Huiyuan continued to speak: "Also, Uncle Mao Li is also my boyfriend, so don't do too much in my house, go out and play if you want to play."

Little Lolita has already regarded Maori's house as her own by default.

You Xizi was stunned for a moment, then laughed with a 'puchi'.

She stretched out her little hand and gently touched Huiyuan's little head, and said, "Xiao Ai, it's too early for you to find a boyfriend, you have to grow up to have a boyfriend! "

"Your Uncle Maori belongs to Aunt Xizi, not yours. Grow up quickly, and you can find your own boyfriend."

Haibara broke away from Yukiko's hand again, and a small smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "Oh, but, uncle said that he would be with me forever and ever!"

"Also, Aunt Yukiko, do you still remember the 28 I told you? I measured it myself."

Hearing this, You Xizi was completely stunned, her mouth was wide open, her face full of disbelief.

Chapter 0090: Blue and Blue Mixed Colors

There was an extra smile on Huiyuan's face that didn't belong to her age. She seemed to be smiling, and she continued, "I measured it inch by inch with my body!"

Hearing this, Yuxiko really lost her composure, her pupils kept constricting, she pointed at Huiyuan, her lower lip kept trembling, and she couldn't speak.

Oh my god, how could Kogoro attack such a young child, is this against the law?

Moreover, he is so big and she is so small, can he fit in?

No, what was I thinking, why did I think of this.

It is absolutely impossible to do this, and if Eri finds out, Kogoro will definitely be sent to prison.

No, I have to correct Kogoro.

At this moment, Yuxizi's face was unpredictable, and everything she was thinking was displayed on her face.

Seeing Yukiko's expression, the little loli Huibara felt as comfortable as eating ice cream in the dog days.

As the saying goes, those who are close to vermilion are red and those who are close to ink are black, Haibara's bad taste is completely learned from Mori Kogoro.

Little Lolita saw that the fire was almost ready, so she turned to say, "I'm kidding you, auntie, you really believe it!" After she finished speaking, she laughed.

You Xizi suddenly looked at the little girl in front of her with resentment, and for the first time in her life, she had the urge to hit someone.

At this moment, You Xizi couldn't tell which sentence Hui Yuan said was true and which sentence was false. She just felt that she was being played around by a brat, and she was very ashamed.

Looking at the little girl who was laughing triumphantly, Yukiko took a few deep breaths before suppressing her anger and the urge to teach the child a lesson.

She didn't want to talk to Haibara any more, and planned to ask after Mori Kogoro appeared.

In the rest room, the magnificent movement is still playing, changing into a beating drum-like drum beat, every time, it is extremely powerful.

Xiaolan and Qingzi, who were deeply in the psychedelic formation, were sitting together, one in front and the other behind.

The two women face each other like a mirror image, their beautiful legs are curled backwards, and their jade feet are arched, very playful and cute.

The two women put their hands together, their pretty faces were blushing, their big eyes were half-closed, full of bewilderment, their expressions were generally the same, just looking at their small faces, they really thought they were looking in a mirror.

They seem to be completely unable to control themselves by this phantom formation, the pores on their bodies are all open, countless fine sweat seeps out from them, exuding an extremely sweet body fragrance, and the white jade body covered with sweat looks radiant.

The psychedelic formation seemed to be getting more and more intense, the two women couldn't bear it anymore, their bodies trembled slightly, and finally leaned against each other weakly, hugging each other.

Kidd, who was outside the door, still wanted to eavesdrop on the movement in the room.

What's the matter, how long have you been in, and you still haven't come out?

He had just gone up to the observation deck to survey the site of the 'Lady of the Sky' gemstone, and came back anxiously to confirm the situation here.

It's a pity that the door of the room was never opened, and he didn't hear anything.

He didn't dare to use the lock to break in, so he could only keep pawing at the door.

Kidd really didn't want to steal this time, he just wanted to confirm Qingzi's situation.

On the other side, the third member of the Death Detective Group spread out a structural diagram, which was the internal structure of the flying ship.

Genta, Mitsuhiko, and Ayumi all looked at the structure diagram with smiles, obviously the three were about to start a new round of death.

Yuan Tai said: "Let's avoid the doctor and Conan later, first explore the flying ship, and then go in and take a look inside, how about it?"

"Yes!" "Yes!"

Both Mitsuhiko and Ayumi raised their hands, but quickly put them down again. Then, Sanxiao sneaked out of the restaurant while the doctor and Sonoko were talking.

But Yuantai ran the slowest, and was hit by a waitress' sneeze.

Although he grumbled a few words, but when he thought of exploring, he ignored the waitress and ran away with Ayumi and Mitsuhiko in front.

After experiencing most of the functional areas in the flying boat, the three young generals sneaked into the flying boat from the passage next to the elevator.

Looking at the criss-crossed steel and iron bones in front of her, Ayumi couldn't help exclaiming: "Hiss, it's exactly like the inside of a whale!"

Yuan Tai unfolded the structural diagram in his hand, and gave orders: "Okay, let's go to the head of the whale first."

Sanxiao began to tremble on the steel frame inside the empty spaceship.

After a while, Dr. Ali in the restaurant realized that Sanxiao was missing, so he came to Conan's side and asked, "Shinichi, have you seen Ayumi and the others?"

Conan remembered seeing Ayumi Mitsuhiko raising his hand before, rolled his dead fish eyes, and said, "I think they are probably exploring on the boat!"

Seeing Dr. Ali's anxious expression, Conan said, "Okay, I'll go find them. Doctor, just wait here!"

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