Conan planned to set off to find Sanxiao.

At this moment, the independent reporter wearing a yellow wallet, Teng Gang Longdao screamed.

He turned around, his whole body exposed to the air was covered in red rashes, and he looked terrible.

"You save me, you save me!"

The scene suddenly became chaotic.

Photographer Junhei Ishimoto said in surprise: "What's going on, why does his appearance look exactly like the bacterial poisoning reported in the news!"

"Help me, save me, I don't want to die!" Teng Gang Longdao struggled and walked slowly towards the crowd, like those infected zombies.

Conan watched this scene solemnly, and prepared the anesthesia needle on the watch, intending to stun him.

At this time, Teng Gang Longdao fainted on the ground as if he had no strength, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

But one wave after another, Tenggang Longdao fell down, and the waitress next to him also fell down.

Conan took a closer look and found that the waitress' arms were also covered with red rashes.

It was the waitress who sneezed on Yuantai just now.

His face immediately changed, Yuantai couldn't be infected too, right?

Suzuki Jijiro said: "What's going on, why did they all fall down one by one?"

At this time, he received a text message on his mobile phone, and Suzuki Jijiro sent out the text message.

"Mr. Suzuki Jikichiro:

We have put bacteria stolen from the National Institute of Microbiology on the smoking room of this spaceship. I don’t know if you have found the test tube bottle we put the bacteria in.This time, it can be regarded as repaying the "kindness" of the Suzuki family to us ten years ago!

--Red Siamese cat"

Hearing this, everyone's expressions changed wildly.

And Suzuki Jikichiro said: "The key clue to catching the red Siamese cat ten years ago was indeed provided by our Suzuki family. Could it be the revenge of those terrorists this time?"

Nakamori Ginzo said: "Don't talk so much, let's go and check if there is this bottle in the smoking room first."

After that, the two of them went to the smoking room with their hands, and Conan followed quietly.

Chapter 0091 two women who are extremely trustworthy

Soon, everyone came to the door of the smoking room.

Nakamori Ginzo gave an order, and the policemen wearing gas masks and gloves entered the smoking room, and sure enough, they found the released test tube bottle under the sofa.

They took the vial and withdrew from the smoking room.

Immediately afterwards, everyone went to the bar next to them to contact the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department.

Toshiro Odagiri in the Metropolitan Police Department heard the news and immediately ordered to compare the pictures sent over. Sure enough, it was the test tube bottle of the National Institute of Microbiology.

Toshiro Odagiri made a decisive decision and let the Metropolitan Police Department's plane catch up to the slow flying ship.

As soon as Miwako heard that Mori Kogoro and his party were on board, she volunteered to board the plane.

Because the destination of the flying ship is Osaka, the Osaka Prefecture police also took action, and the two places cooperated and cooperated. Hattori Heizo and Toyama Ginjiro began to deploy a combat plan.

Originally, the police planned to block the news, but the red Siamese cat took a step forward and posted the news on the Internet that the airship containing deadly biological bacteria was heading for Osaka, which immediately caused great panic.

After Conan on the ship eavesdropped on the results of his contact with the Metropolitan Police Department, his face was also very ugly, so he hurried to the interior of the flying ship, trying to find Yuantai who was very likely to be infected with bacteria.

Conan entered the steel frame structure inside the flying ship. With his understanding of Sanxiao, he quickly found Yuantai and the others who were playing an adventure game.

"Yuantai, are you alright?"

Sanxiao still looked carefree and didn't know what happened on the boat.

Conan told the three of them what happened very quickly.

Hearing that there were deadly bacteria in the smoking room, the three of them panicked.

Especially Yuantai, he was not only sneezed by the infected waitress, but also sneaked into the smoking room by himself before coming out.

The little fat man Yuantai suddenly cried: "So I'm about to die? I don't want to die!"

At this moment, Conan found that someone had secretly opened the entrance on the top of the flying ship, and his expression changed drastically.

Soon, twelve fully armed terrorists climbed in from the opened door, each with real guns and live ammunition, wearing masks, exuding a ferocious aura.

Conan immediately commanded Sanxiao to hide.

Relying on their small size and the dark surroundings, the four of them escaped the sight of those terrorists.

The group of terrorists began to install bombs inside the flying ship, and then rushed out of the flying ship.

Seeing that the group of terrorists had disappeared, Conan ordered the third child to help find the bomb, and he was going to dismantle the bomb first.

As soon as this group of terrorists invaded the airship, Mori Kogoro, who deployed robots for monitoring, knew about it.

But he really couldn't get away at the moment, he was completely restrained.

Facing Xiaolan and Qingzi who are deeply trapped in the psychedelic formation, they must be dealt with first. Xiaolan has long physical strength and is the main attacker, and Qingzi is constantly attacking from the side.

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