After Mori Kogoro finished speaking, Hatakemoto Shōji's expression turned pale.

"However, this is not the key evidence. The key evidence is that during the power outage, in the darkness, the murderer was able to accurately attack Miss Xia Jiang and me twice. Sir, you don’t have time to throw it away, I don’t know if Mr. Xianger can let us search.” Ban Xianger collapsed to the ground in an instant with a pale face, and the night vision glasses in his arms fell off.

Mariko immediately rushed forward, grabbed Banner Xianger by the collar, and said excitedly, "Xiang Er, why did you kill Dad? Why did you kill Dad?"

Xia Jiang looked completely unbelievable: "How could Second Uncle Xiang do such a thing?"

Xiaolan looked at Mori Kogoro with adoring eyes, and Haibara's cold face evoked a smile. As for Conan, he couldn't believe it at all, his mouth was so wide open that his glasses slipped down without realizing it.

Qi Benxiang looked ashamed on both sides, and said: "It's a loan shark. Since my father rejected me last time, I have borrowed a loan shark secretly, but the hotel has lost more money. Those gangsters said that if they don't pay back the money, they will kill me. , I asked my father for help, but my father immediately rejected me when he heard that it was about the hotel."

"Later, I accidentally overheard what Qiujiang and you said in secret. Dad gave Xia Jiang all his property. In this way, I won't get half a penny. Those loan sharks will kill me. I was fascinated for a while. , I will do something to my father." Hōji Hamoto's gloomy face was full of remorse, he only realized today that his father, who was always strict, actually valued himself so much, but he was never good at expressing it.

Hōji Hamoto showed remorse on his face, and cried bitterly: "Father, I'm sorry for you!"


At this moment, a young man came out from the shadows, clapping his hands continuously: "It really is a wonderful reasoning, Maori Detective, thank you for washing away my grievances, I said that I didn't kill people .”

Caicheng Takehiko approached Xia Jiang with a smile on his face, and said: "Xia Jiang, I have finally regained my innocence. You must believe that although I approach you for a purpose, the person I really love is you. Our wedding tomorrow ..."

But at this moment, Ban Xiajiang's face was covered with frost, and he stretched out his hand and slapped Caicheng Takeyan: "Mr. Caicheng, you still dare to appear in front of me. Now that grandpa has passed away, our wedding will naturally be cancelled. Now we have nothing to do with each other, please get out of here."

Caicheng Takehiko immediately said: "Xia Jiang, don't be angry, although I lied to you, but the person I love is really you!"

Ban Xiajiang sneered and said, "Use such childish words to deceive others, Uncle Beilang, I don't want to see this hypocritical guy again, please ask the captain on the bottom floor to open the door and send this guy to the next floor."

Hearing this, Qimoto Beilang and Qimoto Kameo rushed forward to capture Takehiko, the rich city, and sent them to the bottom floor.

The rich city Wu Yan kept shouting: "Xia Jiang, listen to my explanation! Listen to my explanation!"

Kogoro Mori couldn't help but give a thumbs up when he saw Xiajiang Hatamoto's clean solution.Seeing this, Xiajiang Hatake smiled slightly at Kogoro Mori, but the smile quickly subsided.

Xiajiang Qiben approached Xianger Banner, with grief in his eyes, he said, "Uncle Xianger, you are obviously such a good person, why did you do such a thing, even if it is usury, just tell me, I will help You paid it back, why, why do you even want to kill me?"

When Banner Xianger heard this, he couldn't help but knelt down on the ground and kowtowed repeatedly: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Xia Jiang, it's uncle who's sorry for you."

There were tears in Xia Jiang's eyes, but he still tried to calm down, and said, "Second Uncle Xiang, no matter what, uncle is a murderer, so please go to the warehouse to rest for a night, and leave everything to the law. "

Naturally, Hatsumoto Hajimoto no longer resisted.

A group of people escorted Banner Xianger to the warehouse, and the outside of the warehouse was specially locked, and the key was kept by Xia Jiang.

The murder case that happened in this wealthy family was finally solved. Huiyuan looked at Xiaolan who was on the side with a pensive look on his face, and asked curiously, "Xiaolan, what are you thinking?"

Xiao Lan picked up Hui Yuan and said, "What an impolite little guy, if you want to call me sister, you can't teach me no matter what."

Xiaolan looked around and looked around, and whispered: "I was thinking, why Miss Mariko and Miss Beilang are cousins, and they can still get married and have children, and I seem to have seen a lot of people married by close relatives, Last time, the diplomat’s family also had older siblings who got married.”

After hearing Xiaolan's confusion, Huiyuan couldn't help but her head was full of black lines. Looking at Xiaolan's innocent and pretty face, she always felt that she was thinking about some dangerous things! !

And Conan walked up to Mori Kogoro, pretending to be innocent: "Hey, Uncle Mori, how did you find out that Uncle Xiang Er is the murderer?"

Mori Kogoro glanced at Conan, smiled, and said casually: "Nonsense, although he turned off the electricity, this guy came out to attack people in a big white suit, and even a little bit of moonlight is enough to see his suit clearly." Who else would he be? I have never seen such a stupid murderer."

But in fact, there was no light on the deck at that time, the moonlight was covered by dark clouds, and it was pitch black. Mori Kogoro couldn't see what the murderer was wearing at all. This was purely to fool Conan.

And Conan, who has the self-confidence of honey, believed it again, and couldn't help but look at Maori with contempt: Tsk, I thought it was deduction, but I didn't expect it to be another piece of shit luck, uncle, the deduction still depends on me!

Conan looked at the sky and smiled confidently.

Mori Kogoro looked at Conan who was completely limped by the fool, and his stomach ached from laughing.

Chapter 0086 Deck

The case was over, and it was past ten o'clock. Hokuro Hagimoto looked at Kogoro Mori with the look of a fanatic.

"I am so lucky to meet Maori Detective today. I found the real murderer for my father. Maori Detective. To express my gratitude, please let me entertain you tomorrow." Hokuro Hagimoto's gaze made Mouri Kogoro a little bit I can't stand it, it would be about the same if I replaced it with a soft and cute girl.

In any case, Mao Li and his party separated from the bald male fan and returned to their respective rooms. The four of them shared a room, and each went back to the room to wash.


On the deck, Xiajiang Hatake looked at the bright moon hanging in the sky, looked at the dark sea in the distance, and listened to the continuous whistling of the sea.

"Miss Xia Jiang, you seem to like looking at the sea very much!"

Hearing this, Xiajiang Banmoto turned around in surprise, and saw Kogoro Mori who had washed and changed his clothes, looking extremely handsome under the moonlight, like a knight.

Xia Jiang turned his head back, smiled and said, "Didn't Mr. Mao Li say that he and I have the same mind? Then, Mr. Mao Li, does Mr. Mao know what I am thinking now?"

Mao Li crossed her arms and frowned. She looked at Xia Jiang who had changed into a long pink dress. Her slim figure looked like an elf under the moonlight. The sea breeze blew and her black hair kept flying. There was a hint of a smile, and there seemed to be an inexplicable light in his eyes. "So many things happened today, Xia Jiang, your heart should be in a mess. Let me think about it, are you sad because of grandpa's death? It doesn't seem right, is it because your uncle became a murderer and wanted to hurt yourself? Shocked It doesn’t seem right, so are you angry because you suddenly found out that your fiancé married you with ulterior motives?”

Every time Mao Li said a word, he took a step closer to Xia Jiang, and finally came to Xia Jiang's side, his shoulder gently rubbed against Xia Jiang's shoulder, Xia Jiang did not back away.

Xia Jiang turned his head and smiled, the delicate makeup on his face was impeccable, and the temperament of the young lady was very moving: "Mr. Mao Li, you seem to have guessed wrong, the marriage between me and Xiao Wu was completely promoted by my grandfather, I Today I understand why Grandpa is in such a hurry to get me married, it turns out that Ichiro made the unreasonable request."

There was a smile on Mao Li's face, and he stretched out his hand to hug Xia Jiang beside him into his arms. He looked at Xia Jiang's delicate face under the moonlight, and said, "My reasoning has never been missed, Xia Jiang, you, yes Missing me!"

As soon as Mao Li said this, Xia Jiang fell silent, and his little face flushed.

Yes, how can a woman wash and dress herself in the middle of the night, wear a gorgeous dress, put on makeup, and then stand on the deck staring at the sea.

It just so happened that Xia Jiang and Mao Li's two solitary encounters started on this deck by the fence.

Seeing this, Mao Li didn't know what to do at the moment. Looking at the delicate face in front of him, he directly kissed Xia Jiang's pink lips, and his tongue attacked.

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