With Conan present, Yukiko naturally has to play the role of a good guest. She also has a Kudo family in Japan, and it was enough to spend a day at Mori's house before.

Now that Conan is looking at it, he can't stop going back to Kudo's house.

"I'll take Conan to see his stomach first. It's not good to have a stomachache all day long."

"Eri, don't try your three-minute cooking in the future, it's easy to cause food poisoning!"

However, Fei Yingli refused to admit it: "Nonsense, Xiaolan and I will be fine after eating."

Shake the pot clean in the words.

Conan rolled the eyes of the dead fish, but he didn't dare to complain, so he could only obediently follow Yuxiko out of the villa.

The two got on Kiko's Alpha car and drove towards the hospital.

There are only three members of the Maori family left in the villa.

While Fei Yingli was going to the bathroom, Xiaolan sat beside Mori Kogoro, hugged his arm intimately, wrapped his arm with her domineering chest.

She asked seriously, "Dad, have you reunited with Mom?"

"You must have gotten back together. Mom wouldn't take the initiative to sit so close to you before, right?"

Although I never told Xiaolan, there is no need to hide this matter, Mouri Kogoro nodded: "It's okay!"

Hearing this answer, Xiaolan became entangled, her mood was completely mixed.

The joy is that the long-cherished wish of many years has been fulfilled, and the worry is self-evident, and I feel a little bit hungry.

"Then why don't you let your mother go home?"

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro was also very tangled: "This situation is a bit complicated..."

Kogoro Mori still wanted to explain more, but Xiaolan seemed to realize something suddenly: it must be because of me that my father didn't let my mother go home to live.

"Dad, don't tell me, I understand everything!"

For a moment, Xiaolan's big eyes were full of tenderness, and she obediently offered a sweet kiss.

Chapter 0121

I haven't said anything yet, how come you understand?

Mori Kogoro was quite surprised by this.

But he was also happy to enjoy his daughter's tenderness without further explanation.

Xiaolan's small head was leaning on Mori Kogoro's shoulder, with a happy smile on her face.

Mori Kogoro suddenly remembered the text message he just received, it was from Xiao Ai, saying that she was staying overnight at her sister's house tonight.

This girl was captured by Minmei's curry rice again!

As for Conan being brought back home by Yukiko, no one was home at the office.

Mori Kogoro had a thought, and said, "Xiao Lan, Xiao Ai said that she will spend the night at Ayumi's house tonight, and there is no one at home today, why don't we spend the night here, I can accompany your mother tomorrow Look at this case."

At this time, Yingli returned to the living room, just heard this, and said happily: "Okay, let's spend the night here, Xiaolan, sleep with mother tonight!"

"Speaking of which, our mother and daughter haven't slept together for a long time."

As soon as Xiaolan saw her mother appear, she quickly let go of Kogoro's arms, pretended to be happy, got up and put her arms around Fei Yingli, and said, "Great, our family is finally reunited."

Seeing her daughter so happy, Fei Yingli smiled lightly on her face.

She then turned her head arrogantly: "Okay, just Xiaolan is here, and I will show mercy and reward you with a delicious meal!"

Hearing this, the father and daughter's expressions darkened at the same time.

Xiaolan quickly said: "No need for mom, you've worked too hard and you're still busy with the case, so let me do the cooking for you."

However, Feiyingli had a firm expression on her face: "No, Xiaolan hasn't eaten her mother's food for a long time, she must miss it very much, it's okay, mother will show you Xiaolu today."

Xiaolan wanted to cry, but she didn't miss it at all!

In the afternoon, Conan ate the cake made by Xiaolu and was sent to the hospital.

School will start tomorrow, and she doesn't want to lie in the hospital on the first day of school.

Xiaolan caught a glimpse of her father at the side, and quickly said, "Mom, Dad should cook this dinner."

"Father is too bad. Two days ago, he went to the TV station to cook for the female anchor in his free time. He didn't cook for us at home. Do you think he should be punished!"

"Let Dad prepare all the dishes for tonight!"

In order to protect herself, Xiaolan decisively sold her father.

Fei Yingli also watched that food show, and her expression turned cold.

She nodded: "Well, Xiaolan is right, I'll let you prepare tonight's dinner, is there any problem?"

Seeing Fei Yingli, whose aura of the queen was completely exploded, Mori Kogoro dared not have any problems, so he hurriedly agreed.

And let you be arrogant for a while, and see how I solve you tonight.

The time spent together as a family is incomparably beautiful, and the time flies very quickly.

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