The beautiful movement stopped, as if switching to the next record, and the room suddenly became quiet.

Mori Kogoro hugged the female agent in his arms, with a slight smile on his mouth, gently patted her soft back with one hand, and grabbed Reina's small hand with the other, counting the plain fingers.

It's hard to imagine that such a female agent has such a cuddly side.

Rena Minzumu was lying sideways on Kogoro Mori, with her slender legs resting on Kogoro Mori's lap, as if clinging to and trusting the man beside her.

Mori Kogoro said, "Rena, Ekai, Reina, Ekai, which name should I call you?"

Rena Mizumu rubbed Kogoro Mori's chest, and said softly, "It's all fine!"

"Forget it, I'll call you Liannai, it won't be good to save you from being exposed accidentally."

"Now it's time to talk about business, Reina!"

Rena Mizumu immediately reached out and patted her chest: "Big pervert!" Obviously she misunderstood the so-called 'business' again.

Mori Kogoro laughed lightly, and hugged the beauty in his arms tightly: "Now is the real business, not the 'business' you think!"

"Lianna, I think you also faintly sensed that someone is following you!"

Sure enough, falling in love will make a woman's IQ drop. When she heard this, Shui Wurennai was a little confused, and she couldn't help but said: "Xiao Wulang, you have already completed the investigation, didn't it be that child who did it?"

"That kid isn't going to follow you to the TV station in a car. I'm talking about the real stalker, the FBI."

"You are being targeted by the FBI!"

Rena Mizumu frowned, and she also felt a little troubled when she heard this, so she couldn't help but hesitate and said, "Shuichi Akai?"

"That's right, it's the FBI agent who specializes in killing teammates, who has nothing to do as an undercover police officer, or your CIA undercover agent, Shuichi Akai."

"Before you have been going in and out of the new hospital where Belmode is located, which aroused their suspicion. In addition, FBI agents detected information about Kiel's activities in Tokyo, so they naturally focused on you."

"They have been following you for a long time, even the staff in the radio station have their disguises."

"However, this matter has been settled by your husband and me."

Hearing this, Rena Minzumu immediately patted Kogoro Mori's chest coquettishly.

"Who is your wife? I didn't promise you!"

Mori Kogoro patted his buttocks with his big hand: "Oh, do you think you can escape? It seems that I won't be able to teach you a hard lesson."

His fiery hands swam away again, and Shui Wurenai immediately begged for mercy in fear: "Yayu, okay, you are my husband, husband~, husband~!"

He also made a special long sound, and heard Mori Kogoro nod in satisfaction.

He just retracted his hands, continued to hug Lianai and said: "The group of guys planned to attack you in a few days, and wanted to arrest you."

"I told them that I had a way to instigate you, and that's what made them stop."

"Hmph, what can you do to instigate me?"

Mori Kogoro immediately shook his body triumphantly: "Beauty trick!"

Rena Minzumu immediately reached out and slapped Mori Kogoro wildly, and bit him on the shoulder angrily.

It was not easy for Kogoro Mori to appease him, and continued: "But there is a price for this, and this operation you organized is the price of this deal between me and the FBI."

Shui Wurena couldn't help being taken aback: "What, Kogoro, you even detected our actions."

Mori Kogoro smiled complacently: "Do you still remember the day I met you at Xinchu Hospital last time? You have a document bag in your hand, but I have peeked at it."

"It's easy to deal with you, little girl." Mori Kogoro stroked his hair proudly, but Mizuno gave him big eyes.

"Even if the files in your file bag are written in codes, they are easy to decipher. The target of the assassination is DJ--Tumen Kanghui."

"The father was the former Minister of Defense. He himself was promoted from the Ministry of Defense and became a member of parliament. He is determined to change Japan."

Hearing this, Rena Mizumu looked shocked again, the same expression as when she first saw Kogoro Mori.

Kogoro Moori gently lifted his chin, and continued to speak: "Okay, don't be surprised, you haven't even seen how powerful your man is!"

"The FBI found you, and it's impossible not to give you some sweets, so I can only exchange Tumen Kanghui's information for your safety."

"But Liannai, don't worry, when the time comes, you will act as usual, don't show your feet, and just protect yourself."

"Leave the rest to me, and I will sabotage this operation."

Hearing this, Shuiwu Lianai breathed a sigh of relief, and she was very happy that she didn't have to kill others anymore, so she nodded gently: "Well, I'll listen to you!"

Mori Kogoro gently hugged Reina's body, his eyes were very gentle, he couldn't help but said: "It's just Reina, do you want to leave that organization?"

"As long as you want to stay by my side, I guarantee that no one will hurt you. If anyone in your organization dares to appear in front of me, come and kill one."

"When I launch the boss behind the scenes, I'll take them all in one go and avenge your father, how about it?"

These words are very tempting to Rena Mizumu, she also wants to live with the man she loves, and believes that Kogoro Mori can do it.

But no!Her current status, the title of Keir, was obtained at the expense of her father's life.

This undercover identity is extremely important to her, and she will never give it up.

Those azure blue cat eyes showed guilt: "I'm sorry, Kogoro, I can't promise you."

"Okay!" Mori Kogoro also understood Rena Mizumu very well, so he didn't mention it a second time.

"Let's not talk about that, Xiao Yinghai seemed to question my beauty trick just now, I am very angry, I have to let Xiao Yinghai see it again."

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