Then he avoided the eyes and ears of others, rented an inconspicuous sedan, and drove it to the FBI's new stronghold, an ordinary three-story house.

Soon, Akai Hideichi entered the house, and there were already two people sitting inside waiting.

One was James Black with glasses and a gray beard, and there was a savage hunk, Andre Carmel.

Judy was on a surveillance mission at the TV station and did not come to the meeting.

When Akai Shuichi saw the sudden appearance of the big man Andre, his green eyes narrowed slightly.

He recalled the past two years ago, how could this guy suddenly appear here.

Last time, it was his bad thing!

Black said: "Akai, you still recognize him, Andre came with this reinforcement."

Akai Hideo nodded to him, and it was a greeting.

Black asked, "What was the important thing you said on the phone just now?"

Akai Hideichi then narrated the transactions that Mori Kogoro said one by one, but he did not disclose other information except for this matter.

After listening to Shuichi Akai's report, Black tapped the table lightly with his fingertips, his eyes under the glasses were silent, and he was constantly thinking.

But Andrei said directly: "Who is that Mori Kogoro? He is so bold that he dares to threaten our FBI. I don't think we need to worry about him. If he dares to do something bad, I will take him down first."

Akai Shuichi's mouth curled into a disdainful smile.

Apparently Andrei just came to Japan, and he doesn't know the situation, and he doesn't know what kind of person Mori Kogoro is.

Black said: "You can't take him down. If this great detective really wants to sabotage our operation, then we can only withdraw from Japan obediently."

"In principle, I think this deal is feasible. If Kogoro Mori can really instigate Rena Mizumu, then the benefits will be much greater than if we arrest Rena Mizumu, but the details still need to be discussed."

"I remember that the relationship between Judy and Mori Kogoro is not bad, let her handle this matter, at least, if it is really possible to develop Mizuna Rena into a dark thread, then the information Moori detectives get from that organization must also Just share it with us, the FBI."

Akai Shuichi frowned when he heard that Black wanted to hand over this matter to Judy, feeling a little uncomfortable.

He had a vague feeling that his ex-girlfriend Judy seemed to be too close to Mori Kogoro.

The fact that she completely trusted Kogoro Mori during Operation Full Moon last time and acted with him without notifying the rest of the FBI was suspicious enough.

And recently, Judy's attitude towards herself has been completely different, she is completely indifferent to an ordinary colleague.

Let her handle this transaction, I don't know if it is a blessing or a curse.

But there was no other more suitable candidate, and it was impossible for him to see Mori Kogoro again, so Akai Hidekazu didn't raise any objection.

Chapter 0075 The Battle of the Sisters

Minmei and Huiyuan's little pink tongues stuck out, and the two sisters shared the same strawberry ice cream.

Huiyuan held the ice cream in her small hands, and turned her head sideways to deal with the crepes next to her, while Minmei focused on licking the big strawberries on top.

The faces of the two women were somewhat satisfied, and they didn't dislike each other's saliva, but maybe the ice cream was so delicious that the two women forgot everything else.

But they didn't know how much impact this scene had on Mori Kogoro, it was so tempting!

Seeing two pairs of extremely similar blue eyes filled with tenderness made Kogoro Mori even more dazed.

Especially when Xiao Huiyuan's head kept rising and he and his sister started grabbing food, that little pink tongue touched Mingmei's tongue inadvertently.

Although it was instant, that scene alone was enough to make Mori Kogoro boil instantly.

He couldn't bear it any longer, snatched the ice cream from the mouths of the two girls, and then grabbed the two girls with both hands, showing strange strength, and carried the two sisters on his shoulders.

One left and one right, one big and one small, one mature and one immature, completely two styles of girls.

Both women exclaimed at the same time.

"Kogoro, what are you doing?"

"Big pervert, what are you doing?"

Mori Kogoro's eyes were full of fiery fireworks, and he didn't answer. He patted the two girls' buttocks with his big hand, and then went to the bedroom with the two girls on his back.

He was in no mood to wait for the initiative of the two sisters.

Soon, the bedroom door was slammed shut, and not long after, a stirring movement was played.

However, it is clear that the prelude to this movement is the singing of a little girl.

In the evening, under the setting sun, Lexus drove slowly towards Maori's house.

Mori Kogoro did not obey the traffic rules, he was not wearing a seat belt, and there were two people sitting in the driver's seat.

The little loli Haibara is like a koala bear, with limbs hanging on Mori Kogoro, resting in his arms.

The car was driving extremely slowly, and it had already been entrusted to the Ant-Man robot to help drive.

Mori Kogoro caressed Haibara's small soft back with both hands, his face was full of satisfaction.

As for her elder sister Mingmei, she was so tired that she fell asleep long ago, resting in the apartment, with countless Ant-Man robots guarding her.

Huiyuan half-opened his hazy eyes, glanced out the car window, and said softly, "Uncle, are we going home?"

Little Lolita was so tired that she fell asleep just now, and now she has slept for ten years.

"Of course I have to go home, but Xiao Ai must stay by Uncle's side, so that Uncle can rest assured."

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