Xiaolan also gradually relaxed, and gradually became more courageous, not as stiff as before.

During the dinner, Kogoro Mori displayed all kinds of martial arts, and constantly offered delicious and delicate dishes, allowing the mother and daughter to taste all the delicacies in the world.

In the end, both Eri and Xiaolan collapsed on the sofa to digest, and the scene was very funny.

And Mori Kogoro made tea to help them digest.

At almost eight o'clock in the evening, Kogoro Mori was the first to take a bath in the large bathtub attached to the bedroom on the second floor.

The big love bathtub is full of bubbles, and the hot water is put by Eri.

Mori Kogoro couldn't help complaining: "It's true, Eri, why make so many bubbles, it's not fun to take a hot bath!"

"Women, I just like these flashy things." At this time, the frosted glass door of the bathroom was pushed open, and Fei Yingli's cold voice came in.

"Who do you think likes these flashy things?"

Mori Kogoro's eyes widened in an instant, and he quickly said, "Tell me, talk about me!"

Fei Yingli in front of her was wrapped in a bath towel, and her brown hair was wrapped in a turban, revealing a delicate little face.

She was barefoot, and her calf was extremely fair; the domineering chest could not be completely concealed, and a deep ravine was very attractive, she was a peerless beauty.

Looking at this posture, Mori Kogoro couldn't understand that they were going to wash together, so he hurriedly made room for Eri.

The white calf kept swinging, and the graceful lawyer Fei came to the loving bathtub, and stepped into the bathtub with one step.

She submerged in the hot water, and the foam in the bathtub covered her body, so she couldn't see anything.

Immediately afterwards, Eri pulled out the wet towel from under it and threw it out of the bathtub.

Yingli Tan opened his mouth lightly: "Don't think too much, I just think that if I don't soak it now, the water will become cold later."

"Besides, this is the water I put in. I should be the one to soak it first. Why are you coming in first?"

Eri was as stubborn as ever.

Mori Kogoro didn't speak, and kept staring at Eri's pretty face with deep eyes.

Sure enough, Eri's cheeks were blushing very quickly.

Mori Kogoro directly stretched out his hand to hug Eri into his arms, and kissed her on the cheek: "I'm an old couple, and I still play so many tricks."

At this moment, Xiaolan's voice came from the bedroom.

"Mom, are you taking a bath?"

Fei Yingli was startled, and quickly struggled to get away from Mori Kogoro's embrace.

"Yes, Mom is in the bathroom."

Xiaolan's footsteps came from far to near, and she stood at the door of the bathroom: "Mom, did you see Dad?"

"No, will I go to the rooftop to smoke!"

Mori Kogoro was about to say that he had quit smoking for a long time, but Fei Yingri covered his mouth.

Fei Yingli had a nervous expression on her face. She didn't admit to her daughter that she had reunited with Kogoro in the afternoon. If her daughter found out that they were taking a bath together, she didn't know how to explain it.

Face is important, and the image of a mother is also very important, especially in front of her daughter!

At this time, a shadow can be seen on the frosted glass door undressing.

Yingli couldn't help asking: "Xiaolan, what are you doing?"

"Take off your clothes, I haven't bathed with my mother for a long time!"

Hearing this, Yingli's expression changed drastically: "Xiao Lan, don't come in!"


How could Yingli answer, she couldn't help whispering: "Xiao Wulang, quickly find a place to hide."

Mori Kogoro looked around, there is no place to hide in the bathroom!

After Xiaolan took off her clothes, she stretched out her hand and opened the frosted glass door, only to see Feiyingli in the loving bathtub.

It's just that Fei Yingli's expression is very strange.

Xiaolan didn't care too much, she went directly to the loving bathtub, turned over and entered the bathtub and began to take a bath.

She also stretched her waist: "It's so comfortable!"

Chapter 0122

Fei Yingli was extremely flustered at this moment, and didn't know what to do.

A sly smile flashed across the corner of Xiaolan's mouth, but she could hear it clearly outside.

After this little girl got used to it, she was extremely daring, and she was about to start exploring step by step.

Seeing her mother's panicked little face, she couldn't help but want to laugh.

The extremely relaxed Xiaolan stretched her body in the bathtub and raised her beautiful legs.

The white foam is attached to its snow-white skin, which is very attractive!

Fei Yingli couldn't help but said: "You child, why do you suddenly want to take a bath, go out quickly, mom is still thinking about something!"

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