murderer will come back again, so you can go with me."

Mori Kogoro stretched out his hand to hug Xia Jiang's shoulder, but he seemed to have made a mistake in his judgment in the dark. He accidentally touched a lump of softness, and he couldn't help scratching it subconsciously.

Xia Jiang exclaimed in a low voice again.

"Sorry, I grabbed the wrong place." Mao Li put his hand on Xia Jiang's shoulder again, and the two of them groped forward in the dark together.

In the darkness, Xia Jiang's pretty face turned red. She smelled the breath from Mao Li, and felt a sense of security that she had never had before.

Listening to Xia Jiang's guidance, the two came to the electric room of the cabin step by step. Mao Li pulled the switch of the electric switch again, and all the lights were restored immediately.

In front of the two is a simple time-delay device, using candles, thin wires and heavy objects to form a time-delay device, the candle gradually burns, and the thin wire tied with the weight is blown, and the weight will fall with the switch, and then Power outage, this device is very simple, anyone can do it.

At this time, Xia Jiang in his arms said softly: "Mr. Mao Li, where did you get hurt just now, let me see."

"Nothing, he just hit me in the arm."

Xia Jiang hurriedly pulled Mao Li Kogoro's arm over, unbuttoned the cuff and rolled it up, and saw a deep bruise, and his small face couldn't help being very nervous: "Mr. Mao Li, does it hurt, do you want to see a doctor?"

Mori Kogoro smiled: "It's okay, this kind of minor injury is nothing to me."

The two are still hugging each other at this moment, their faces are very close, and the atmosphere seems to have become a little more charming for a while.

Mao Li looked at Xia Jiang's exquisite little face close at hand, his eyes that had just shed tears seemed to be a little red, it looked extraordinarily pitiful to me, and his pink lips seemed extraordinarily attractive, Mao Li's heart was on fire , Without hesitation, he went up in one breath.

Xia Jiang's green eyes kept shrinking, and his small hands patted Mouri Kogoro's shoulders, doing what appeared to be no resistance.

This kiss was extremely strong, and Xia Jiang was kissed until he was fascinated. Only then did Kogoro Maoli stop. The tip of Maoli's nose lightly rubbed against Xia Jiang's Qiong's nose, and his fingers gently inserted into the hair on Xia Jiang's head. , Seeing the sparkling eyes of the beauty in front of him, he couldn't help but said, "Let's go, Xia Jiang, let's find out the person who attacked you."

Chapter 0084 The truth is revealed

"Hi, Mr. Mao Li!" Xia Jiang's small face was slightly smoked, his body seemed to be boneless, his legs were weak, and he couldn't stand up by himself.

Mori Kogoro couldn't help stretching out his hand to support Xia Jiang's small waist. Xia Jiang felt a big hand on his waist, and couldn't help but tremble all over, but he didn't resist, but his delicate face turned redder.

She involuntarily brushed her long hair under her temples, wanting to take a closer look at Mori Kogoro beside her.

Mao Li touched the silk-like dress in his hand, and felt the delicate skin inside. He was reluctant to let go, and the two cuddled each other and walked towards the restaurant.

The two soon came to the restaurant, and Xiaolan and Huiyuan rushed to welcome them.

Seeing Moori Kogoro supporting Xia Jiang, the two women's gazes were fixed on Xia Jiang's big hand at the waist, and there was some dissatisfaction in their eyes.

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