In less than three hours, the battle in the villa finally came to an end.

Judy slumped on the bed weakly, she murmured: "Xiao Wulang, why does it feel like you've become stronger again, it's really killing me!"

Mori Kogoro smiled lightly. Before he even displayed his third level of skill, the big ocean horse had already been defeated.

Invincible is so lonely!

He lowered his head and kissed Judy's forehead, and said softly, "You have a good rest, I still have commissions to deal with!"

Judy, who was already very satisfied, naturally would not have any objections. She raised her little hand and waved it weakly, as a farewell.

Mori Kogoro left Judy's villa, took a taxi and went to Eri's villa.

He has always been devoted to Yingli's matter, and Yukiko said it, so he naturally won't ignore it.

As for the organization's next move, the time has not yet been determined.

I'm afraid that the group of hiding mice will not act until Rena Mizumu makes an appointment to interview Kanghui Tumen!

Chianti, the dark thread he had planted by himself, was currently training marksmanship in California, USA.

It is time for them to act when Chianti comes to Japan.

Mori Kogoro in the taxi was thinking silently, when the cell phone rang, it was Kobayashi Chengko's call.

As soon as the connection was made, Cheng Zi's joyful voice was heard.

"Xiao Wulang, do you know? I'm going to be a juror tomorrow, and I'm the first teacher in Didan Elementary School to be a juror!"

"Really? Chengzi is too powerful, which case is it?"

"It can't be said that we have a confidentiality agreement."

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro remembered which case, it should be the difficult case Fei Yingli encountered.

In this way, the opponent must be Madonna Kujo Reiko among the prosecutors!

Mori Kogoro laughed softly: "Chengzi, I will also go over your jury case tomorrow, you have to work hard!"

"Liar, you don't know which case it is."

Mori Kogoro laughed loudly: "Why don't you come and make a bet, if we meet tomorrow, you have to agree to the request I made before!"

Xiaolin Chengzi immediately realized what he was talking about, and hurriedly refused in panic: "Daba, I already said that the school is absolutely not acceptable."

"School is a very sacred place, so what if children see it?"

Sure enough, Chengzi was still as innocent as ever, but the more unwilling she was, the more interested Kogoro Mouri became!

"Okay, let's talk about it when we meet tomorrow. If the school doesn't work, let's ask Miwako and Yumi to go to the hot spring together."

Hearing this, Cheng Ziqiao's face turned bright red, soaking in the hot springs sounds pretty good!

Oh, it's so embarrassing, it's a group of people together again.

The taxi soon arrived at Fei Yingli's villa, and Mori Kogoro noticed something weird when he got out of the car.

The original house plate with the word "Tengfeng" disappeared.

He quickly became alert, and he didn't take out the key to open the door when he came to the door. Instead, he rang the doorbell and waited for someone inside to open the door before entering.

"Hey, Xiaolan, why are you here?" Xiaolan smiled sweetly when she saw Kogoro Mouri, bent down to change the slippers for Kogoro Mouri, then walked to the living room with her arms around Kogoro Mouri go.

"It was Conan's suggestion to come here to see if we can help my mother's case, so we came here."

"Where are Conan and Xiao Ai?"

"Xiao Ai didn't come, she said she was going to the library, and Conan was in the toilet." Then Xiao Lan leaned her head and said softly, "He ate mom's dark food and had diarrhea all afternoon."

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro mourned for Conan for a second. Fortunately, he helped eat it first, otherwise it would definitely fall into his belly.

Goro Mori came to the living room and saw two beauties on the sofa, Eri and Yukiko, one dignified and the other smart.

As soon as Eri saw Mori Kogoro, a gleam of joy flashed in Danfeng's eyes, but he quickly hid it again.

Yukiko said, "Xiao Goro, you are finally here, and Eri has been waiting for you for a long time!"

Yingli was still as cold as ever: "Who has time to wait for others, I have been busy with my case."

While speaking, she flipped through the file in her hand.

Mori Kogoro didn't mind either, he leaned directly against Eri and sat next to her, with most of his body against her, in a completely intimate gesture.

He reached out and took the file: "What case, let me take a look."

The husband and wife read the same file together, and their heads almost touched.

The case in it is the assassination of the president of the real estate company Shi Huan, which is the same as the case in Mori Kogoro's memory.

Xiaolan looked at the intimate posture of her parents, the violin and the violin, and the harmony. She seemed to be recalling the scene she saw in her childhood, and she almost burst into tears!

But her mood at the moment is extremely complicated.

Perhaps it was because Xiaolan's gaze was too direct, Yingli Qiao's face flushed, she got up in a little panic, and walked to the kitchen: "I'll make coffee for you."

Eri's craftsmanship is not reliable, but he doesn't want to end up with Conan, so he winks at his daughter.

The tacit understanding of Xiao Lan came to her senses, and immediately followed her: "Mom, I'll cook with you."

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