Facing the operation of Mori Kogoro's climbing along the pole, Kuroba Chikage was stunned for a while.

However, soon she fell into Kogoro Mori's arms cooperatively, with her head pressed on his shoulder, crying louder, with her two small hands wrapped around Kogoro Mori's waist.

hiss! ! !

This dribbling and hitting someone is too cruel, I didn't expect Kaito's mother to be so predictable.

Thinking of the wonderful touch on the chest, Kogoro Mori ignored Chikage Kuroba's little hands that were moving in the dark for the time being.

Kuroba Chikage thought how clever her technique was, but Kogoro Mori didn't discover it.

She took a peek at all the things on Mori Kogoro, and put them back in place after confirming that there was nothing to gain, and then installed a monitor on his waistband.

Mori Kogoro hugged Kuroba Chikage's body tightly, stroking her soft back with both hands, smelling the fragrance of the beautiful woman, taking advantage of it.

He still said some words to coax the children: "Ma'am, the deceased is gone, Mr. Pirate One has been gone for eight years, you should let it go."

"Maybe in another world, he still hopes that his wife can live happily every day."

Listening to the extremely gentle and magnetic voice, I was hugged so hotly by Kogoro Mori.

Kuroba Chikage only felt ripples in her heart, and smelling this masculinity, her body gradually had some strange reactions.

Gradually, she panicked.

Chapter 0083 The Fall of Kaidou’s Mother

Kuroba Chikage hadn't been this close to the opposite sex for many years, and her heartbeat gradually accelerated.

The feeling of Kogoro Mori's embrace was unique to her, the comforting voice, the big fiery hands, the nice smell, they were all the same, they were all too good to be picky.

Kuroba Chikage's heart throbbed slightly, her body reacted involuntarily, her waist wanted to go limp.

This is also normal, men and women are attracted to each other, just like a man holding a stunning beauty with big breasts and wide buttocks, most of them will react.

Women sometimes have stronger desires than men, and the masculine Kogoro Mori is completely a walking hormone, and the effect is even more significant for Chikage Kuroba.

It's just that women are natural actors, and they are very good at covering up in this respect. Even if they have some physiological reactions, they will not be exposed as easily as men, so they give the world the illusion.

However, the subtle changes of this beautiful woman could not be hidden from the alert Kogoro Mori, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

His voice became more and more gentle: "An elegant lady like Mrs. should have the right to seek true happiness instead of clinging to a dead love for a lifetime."

Hearing this, Kuroba Chikage's heart trembled slightly, and a look of panic flashed across her lavender eyes.

How is this going?Isn't Detective Mori here because of Kaito?No, he just said that he was looking up 'Pandora's Stone', why is he talking about these now?

Could it be that these words are just a cover, his real target is me! ! !

Before Chikage Kuroba could make a judgment, Kogoro Mori kept moving his hands down Chikage Kuroba's waist, and quickly grabbed a position with excellent elasticity.

Kuroba Chikage's lavender pupils kept shrinking: How dare he do this?

She immediately pushed Kogoro Moori's body away, her beautiful eyes narrowed slightly, her mouth opened slightly, and her voice became cold: "Detective Maori, I consider you a friend, that's why I let you in, how dare you act so shamelessly?" Regarding the matter of etiquette, don't you think that you can do whatever you want with the name of a detective!"

Sure enough, she was the calm lady phantom thief, and she made a gesture of resistance in an instant.

It's a pity, if you speak more firmly, your voice doesn't tremble, your eyes are more fierce, and your eyes don't flicker, maybe you can drive away the thick-skinned Mori Kogoro.

Now this posture is not enough to resist this seasoned fighter.

Mori Kogoro's deep eyes seem to be full of tenderness, and those eyes that can discharge electricity are even more unbearable, and the blazing heat in his eyes seems to be able to burn her.

Kuroba Chikage looked away, but faced those eyes.

"Sorry, ma'am, you are so beautiful, I can't control myself, please forgive me!"

Hearing this, Kuroba Chikage trembled even more.

Mori Kogoro's big hand was withdrawn in an instant, but instead he grabbed Chikage Kuroba's wrist and pressed it against the back of the sofa.

Before Chikage Kuroba had time to react, he quickly kissed the beautiful woman's pink lips, which was really sweet and extraordinary.

The aggression was like fire, and Kogoro Mori began to crazily ask for the sweet taste.

Kuroba Qianying's heart trembled violently, her pupils burst, and she was stunned for two seconds before realizing what happened, and her body struggled desperately.

But the body completely suppressed by Mori Kogoro couldn't make any waves at all, and the soft body kept twisting and rubbing, but it gave him the ultimate enjoyment.

Mori Kogoro let go of Kuroba Chikage's small hand, and wrapped his arms around his waist.

Chikage Kuroba continued to pat Kogoro Mouri's shoulders and back with her small hands. At first, she tried hard, but gradually with the kiss, the strength weakened, and the more she patted, the weaker she became.

In the end, the beautiful woman gradually responded under the constant guidance, with both hands wrapped around Mouri Kogoro's neck.

Her heartbeat was so fast that she fell into Kogoro Mori's undisguised fiery offensive.

When Mori Kogoro's big hands continued to climb along the clothes, and finally climbed to the huge peaks.

There was a sound of exclamation, followed by the sound of the plate falling to the ground.

Fruits are scattered on the ground.

Xiaolei opened her mouth wide in surprise, eyes full of disbelief, staring blankly at this scene.

What the hell?Just now, he dismissed himself with a serious face, thinking that they were going to talk about something serious, but they hooked up when he left!

It's incredible!How did the teacher become like this, when did she have a new boyfriend, and if she was really in such a hurry, why didn't she go to the room, what kind of trouble was it in the living room?

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