As soon as the two left, the fragrant wind hit.

Yukiko's delicate body sat on Mori Kogoro, and the buttocks touched by her legs were extremely elastic.

Yukiko put her arms around Mori Kogoro's neck, and said coquettishly, "Kogoro, Shinichi has already noticed something between us, what should we do?"

Mori Kogoro put his arms around Yukiko's slender waist: "What else can we do, our relationship, he is your adopted son, we can never keep these things from him forever."

"The key is to find the right time to tell him."

"Has Yusaku ever said when he will come to Japan? Asking Yusaku to tell him the truth may make it easier for Shinichi to accept."

Yukiko shook her head: "I'm not very clear about Yuzuo."

Mori Kogoro pecked Yukiko's pink lips lightly: "Okay, don't be too nervous, let nature take its course, hide it if you can, and it doesn't matter if he finds out if you can't."

"This kid is almost an adult, and his psychological endurance is quite good."

Although Kogoro Mori said so, if everything about himself and Yukiko, the fact that Conan's father was a eunuch, the matter of Conan's adoption, and the matter between himself and Xiao Ran' were all exposed, then Mori Kogoro would guess Not sure if he can bear it.

Chapter 0120 Dad, don't tell me, I understand

In the kitchen, Xiaolan was taken aback when she saw that her mother was planning to throw the red beans and cowpeas into the coffee grinder.

The coffee beans are the black ones next to them, and my mother is still the same as before.

She hurried forward and said, "Mom, let me do it!"

After finishing speaking, she took the hand without any explanation, and pushed Fei Yingli aside.

Concubine Yingli looked at her daughter tenderly, and said with a light smile, "Xiaolan is getting more and more virtuous, she has grown up, and she is ready to marry soon. Is there a boy you like?"

Hearing this, Xiaolan's heart rose to her throat: "Mom, what are you talking about, I don't have it, hahahaha!"

She was so nervous that her tone of voice changed.

Fei Yingli joked, "Where's the detective boy?"

Xiaolan was stunned for a while, and it took a long time to realize that it was Kudo Shinichi, so she quickly said: "He, he has been missing for a long time. The last time I saw him was in Shibuya. I saw him with other girls. together."

Seeing her mother's strange expression, Xiaolan rolled her eyes: "Mom, Shinichi and I are just friends, what are you thinking!"

"I don't want to marry, just stay with my parents for the rest of my life!" Xiaolan said this from her heart, but Fei Yingli took it as a joke.

"Okay, okay, don't get married, my daughter is so beautiful, so don't worry!" Fei Yingli stroked Xiaolan's long hair.

Xiaolan found that it was too dangerous to talk about these topics with her mother, so she changed the subject and asked, "Mom, are you and Dad getting back together?"

Xiaolan is very concerned about this issue, and the intimate gesture of the two of them just now can explain the problem.

"And why did you move to this villa, why don't you go home?"

Hearing these questions, Fei Yingli was a bit at a loss for answers. She was reunited with Kogoro, but she also accepted the existence of Yukiko, which was the state of two women serving one husband.

But how to explain these things to Xiaolan, Feiyingli evaded: "Don't worry about adults' affairs, children."

Hearing this, Xiaolan couldn't help wrinkling her nose: "Hmph, I'm not a child. If you don't tell me, I'll ask Dad!"

In the living room outside, Mori Kogoro hugged Yukiko, and walked around Yukiko's perfect waist and beautiful legs with his big hands, enjoying the beauty's tenderness.

And Yukiko held the dossier and showed it to Kogoro Mori.

This kind of treatment is no different from that of the old masters in ancient times.

But Mori Kogoro's ears were pricked up, and he was listening carefully to the movement coming from beside him.

When the door of the toilet opened in the deep corridor, he reached out and patted Yukiko's buttocks.

Youxizi understood immediately, and obediently got up and sat aside, turning into a dignified and elegant guest again.

Soon, Conan appeared with his hands on his stomach. He stayed up all afternoon, his face was extremely pale, and he couldn't lift his spirits when he saw Mori Kogoro appear.

Mori Kogoro laughed and said: "Conan, do you want to stay for dinner later? Your Auntie Eri's craftsmanship has improved a lot. Do you want to give it a try?"

Hearing this, Conan was terrified, and waved his hands repeatedly to refuse.

Seeing Conan's expression, Mori Kogoro laughed mischievously.

Soon, Fei Yingli and Xiaolan came out with coffee, smelling that the aroma was from Xiaolan's handwriting, Mori Kogoro began to taste it with confidence.

Mori Kogoro closed the file, took a sip of coffee, and said, "Eri, what's so difficult about this case?"

Fei Yingli sat next to Mori Kogoro, took the dossier, and turned over the photos of the scene.Then she pointed at the photo and explained affectionately: "The deceased, President Shi Huan, was assassinated in his own home. Two people reported the incident to the police."

"The first one is Yukie Hara, the nanny who was cleaning on the second floor, this woman in her [-]s; the other is the deceased's brother-in-law Tsukano Hiroshi, who is also the manager of President Shihuan's company"

"But this time the suspect, that is, the defendant I'm defending, is Toshio Iwamatsu who fled nearby and was caught. He is a thief."

"He left many footprints and fingerprints at the scene, and his clothes were still stained with blood when he was arrested."

"I always feel that he hasn't told me the truth and doesn't cooperate very much. In addition, Jiutiao will prosecute him for burglary and homicide. It is still very difficult to acquit him."

"Tomorrow morning is the time for the court session. If there is no evidence to reverse the situation, even I am not very sure this time!"

Mori Kogoro nodded slightly, but the defendant did not cooperate. As a lawyer, he was really helpless.

But there is no need to be nervous. Tomorrow is just the first trial. Kogoro Mori has plenty of ways to get the defendant to cooperate.

At this moment, You Xizi stood up and said, "Okay, I won't bother you and your wife to settle the case, Conan, come with me."

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