Hearing the exclamation, Kuroba Chikage's eyes suddenly regained clarity, and she tried her best to push Mouri Kogoro away, and quickly explained: "Xiaolei, it's not what you think!"

"When you came out just now, Detective Maori tripped and fell on me. It was all a misunderstanding."

Xiaolei nodded, didn't look at the two of them again, and squatted down to sort out the plates and fruits on the ground: Teacher really thinks I'm a fool, this excuse is too bad!

It’s not anime, whoever just falls down can kiss mouth to mouth, and Detective Maori’s hands are just clutching his chest, and teacher, your hands are all around Detective Maori’s neck, I’m really blind !

Xiaolei, who was squatting on the ground to tidy up, raised her head and chuckled lightly: "So that's the case, teacher, I thought you were going to find me a new teacher!"

Kuroba Chikage blushed with embarrassment at these words.

Seeing that the atmosphere became weird, Kogoro Mori said, "Madam, thank you for your help today. It's getting late, and I'm leaving too."

Kuroba Chikage immediately replied, "I'll see you off."

The two quickly walked out of the living room with chopsticks, changed their shoes at the entrance, and left the villa.

Kuroba Chikage was forced to kiss Mouri Kogoro just now, although she was a little ashamed and annoyed, she couldn't bring up her hatred for Mori Kogoro.

Mori Kogoro beside the car said, "Okay, madam, you don't need to send it off, go back."

"Today's cake is delicious, I like it very much."

"But it's time for me to get down to business. Kidd won't be able to escape my grasp this time."

Hearing this, Kuroba Chikage's pupils shrank: "Maori-kun, are you kidding? Didn't Suzuki's flying ship fly away long ago? How could you catch Kidd if you didn't catch up with this ship?"

Mori Kogoro laughed lightly: "Shanren has his own tricks." Sure enough, Kuroba Chikage still cared about her son.

"If Ma'am doesn't believe it, you can make a bet with me."

Kuroba Qiankage's eyes were full of disbelief: "How do you bet?"

"If I caught Kidd today, the next time I see Madam, Madam will treat me to a 'cake'. Otherwise, if I don't catch Kidd, then I will grant Madam a wish, how about it?"

Hearing this, Heiyu Qianying looked quite strange, but she was also quite confident in her son, so she agreed: "It's a bet!"

"Then let's stamp it first!"

As soon as the words were finished, Kogoro Mori put his arms around Chikage Kuroba's jade neck, kissed Chikage Kuroba's pink lips heavily, then turned around and got into the car, started the car instantly, and drove away.

Kuroba Chikage was left alone, staring blankly at the car going away: This is me, have I been kissed forcibly again?

Chapter 0084 female thief mentor?

The black Lexus was galloping, and Kogoro Mori in the car grabbed it with his hand, still amazed.

I didn't expect Chikage Kuroba's breasts to be so big. It was even bigger than Eri's. Although it was not comparable to Fujiko's G cup, it was still an extremely terrifying F cup.

I'm afraid you have to use both hands to control it.

In front of the villa, Chikage Kuroba gently covered her lips with her hands, as if there was still a trace of lingering charm, and the scene just now kept flashing back in her mind.

Why did he respond so strangely?

Her little face became more and more blushing, and she looked extremely charming like a blooming violet.

A small head poked out from the door behind him, Xiaolei smiled lightly and said, "Teacher, the Maori detectives are gone, so don't be a watchdog!"

Kuroba Chikage immediately turned around: "You girl, see if I don't tear your mouth apart, what nonsense are you talking about!"

"Help, the teacher is going to kill someone!" Xiaolei immediately ran away laughing.

The gate was closed, and the two girls started a unique chase in the villa.

Xiaolei was running ahead, stepping on the sofa and the reliefs on the pillars nimbly, and climbed to the second floor in no time, extremely vigorous.

And Kuroba Chikage is worthy of being a lady of the phantom thief. As soon as she raised her hand, a rope hook hung on the chandelier on the ceiling.

She controlled the switch, and the rope retracted automatically. As soon as her body accelerated, she swung briskly to the second floor like a Spiderman, heading straight for Xiaolei.

Xiaolei turned around and started running in the corridor on the second floor. She ran all the way and pulled out all the doors and windows, leaving a roadblock for Chikage Kuroba.

The black feathers and thousands of shadows behind him flicked left and right like a butterfly piercing flowers, jumping up and down, constantly biting.

The two of them jumped up and down in this villa, flying back and forth, moving and shifting like a blockbuster movie, master and apprentice fighting each other, watching Mori Kogoro enjoy it.

Before leaving, Kogoro Mori exchanged for a nano camera to stay, and it really paid off.

This Xiaolei's skills are not inferior to Kuroba Chikage in the slightest, so it seems necessary to investigate.

In the end, the chase naturally ended with Kuroba Chikage's victory.

The two beauties were dripping with sweat, and Kuroba Qianying clasped Xiaolei's arm, pressed it on the carpet, panted and said, "You girl, you can run so fast, do you want to exhaust me to death?"

"Let me tell you, I have forgotten everything you saw today. If you dare to tell Kaito, Hitomi and Ai, you will die!"

Xiaolei reacted very quickly, and said, "Hey, teacher, why am I here? Aren't we making cakes? Why are you pressing me down?"

Kuroba Chikage was very satisfied with this statement, so he let go of his arm: "It's not too bad, but if Kaito knows, I'll take you as a question!"

"Teacher, what are you talking about, why can't I understand anything!"

And on the flying skyship, Yukiko looked hopeless, her head was getting bigger.

The enthusiastic Sonoko, the extremely clingy Ayumi, the Haibara who spits out from time to time and stabs a knife, and Xiaolan who has been restraining herself all the time.

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