Mori Kogoro let go of Xia Jiang, and said, "Someone attacked on the deck just now, Miss Xia Jiang was a little frightened."

Then Xiaolan hurriedly asked concerned: "Miss Xia Jiang, are you alright?"

Xia Jiang naturally smiled and said it's okay.

Due to the power outage just now, all the members of the Hatakemoto family in their respective rooms came out and gathered in the dining room one by one. They heard that Xia Jiang was attacked on the deck, and all of them had strange faces.

Mazilian Banichiro rushed over and asked nervously, "Xia Jiang, are you alright?"

Xia Jiang frowned, and said, "Thanks to Mr. Mao Li who sacrificed his life to save me, I was fine, and we went to the electric room to check, and found a simple delay device, which was designed by someone to cut off the power supply."

At this moment, the yellow-haired man Banana Kameo said, "Xiao Wu must have done it. I didn't expect this guy to be so mad that he would attack his fiancée."

Conan got out from the side, and said, "No, that Xiao Wu has been locked up by you, how could he do it."

As soon as he finished speaking, he heard footsteps coming from the direction of the warehouse. The burly man in a white suit, Hagimoto Shoji, and the bald man, Hagimoto Hoiro, ran out: "Xiao Wu in the warehouse is gone."

The fat aunt clapped her hands immediately, and came to a conclusion: "I knew it was all done by that little Wu. This guy has evil intentions. We decided not to let him go so easily."


At this moment, Kogoro Mori was asking about something with the old butler Suzuki.

The old housekeeper Suzuki couldn't help being surprised when he heard what Mao Li said: "Mr. Mao Li, how do you know this? The master has never told anyone about these things."

Hearing what the old housekeeper said, Mao Xiaowu Langli couldn't help showing a smile on his face. As expected, there was no other possibility for the murderer except him.


Banner Kameo was about to issue orders and mobilize everyone to find Xiao Wu.

Conan looked at the group of completely unconvincing people in front of him, and couldn't help being very annoyed, but he still hasn't figured out who the murderer is.

At this moment, Kogoro Mori said, "If you really want to do this, it will only give the murderer the opportunity to throw away key evidence in vain."

Everyone couldn't help being shocked when they heard this, and Hokuro Banner hurried forward: "Mr. Mori, no, Detective Mori, if you say that, do you already know who the murderer is?"

Under the light, Mori Kogoro exuded a different kind of charm. He straightened his collar and said, "That's right, I have found the person who killed Mr. Hatakemoto and attacked Ms. Xia Jiang in the dark."

"That's you, Mr. Shoji Hatakemoto!" Mori Kogoro pointed to the burly man in a suit.

Hearing Kogoro Mori say this, everyone couldn't help but be shocked, Sweat immediately appeared on Hatakemoto's head, and his hands kept shaking: "Are you kidding, Mr. Mori, how could I kill my father? ?”

The fat aunt Mariko also couldn't help but said: "Detective Maori, you made a mistake, how could my brother be a murderer?"


Mori Kogoro snapped his fingers, and the light of wisdom flashed in his eyes.

Conan immediately reacted when he heard this, and couldn't help being amazed.

"Thanks to his many years of experience as a chef, Mr. Xianger's knife skills are extremely precise, and he stabbed Mr. Cangwu without sloppiness. He hit the vital point with one blow, so clean that nothing was left on the scene, but everyone One thing that was overlooked was the screaming."

"If you think about it carefully, the old butler Suzuki was the one who discovered the murder, and we arrived at the scene only after hearing the screams of the old butler Suzuki. We can hear it completely, and Mr. Hatakemoto, who was attacked, was seriously injured, why didn't he call for help?" Mori glanced at the sweaty Hatakemoto Shōji.

"Of course it was because the one who attacked me was my beloved youngest son. In order to avoid publicity, the first choice was to go back to the room. I was seriously injured and dying, and I didn't want my son to be charged with murder. Pain and disbelief passed away."

Hearing this, Xianger Banamoto couldn't help but sneered: "Mr. Maori, according to what you said, all the people in the family are descendants of Dad. Whoever stabs Dad, Dad may not speak up in order to protect them."

Mori Kogoro smiled, and retorted: "Mr. Xianger, then you are wrong. Only you and Ms. Xia Jiang can make Mr. Zhajiang die in such a painful way, but Ms. Xia Jiang has been with us all the time. Together, so it's just you."

"Mr. Zangwu hates his eldest daughter and eldest son-in-law, because Mariko married his cousin Hokuro despite his resistance, and gave birth to a child named Ichiro!"

The faces of the fat aunt and the bald man couldn't help changing when they heard this, and the bald man couldn't help asking: "Mr. Mao Li, how do you know?"

Mao Li ignored it, and continued: "Mr. Zangwu hates Ichiro Hatake because the child born of this close relative's marriage has unreasonable delusions, and even made a request to marry his cousin Xia Jiang."

Mazilian Banichiro bowed his head in shame when he heard this, while Xia Jiang covered his mouth with his hands, with an expression of disbelief.

"Mr. Cangwu hates Ms. Qiujiang because of her eccentric and arrogant personality, and even disregarding dissuasion to marry a social gangster!"

Hagimoto Akie and Hatakemoto Kamero seemed to have been stabbed at the pain point when they heard this, and immediately became furious, and cursed: "Who has a weird and arrogant personality?" "Who is a social gangster!"

At this moment, Xia Jiang Qimoto looked at Kogoro Mori and couldn't help admiring him, it's amazing!They've only been together for a day, and they've seen through all the family's secrets.

"So only Ms. Xia Jiang, who is kind and quiet, and Mr. Xianger, who wants to be a chef, are deeply loved by Mr. Cangwu. Therefore, Mr. Xianger stabbed Mr. Cangwu with a knife, and Mr. Cangwu would show that he did not dare Believe, but want to protect your posture and pass away." Mao Li said slowly.

Hearing this, Xiangji Banmoto couldn't help laughing wildly, his waist bent when he laughed, and tears even flowed out: "Mr. This little son, can you tell me why it is your own son, and my father is not even willing to lend me a few million yen, and even scolded me, how can there be a father who loves his son so much in the world!"

Chapter 0085 Xia Jiang's decision

The old butler Suzuki couldn't bear it anymore: "That's because the master wants you to come back to manage the Qiben consortium. The master knows that you are not a chef, so the position of the consortium manager has always been reserved for you. Even the master has been unwilling to let Mr. Beilang go out to do it alone, because he is thinking that one day you will return to the Qiben consortium and take over smoothly."

Suzuki's old housekeeper was shocked when he said this, and everyone's expressions changed suddenly. Hokuro Hatakemoto couldn't help but sat down and let out a deep breath. It turned out that it was for such a reason that my father kept preventing me from leaving.

The old housekeeper Suzuki continued: "But Mr. Xiang Er focused all his attention on the restaurant that was impossible to succeed. In the end, the master was disheartened and wrote the heir of the consortium under the name of Miss Xia Jiang."

Hearing this, Xiangji Banmoto trembled uncontrollably, his face twitched unceasingly, and finally he closed his eyes tightly, with tears streaming from the corners of his eyes.

After a long time, Shoji Hatakemoto opened his eyes again and regained his composure. His hawk-like eyes stared straight at Kogoro Mori, but his words were still trembling: "Even if it's as you said, Dad The person I love the most is me, but it doesn't mean that I killed my father, Maori detective, you have no evidence at all to say that I killed my father."

Mori Kogoro couldn't help but narrowed his eyes and smiled.

"Mr. Xianger, this is really not a fun game. I once entered Mr. Xianger's room and found that the knives in your room were completely unused. Indeed, no one would be stupid enough to kill with their own knives." .Then what is the murder weapon?" Mori Kogoro turned his attention to the tableware area.

"Mr. Zangwu's wound has traces of being strangled. The piercing wound was not enough, so he swirled and stirred it vigorously, which caused the wound enough to bleed to death. As I expected, the murderous knife was right. It should be a table knife, tsk tsk, let me recall, when the dinner started at eight o'clock, Mr. Xianger, what were you doing?"

Mori Kogoro clapped his hands together: "Oh, yes, I remember that Mr. Xianger helped the housekeeper arrange the tableware in the tableware area. I think there must be a blood-stained knife in this tableware area. As long as the ship docks, You can see it by going to the Metropolitan Police Department to do a blood reaction, who made so many things happen tonight, everyone has no appetite to eat, so that no knife has cut the steak!"

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