At an altitude of thousands of meters, in a flying ship sailing smoothly, in the resting room on the second floor.

The glass on the window refracted the sunlight, casting a faint gleam on the two girls.

The appearance of the two women is almost exactly the same, like twins, even the blush on the face is very similar.

The two girls are trapped in an illusion at this moment, the little angel is lying on the bottom, while Qingzi is lying on top of her, stacked together, like a water snake entangled.

The four plain hands are intertwined together, and the four beautiful legs are like two M letters overlapping, the pores are open, and there is a little sweat hanging from the body, all of which are extremely crystal clear and exude an amazing beauty.

The turbulent movement in the psychedelic array is still playing.

Qingzi turned around, and embraced the little angel face to face, the two women's chests pressed against each other, the contrast was particularly obvious.

One with big breasts, one with small breasts; one with E cup, and one with improved but not upgraded, still B cup.

If Qingzi was not in the psychedelic formation at the moment, seeing such an astonishing gap, he would definitely be too ashamed to face it.

And in the dining room of the flying ship, Yukiko stayed with the little loli Haibara.

Yuxiko was still very concerned about little Lolita's posture and gaze last night, so she sat on the sofa next to Huiyuan.

Haibara glanced at Yukiko who was leaning over, and stopped talking to her.

Her icy blue eyes stared at fashion magazines: As the head of the internationally renowned Prada brand, it is natural to maintain a very high aesthetic, so as to bring the group to another peak.

Little Loli thought so.

You Xizi opened her mouth to get closer: "Xiao Ai, I think you like this Prada bag very much, how about buying one for you, auntie?"

Haibara almost burst out laughing, the entire Prada Group is his own, why should others buy it for him, Yuxiko is really wrong.

She glanced at Yukiko: "You want to please me?"

This was so straightforward that Yukiko who was drinking juice almost choked.

Yuxiko laughed twice, stroked Huiyuan's brown hair with her small hand, and said softly.

"Xiao Ai, you can't talk like that. Auntie thinks Xiao Ai is cute and wants to buy a gift for her!"

Huiyuan broke free from the hand on his head, and continued to speak: "You still want to please me?"

Hearing this, You Xizi's forehead twitched continuously: What a nasty little devil, why is he so difficult to deal with?

There was a smile on the corner of Huiyuan's mouth: "Let's talk about something, don't bother me while I'm reading."

Looking at the little ghost with the appearance of a little adult, You Xizi barely controlled herself, and said tentatively: "Xiao Ai, last night Auntie saw your face was a bit strange, did you see anything unusual?"

"If you see anything strange, remember to tell your Uncle Maori, or you can tell me. Uncles and aunts will deal with it, but don't tell others!"

You Xizi still suspects that the little loli Huihara saw what happened on the sofa in the living room last night, so she hopes to bribe her to keep it a secret.

At the very least, Xiaolan and Conan should not know about this matter.

Only then did Huiyuan understand Yuxiko's reason for coming, and couldn't help laughing secretly.

This woman is really unnecessary. Last night in the bathroom, my uncle had already persuaded herself with a stick education, but now it seems that my uncle hasn't told her yet.

Mori Kogoro actually wanted Yukiko not to worry when the toilet appeared, but he disappeared after eating lunch.

Seeing that he was gone, Youxizi was worried that no one would deal with the matter, and Huiyuan leaked the word, so she had been guarding Huiyuan, and now she was going to go on stage to seal the silence.

A hint of cunning flashed in Huiyuan's ice-blue eyes, she pretended to be a little girl, and said cutely: "I saw what happened on the sofa last night, auntie, uncle is hitting you with a stick, okay?" Terrible!"

Yukiko's face instantly became tense.

The cute loli voice continued: "When I got up in the morning, I saw Conan sitting on the sofa. I remembered what happened last night, so I told Conan,"

You Xizi's face suddenly changed: "What?" Her whole body tensed up.

"But before I said it, Conan ran to eat breakfast!"

Little Lolita was panting so much when she spoke, it made Yukiko feel like she was on a roller coaster.

She wiped the sweat from her forehead, yes, if Shinichi really knew, it would be impossible to be so calm until now!

Little Loli laughed badly, and the cute Loli voice continued: "Afterwards, I wanted to tell Sister Xiaolan that fighting is bad after all, I want Sister Xiaolan to persuade her."

"So I found sister Xiaolan who was making breakfast in the kitchen and told her about it,"

You Xizi's face changed drastically again, and she began to make up her mind: Did Xiaolan know?No wonder you kept asking me where I went in the morning?No wonder you didn't give me a good face all morning!

Little Lolita Huiyuan gasped again: "But sister Xiaolan has been concentrating on breakfast and didn't hear what I said."

Hearing this, You Xizi felt like riding a roller coaster again, and regained her sense of relief.

No, this girl is clearly playing tricks on herself, she has never told anyone, and now she has been coaxing herself.

Yukiko was about to teach Huiyuan a lesson, but when she raised her head, she saw that little Lolita was in a very different state.

At this moment, Huiyuan folded his hands on his chest, his small face was cold, and his ice blue eyes were full of adult charm, exuding the aura of a little queen.

It was as if the little girl who spoke the cute words just now was not her.

Huiyuan's tone became cold: "Don't worry, uncle has already told me, I haven't told anyone about your relationship, let alone Conan."

Yukiko was stunned, why does this feel so much like Eri!

And shouldn't this be an ordinary little girl?How is it like talking to an adult.

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