Mori Kogoro coughed a few times quickly, and Yukiko realized that these juniors didn't know that she and Eri lived together.

This can't be revealed, so she laughed dryly, and Xiaolan and Conan suddenly looked puzzled.

Xiaolan asked, "Aunt Youxizi, have you seen my mother recently?"

Xiaolan has been living a bit of happiness recently, and she is very guilty of facing her mother, so she doesn't dare to go to Yingli's apartment again, and she doesn't know that Fei Yingli has moved.

And Fei Yingli didn't mention it to her daughter.

Youxizi admitted generously: "I have seen it before! Yingli and I are best friends, Xiaolan, please help me persuade your mother not to let her learn cooking again, she is not that kind at all." material."

And Conan glanced at You Xizi with dead fish eyes: "Aunt Yu Xizi, you have been in the United States recently, didn't you come back yesterday because of the movie? When did you see Aunt Concubine!"

You Xizi suddenly panicked: "Well! It was yesterday, your concubine and auntie and I have a good relationship, and we will meet as soon as we get off the plane, can't we?"

"Little devil, just ask questions and concentrate on eating."

"Oh!" Conan, who was annoyed by his mother, buried his head and went to eat.

Conan now has a very clear understanding of his own position. At home, he is the bottom of the ecological chain, and anyone can hate himself.

He had already resigned himself to his fate and lay flat like a salted fish.

There was a smile on the corner of Mori Kogoro's mouth, he looked at Yukiko who was very embarrassed by being forced to ask, and suddenly found it very interesting.

Seeing his schadenfreude smile, Yukiko couldn't help kicking Mori Kogoro's calf resentfully.

But it doesn't break the defense at all, it's completely itchy.

Before Yukiko retracted her beautiful legs, Mori Kogoro flexibly clasped Yukiko's right leg with both legs, and almost pulled him off the seat, and Yukiko's body staggered suddenly.

However, she is worthy of being the top actor, and she is very good at dealing with this situation, so she pulled the chair forward without attracting the attention of other people at the table.

Mori Kogoro glanced at Yukiko, and flashed a smirk.

He threw off the slippers, his legs controlled Yukiko's beautiful legs and landed on the ground, and then lightly stepped on the soles of her feet with his left foot.

Obviously it didn't use much force, but Yukiko's right foot seemed to be suppressed, and she couldn't move at all.

Immediately afterwards, Mori Kogoro stepped on Yukiko's calf nimbly with his right foot, and then stepped up step by step.

Today's Yukiko is wearing an orange top and a beige long skirt on the lower body, but obviously this beige long skirt can't hinder Mori Kogoro's footsteps.

Soon, Mori Kogoro stepped on Yukiko's thigh with his right foot, but he still didn't stop, and couldn't help laughing smugly.

A look of panic flashed in the eyes of Yuxiko who was sitting across from him.

But Xiaolan and Conan are there!How could he be so bold!If you find out about the entanglement underneath, you will die!

Yukiko quickly winked at Mori Kogoro, signaling him to let go of herself.

But Mori Kogoro pretended not to see it, and lowered his head to taste his daughter's cooking. The double-headed abalone in the seafood pot today is indeed very good.

Suddenly, Yuxiko's pupils constricted for a while, her nose contracted slightly, she gasped, her right hand trembled slightly, and the sea cucumber caught on the chopsticks fell off.

Xiaolan raised her head and asked with concern: "Auntie Youxizi, is it because the sea cucumbers are not delicious? Or, you can try this abalone, the meat is juicy and watery, it's just caught today!"

Xiaolan scooped out the full abalone from the soup with a spoon and put it in Yukiko's bowl.

"Actor's Self-cultivation", this course You Xizi learned very well.

Her face returned to normal in an instant, her body was completely under control, she didn't tremble at all, but there was a smile on her face: "Thank you, Xiaolan."

But when Xiaolan looked away, she glared fiercely at Kogoro Mouri.

If eyes could kill, Kogoro Mori would probably be riddled with holes.

There was also an abalone in Moori Kogoro's bowl, but he didn't eat it, instead he poked it with his chopsticks in a wicked way.

Seeing this scene made Yuxiko almost unable to control herself.

She clenched her silver teeth tightly: This bitch!

But You Xizi didn't dare to show the slightest abnormality. Although she was constantly attacked, she still had to talk and laugh happily on the surface, and she couldn't relax in front of her son.

As expected of an almost god-level acting skill, the other three people at the table couldn't see anything unusual.

Treating Yukiko like this in front of his daughter and Conan was extremely exciting, and Mori Kogoro was extremely happy.

After eating this dinner for a long time, Conan, Huiyuan, and Xiaolan all left and went to the living room to watch the news.

Kogoro Mori naturally stopped his movements, stopped his chopsticks when he was full, and looked at Yukiko with a smile on his face.

And You Xizi was still sitting where she was, still moving her chopsticks to eat, she had been talking just now, and she didn't eat much.

But those beautiful eyes glared fiercely at Kogoro Moori, and the children had gone to the living room, so she didn't try to hide it, and whispered: "Goro, you're dead this time."

Mori Kogoro said softly: "Don't say it so loudly, Conan is still paying attention here secretly."

Yukiko glanced at it. Indeed, Conan, the kid, was shaking his head and looking like a mouse, as if he was peeking at what was going on here, so she kept silent.

Conan always felt that his mother and Uncle Maoli were a little weird, and he was very concerned, so he couldn't help but want to peek.

Chapter 0077 is the adult world so open


Seeing Yukiko viciously dealing with the dishes on the table, Mori Kogoro smirked: "Yukiko, was it once or twice just now?"

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