Finally, his left hand passed through the bend of Reina's leg, and his right hand wrapped around his jade neck. Mori Kogoro picked up his soft body and walked towards the bedroom.


Dive into the abyss!

A stirring movement played in the bedroom!The singing is melodious and enduring!

And at Kuroba's house, Kuroba Kaito is shutting himself up in his bedroom.

All he could remember was the black pigeons flying all over the sky yesterday, and then he fell unconscious.

After waking up, he found himself collapsed in Kubado Park in Tokyo, and then he returned home in a daze.

Turning on the TV, Kuroba Kaito saw the overwhelming news, all of which were broadcasting yesterday's terrorist attack in Osaka.

Watching the man on the TV stand tall, but I just became a prisoner, tied in a cage as a foil.

Hei Yu quickly clenched his fists, his face full of unwillingness.

Why?Why is there still no way to defeat this man!

Do I have to live in the shadow of Mori Kogoro for the rest of my life?

Kaito Kuroba didn't even pay attention to who was saving him behind, he went upstairs to his room like a walking dead.

Regardless of the mess on his body, he fell directly on the bed, covered his head with the quilt, and remained motionless.

And in the basement of a cafe, Kuroba Chikage, Xiaolei, and Xiaoai, who had rescued Kaito before, were all in the basement.

The basement is very vast. Obviously this is the secret base of Qianying's master and apprentice. The basement is evenly divided into four equal parts by glass walls.

At the entrance is a luxuriously decorated leisure area, covered with expensive carpets and various antique oil paintings.

Kuroba Chikage and Xiaolei sat elegantly on the sofa drinking coffee, watching the surveillance camera of Kuroba Kaito on the screen.

Further up is the tool area, which is very simple, with a big iron table, various weapons on one wall, and various mechanical appliances on the other wall.

Xiao Ai was wearing a mask, sitting in front of the iron table with an electric drill, and was fiddling with something. The sparks sparked with lightning, and her big eyes were full of excitement.

On the right is the training area, in the middle is a boxing ring, and densely packed training equipment hangs on the wall.

The upper right corner is the rest area, with two large beds, decorated very warmly, with aromatherapy lit, and the quilt on one bed is still raised, obviously someone is sleeping.

Xiaolei on the sofa glanced at Kaito Heiyu on the monitoring screen, and said, "Master, your son's psychological endurance is not good enough, he won't be able to hold on, how can he inherit the prestige of his master like this!"

Kuroba Chikage glanced at Xiaolei, but did not answer, and took a sip of her coffee.

"But that's right, Master is planning to find a new master, so it doesn't matter if you don't want the name of Kaitou Kidd, right, Master?" The daring Xiaolei continued to tease Kuroba Chikage.

Kuroba Chikage put down the cup, Tankou opened lightly and said, "Xiaolei, I remember you threw a total of seventeen kunai on the airship, and you didn't hit a single one. Torn clothes."

"It seems that the throwing I taught you didn't practice well. Go, practice again for me. Before six o'clock tonight, I want to see your Kunai break through six targets."

Xiaolei immediately complained: "Master, you're avenging your own private revenge, it's too cruel, can five of you do it?"

Kuroba Chikage lightly smiled and stroked Xiaolei's big wavy black hair, and said, "No, after all, I don't want my good apprentice to be exposed again by someone!"

Xiaolei's face immediately flushed with embarrassment: "Did you see it?"

"Of course, Master's eyesight has been trained and he can see clearly. Do you need me to describe it to you?"

"No need!" Xiaolei immediately stood up, took Kunai, and ran towards the training area.

Kuroba Chikage's triumphant laughter echoed in the leisure area.

Hearing this laughter, two plain white arms protruded from the quilt on the bed in the rest area.

The girl who just woke up stretched.

Then she straightened up and sat up, her long straight black hair flicked up, and there seemed to be a little more sweetness in the air.

The girl lifted the quilt, revealing a pair of shapely and slender legs, which turned over and stepped on the carpet.

The suspender nightdress could not conceal her proud figure at all, and there was a deep groove on her chest, which was obviously another stunner.

Chapter 0115 Rena's Tenderness

The moving movement in the room is still going on, and the soprano is still very clear and beautiful, mourning for a long time.

Kogoro Mori kissed Reina Minzumu's white cheek lightly, gently grasped her high ponytail with his big hand, his eyes were full of tenderness.

But this female agent had a pitiful face, and her azure blue eyes were full of mist. She had never experienced such a strong stimulation.

He heard the sound of Kogoro's breathing coming from his ears, and that breath hit his left ear, making his left ear even hotter and redder.

Her cheeks were flushed, her mouth was slightly open, the temperature in the air seemed to have risen a lot, all the pores of her body were opened, countless sweat seeped out, hanging on her skin, it was really touching.

Her forehead was also covered with fine sweat, which wet the few strands of dumb hair, and the dumb hair clinging to her forehead made her look even more adorable.

Mori Kogoro had a chuckle on his face, and he still had time to smooth his brow, before he nodded in satisfaction.

The gorgeous movement is still going on.

Kogoro Mori reached out and hugged Rena Mizumu's waist, hugged her up and sat down, and in an instant, Rena Mizumu's soft chest leaned against Kogoro Moori's firm chest.

He bent his head and kissed Murena's pink lips, enjoying the sweetness. Under the sun, this scene was as beautiful as a picture scroll.

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