Mao Li's right hand quickly climbed up and occupied the high ground, grasping the delicate and elastic combination, while his left hand hugged Xia Jiang's waist, the soft girl is indeed the soft girl!

Xia Jiang's body was as if boneless, and soon he was close to Mao Li's embrace. Mao Li's palm kept moving, and the shadows of the two intertwined under the moonlight.


In the shadow of the deck in the distance, Ichiro Hatake saw this scene with a pockmarked face, his eyes glowed with jealousy, and he clasped his fingers tightly against the wall beside him, watching that the woman he deeply admired was actually with another woman. The man hugged and kissed heartily without any resistance.

Ichiro Hamoto felt as if thousands of poisonous snakes were gnawing on his heart, excruciatingly painful.

But Ichiro Hamoto didn't dare to go out to disturb him at all. Being inferior and timid, he only dared to be a voyeur, watching this cruel scene with his eyes tightly.


There was mist in Xia Jiang's eyes. She escaped from Mao Li's hot kiss, and blocked the big hand of Mao Li who was making trouble on her chest with her slender hands. Her green eyes were trembling constantly, and she spoke softly: "Mr. Mao Li, It can't be like this, it's too fast."

Mao Li's eyes were as deep as a whirlpool, and he said gently: "Xia Jiang, I said it today, a kind and beautiful girl like Xia Jiang will definitely meet her true love, and what I say will usually come true."

Hearing Mao Li's firm words, Xia Jiang immediately lost his resistance and kissed Mao Li again with a strong masculine breath.


Maori's five senses are extremely strong, and he had noticed that someone was spying on him before. It didn't matter before, but now that it's an important moment, he naturally doesn't allow others to spy on him. He used the primary psychedelic card and immediately created a small formation.

Standing in the shadows, Ichiro Hatake watched the end of the kiss between Mao Li and Xia Jiang in the psychedelic formation, stood together and talked, admiring the night, his expression softened.


Xia Jiang blocked Mao Li's big hand that stretched into her skirt: "Mr. Mao Li, you can't do such a thing. This kind of thing can only be done after marriage. Moreover, this is the deck, so you can't be here."

Mao Li kissed Xia Jiang's lips and said, "Xia Jiang, do you still remember the movie Titanic that we both like to watch? The reality is actually more incredible than the movie. Met a woman like you, and you are also just engaged, do you think this is fate? Now I want to draw a picture for you like in the movie, I wonder if you would like it? "

When Xia Jiang heard this, his heart beat extremely fast, his face was flushed red, his ears were emitting heat, even his fair neck was flushed, and his delicate little face nodded slightly.

The long pink dress was lifted up, and a moving female body looked extremely beautiful under the moonlight. Soon, a familiar and charming rhythmic sound was heard on the deck. (A thousand words are omitted here...)


Pockmarked face Ichiro Hatake squatted in the shadows, his body trembling constantly, the sea wind whistling constantly, he put his hands on his shoulders, looking at the two people who were still talking on the deck, he couldn't help wondering for a while: What is there to talk about? We chatted for three hours in the middle of the night.

But in fact, the two people on the deck were sweating profusely, and their bodies were extremely transparent.

Just after Ichiro Hagimoto was stunned, Mao Li and Xia Jiang finally finished their chat, but the scene in front of them was beyond comprehension for Ichiro Banamoto. While chatting, Mao Li hugged Xia Jiang directly, and then the two went to the cabin .

Ban Ichiro followed quickly, but watched helplessly as the two entered the same room, which was exactly Xia Jiang's room, and no one came out after that.

Ichiro Hamoto couldn't believe it, how could it be possible?After chatting for hours, the woman I have admired for many years is so easy to enter the same room with another man?Standing outside, Hatake Ichiro only felt that his world had completely collapsed.

Chapter 0087 Lan's Help

At the entrance of the Metropolitan Police Department, the people who had finished the transcripts were saying goodbye, but Kogoro Mori managed to get rid of the repeated invitations from the bald man with crazy fans.

A group of them stood by the taxi and waved goodbye to the Banner family.

Xia Jiang, who hadn't slept nearly all night, looked tired and rosy, yawned, and winked quietly at Mao Li.

Xia Jiang said last night that when the matter in Yokohama is resolved and he inherits the property of the Hatakemoto family, he will go to Tokyo to find Kogoro Mori. Kogoro Mori naturally has no objection to this.

And standing outside the crowd was Ichiro Hashimoto with a pockmarked face. He also had a sleepless night and his body was filled with low air pressure. It was so terrifying that no one dared to get too close to him.

Mori Kogoro and others got into a taxi and headed for the Shinkansen station.

Conan, who was sitting in the front seat, had his own dead fish eyes: Damn Uncle Maori, why did you let me sit in the front row again!

Conan caught a glimpse of Mori Kogoro who was sitting with Xiaolan behind him, teasing the high-cold loli, he couldn't help but coldly snorted: Sooner or later, you will be killed by this little poisonous snake!

It took only [-] minutes to return to Tokyo from Yokohama by Shinkansen. Two hours later, everyone finally returned to their warm and comfortable home.


The cold winter time flies quickly, more than half a month has passed, and the large and small cases that happened during this period are all simple cases. Mori Kogoro cooperated with Conan in acting with peace of mind, earning a lot of money. integral.

As the cases continued to be solved, Conan's self-confidence gradually returned.

I have to say that the aura of the Shinigami elementary school student is revealed as domineering sideways. Wherever he goes, Kogoro Mori's points are steadily brushed up to 34588.

And Haibara gradually integrated into the school, and was invited by Ayumi to join the young detective team in the school, and also solved some cases.

As for Mori Kogoro, he is also busy with some things. He helped Aso Makoto open a new clinic in Tokyo, and was hired by the Banner Foundation to be their consultant.

Moreover, Mori Kogoro has to constantly deal with the women hiding in various golden houses, appearing on shows from time to time, and his life is quite fulfilling and busy.


On December [-]nd, when Christmas was approaching, Mori Kogoro looked at Xiaolan who was cooking in the kitchen. At this moment, Conan and Haibara were both in school and hadn't come back yet.

Kogoro Mouri saw that Xiaolan was still wearing old clothes, so he couldn't help but ask, "Xiaolan, is the meal ready?"

"This dish is ready." Xiaolan took out the miso soup that was still boiling, and pinched her earlobe with her hot hands. The little cook looked extremely cute.

"Okay, just prepare dinner for Conan and Xiao Ai, let's go out." Mori Kogoro wrote on the note: Don't wait for us.Then he pulled Xiaolan out of the room.

Xiaolan hurriedly took off the cook's coat, and then followed Mori Kogoro down the stairs.

"Father, where are we going?" Xiaolan looked puzzled.

Mori Kogoro stretched out his hand to hail a taxi: "Of course I want to buy you new clothes, you child, the clothes are so old and you still wear them."

When Xiaolan heard this, her big eyes were filled with surprise, and she wrapped her arms around Maoli Kogoro's arm, and the two soft balls wrapped Maoli Kogoro's arm deeply: "Father, you are so kind!"

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