Hearing this, Huiyuan showed a warm smile, and the profile of his face was reflected in the setting sun, looking extremely beautiful.

This look was so cute, Kogoro Mori stepped forward and rubbed Huiyuan's little cheek with his own cheek.

Huiyuan laughed loudly: "Haha, uncle, don't be like this, your beard is very itchy!"

"Stop playing, if you play again, I'll pluck your beard, haha!"

"I'm so screwed, you bastard!"

There is a happy atmosphere in the car.

Little Loli couldn't break free, and smiled for a long time before she got used to the itching of the beard.

In the end, she pinched the mustache on the right side of Mori Kogoro with her little hand, and raised her little head with a smug look on her face.

But soon she thought of something, she let go of Mori Kogoro's beard, and said, "Uncle, you know everything about me, but what about Conan?"

"After meeting him in the morning, he kept asking me about my family and where I was going during this time. How should I answer him?"

Hearing these questions from Haibara, Mori Kogoro was a little troubled.

When I left Nikmai TV today, Conan originally wanted to catch up with the solar skateboard.

However, Mori Kogoro has been monitoring his movements, so he drove the Ant-Man robot to destroy his skateboard, which prevented the little devil from following him.

Tell Conan the truth about this little devil, Mori Kogoro will never do this.

Conan didn't find anything in the battle of the full moon, and he didn't participate in it. Now that the situation has developed to the present, he is even more useless and completely reduced to useless.

Then lie to him with Xiao Ai, it's easy anyway.

If you can't cheat, there are system props!

By exchanging a few psychedelic talismans, he can tamper with his relevant memories, or ask Hongzi to mix some magic potions, or ask Fusang to help him perform a sealing technique to seal his memories, there are many ways.

Perhaps for Conan, ignorance is a kind of happiness!

Kogoro Mori began to fabricate the experiences of the past few days with Little Lolita, and the two confessed to each other.

The two kept discussing, and soon came up with a seamless statement.

As soon as the discussion was over, the car arrived under the office.

Mori Kogoro got out of the car with Haibara in his arms, and went directly to the second floor, where he saw Yukiko sitting on an office chair, and Xiaolan looking at the fan letter on the table.

The two girls looked very excited, and they read out the disgusting letters from time to time.

And Conan, who was lying on the sofa, flipped through the TV channels speechlessly, wishing that the sound of the TV would cover up the sound of the letter reading: Mom is really, what's so good about a letter to uncle!

"Father, Xiao Ai, you are back."

Xiaolan was the first to notice Kogoro Mouri appeared, so she quickly called the two to have dinner together.

"Great, we can have dinner, Aunt Yukiko, let's go upstairs!"

But You Xizi pouted: "Xiao Wulang, I thought I could have your dinner tonight, so I waited here for so long, I didn't expect you to come back so late, and you won't be able to eat 'food' again. "

Yukiko obviously had something in her words, but with Conan present, she spoke very cryptically.

Mori Kogoro understood instantly, and chuckled lightly: "I'm sorry, Yukiko, I have something to do this afternoon, and next time I'll make a special meal for you to apologize."

Hearing this, You Xizi nodded in satisfaction: "Okay, I will remember."

Hearing the conversation between the two, Conan realized that his mother was not here to accompany him, but to wait for his uncle's cooking.

He suddenly felt speechless, and couldn't help rolling his dead fish eyes.

However, soon his sight was attracted by Haibara in Mori Kogoro's arms.

After disappearing for a week, what did Huiyuan do, and what happened to her family?

All of this has become a mystery, and what role does Uncle Maori play in this?

This time Conan decided to ask for clarification.

Soon, the five of them came to the third floor and sat down at the dining table.

To the left of Mori Kogoro is little loli Haibara, to the right is Ran, and opposite is Yukiko.

And Conan sat next to Yukiko.

Chapter 0076 Xiaolan, you are much better than your mother

Xiaolan's culinary skills have become more and more exquisite under the training of Mori Kogoro.

Although Yukiko complained that she didn't eat Mori Kogoro's food, but after tasting Xiao Ran's food, she didn't hesitate to praise her.

"Hey, Xiaolan, your cooking skills have really improved, especially this seafood pot, which is almost comparable to your father."

"Fortunately, you have inherited this aspect from your father. If it is inherited from your mother, it will be miserable."

Xiao Lan said modestly, "How can I, I am far worse than my father's cooking."

"Don't be modest, Xiaolan, you are much better than your mother, you don't know, recently your mother likes to study new dishes, I am miserable..."

"Cough, cough, cough!"

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