At this moment, she was extremely looking forward to the appearance of Kogoro Mori and returning his identity to him.

At this time, Yuan Tai asked curiously: "Sister Yuanzi, how did Kidd respond to the challenge?"

Yuanzi took out his mobile phone: "Uncle Jijiro forwarded the message to me, let me read it."

"I'm very glad to receive your invitation on the flying boat, but I can't bear to see you at the age of seventy-two get into six hours of tension. Therefore, I will sail into Osaka on the flying boat at four o'clock in the evening. When you are in the sky, come to receive the treasure as promised!

--Phantom Thief Kidd"

Mitsuhiko opened the mouth and said: "So when we get to Osaka, Master Kidd will show up!"

Dr. A Li asked, "Are there other people on board besides us? Could Kidd be among those people?"

Sonoko put his head on his head and thought: "Oh, I remembered that Uncle Jikichiro invited the staff of Nikmai TV to shoot his autobiographical movie, but it seems that only a few people came."

Say Cao Cao Cao Cao is here!

As soon as the words were finished, several people came over and stood in front of Yuanzi and the others.

Independent reporter Teng Gang Longdao said, "Are you talking about us? But Kidd is not among us. Before we got on the boat, the police officer with the mustache grabbed our faces and confirmed it."

A total of four people came here, namely a middle-aged fat man wearing glasses, and the producer of Nichimai TV station, Masaki Mizukawa;

There is also a young woman in a pink blouse, who is Xia Guxia, the reporter who broadcast the interview;

And the young man with a portable video recorder in his hand is the photographer Junpei Ishimoto of this broadcast;

There is only one person left, but he is not a staff member of Nikmai TV, but an independent reporter.

It was precisely because he wanted to record the battle that he recommended himself to board the ship. He was wearing a yellow leather jacket and his face was full of beards. His name was Teng Gang Longdao.

Xiao Lan hesitated: "A police officer with a mustache who likes to pull his face, shouldn't he be?"

Sonoko nodded: "Yes, the police officer Nakamori who failed to plan the operation before and was played as autistic, he came out of the mountain again, and, Xiaolan, you don't know, Qingzi also boarded the boat."

"Really?" A look of surprise appeared on Xiaolan's face.

"Of course, she originally said that she didn't want to get on the boat to distract Dad, but she still boarded the flying boat at my kind invitation. She should be with her dad now, and we'll see you later!"

"Great!" A smile appeared on Xiaolan's face.

And Dr. A Li said suspiciously from the side: "For a TV station as big as Nikmai TV Station, why did it send three people to broadcast Kidd's program? This is too rash!"

Producer Masaaki Mizukawa touched his forehead and explained apologetically: "It was because of the terrorist attack of the red Siamese cat. Police Chief Odagiri held a press conference this morning and began to deploy operations. Tairi All the reporters are following up on the matter over there, and there is not enough manpower, so we only sent a few of us over there."

Dr. A Li suddenly realized and nodded: "I see!"

Female reporter Xi Guxia said with a worried face, "I don't know what kind of bacteria those terrorists stole from the National Institute of Microbiology to cause such a big fight?"

Photographer Junhei Ishimoto replied: "I heard that it is a super strong bacteria with a fatality rate of [-]%. It can be transmitted through the air and saliva. It is a terrible thing."

On the other hand, Yuanzi patted his small chest: "It's okay, everyone is on the airship now, even if there are super bacteria, they can't attack the airship in the sky."

Yuanzi opened his mouth and ordered: "Let's go, Xiaolan, uncle, let's go up to the viewing platform above to see the gems together!"

As soon as the words fell, everyone followed Yuanzi and took the elevator up.

Chapter 0085 This is too strange!

The elevator is surrounded by glass products, and the distance from the bottom to the top viewing platform is more than [-] meters.

Everyone saw the structure inside the flying ship. They were all connected by steel passages, connecting up and down, supporting the whole flying ship. The scale is really huge.

There are also giant helium bladders at the top that provide upward buoyancy.

All the young people looked at this scene in amazement, while the photographer Shi Ben kept taking pictures of the left and right structures.

Soon, the glass elevator arrived at the viewing platform, and the children couldn't help but gasp in amazement as soon as they entered.

This viewing platform is similar to a deck covered with a glass cover, which can see the scenery above and to the left and right, and standing on the glass floor at the edge, you can overlook the whole situation.

Ayumi couldn't help but said, "Hiss, what a big and close cloud, it looks like cotton candy!"

As soon as everyone entered the viewing platform, they saw Jijiro Suzuki, Officer Nakamori and others.

Besides the bodyguard, the old man had a pet dog Lupine beside him, and Nakamori Ginzo led his men to confront him, and the scene was quite heated.

Qingzi timidly watched this scene from behind.

"I said you guy, why did you put such a precious gemstone in such an ordinary glass cabinet? Are you going to give this gemstone to Kidd?"

Suzuki Jikichiro mocked: "Of course a stupid police officer like you doesn't know the mechanism of this glass cabinet. Don't worry, as long as Kidd dares to come this time, I will definitely catch him."

Jijiro Suzuki thought of the mechanism he had carefully prepared, whether it was a bulletproof glass cabinet, a spring glove controlled by fingerprint matching, a sensitive electric shock mechanism, and a floor trap controlled by a keyboard.

No matter which one Kidd triggers, he will definitely be caught by himself.

He laughed smugly at the thought.

At this time, Qingzi saw a group of people coming out of the elevator, and his eyes were instantly attracted by 'Moori Kogoro'.

She hurried up to meet him, and was about to run in the direction of 'Maori Kogoro', when she heard Xiaolan's voice: "Qingzi!"

Qingzi could only adjust his direction and run towards Xiaolan: "Xiaolan!"

Not long after, the two girls who looked very similar held hands and hugged each other.

"Qingzi, long time no see, I miss you so much."

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