Xiaolan leaned over, and her proud chest pressed against Feiyingli's arm.

Xiaolan leaned her little head on Feiyingli's shoulder affectionately: "No need, Mom, we haven't taken a shower together for a long time."

"It's useless to think so much about the case, just leave it to Dad."

"This bathtub is so big, let's wash it together! Besides, I'm already in, how can you have the heart to let me out." Xiaolan still put on a pitiful expression.

But as soon as Xiaolan approached, Fei Yingli couldn't help but tense up all over.

Yaoshou!It's so close, if it is discovered, the image will be completely ruined!

Suddenly, under the cover of the foam, Feiyingli felt that there was an extra hand on her chest, and she couldn't help raising her eyebrows.

It's all like this, but he still has the mood to do such a thing, no, it's not his hand!

At this time, Xiaolan on the side laughed badly: "Mom, your breasts are so big!"

"But I seem to be catching up with you soon. A while ago, my breasts got bigger again, which made me buy a new batch of underwear."

When Xiaolan said this, she still had a little pride on her face.

It turned out that it was Ran's hand, and Eri was relieved.

She chuckled: "Of course, Xiaolan inherited her mother's genes. Fortunately, you are not like your father, otherwise it will be miserable!"

Xiao Lan refused to obey: "Mom, how can you say that, Dad is also very handsome."

At this moment, the two women trembled simultaneously, and at the same time felt a familiar big hand on their chest.

Eri's pupils kept shrinking, her face changed drastically, and she was extremely panicked.

But Xiaolan quickly relaxed, pretending not to know anything, instead she looked at her mother's changing face with a smile on her lips, and thought it was very interesting.

Poor Yingli doesn't know how to deal with this attack!

Years of working as a lawyer quickly calmed her down, Su Shou quickly submerged in the water and made a counter-resistance.

And there was a reluctant smile on his face: "Xiaolan, this bathtub is a bit small, why don't we go to the artificial hot spring pool on the roof to take a bath, the hot spring pool is big, you can swim, and you can also look up at the starry sky, how much?" OK!"

But Xiaolan shook her head: "Don't be so troublesome, and it's not appropriate to waste water. Let's take a bath here. It's very comfortable to take a bath here!"

"Mom, let me rub your back for you. My technique is very good, and Dad likes it too!"

Hearing this, Feiyingli's face changed again, and a cold light flashed in her eyes!

She considered her tone and asked casually, "Xiao Lan, do you often rub your father's back?"

Xiaolan laughed badly, and betrayed her father without hesitation, and the temptation would definitely make her dad beat the thunder ahead.

"That's right, mom is not at home, I'm the one who scrubs for dad, it feels good to take a bath with dad!"

Fei Yingli couldn't help frowning, although in Japan there is a custom of taking a bath together, but usually when a daughter grows up, she won't take a bath with her father.She still felt very strange hearing this, and couldn't help twisting her fingers down.

Now she can only silently tell herself that Xiaolan is a child and it doesn't matter.

It's just that when Yingli saw Xiaolan's domineering figure, she couldn't help feeling full of resentment. How can such a figure be called a child!

Seeing her mother's strange expression, the clever Xiaolan naturally knew how to deal with it.

Remembrance appeared in her big eyes, she leaned her head on Fei Yingli's shoulder, and said in a raving voice: "Mom, I really miss the picture of our family taking a bath together when you were at home!"

"Dad's shoulders are always so broad, and it takes a long time to rub them clean. Mom's body is always fragrant, and you will wash my hair for me. It's super comfortable!"

"However, after the age of seven, there is no more. I really miss the time before, how nice it is to be a family together!"

Hearing this, Eri stopped her movements, and she stretched out her arms to put her arms around Xiaolan's shoulders with a loving face, and the mother and daughter fell into a moment of tenderness.

It's just that there are no such big hands under the water, maybe everything will be better.

Yingli then said: "Xiaolan, you can help mom take a bath first, and then mom will help you scrub later."

After saying that, Eri turned around, and Ran took the bath towel next to her.

Originally, according to the normal back rubbing, you should leave the bathtub and expose your back to the air for a bath.

But in order to prevent her daughter's body from being exposed, Feiyingli didn't get up, and Xiaolan didn't say anything, and started rubbing under the water with a bath towel.

From time to time, she patted Yingli's ass: "Mom, your skin is so good."

"It's so slippery that you can't even see the pores."

"I wish I had your skin in the future!"

Eri's heart was full of joy when she said it, and the big hands that were presumptuous were gone, so Eri was much more relaxed.

However, Yingli turned her back to Xiaolan, and she didn't notice that Xiaolan's face behind her was blushing and her eyes were full of mist.

Xiaolan's small hands holding the bath towel didn't have much strength, some of them stroked without a stroke, and she said things that didn't distract her heart, which made Eri very happy.

Just looking from the side, Ran in the bathtub is obviously taller than Eri, as if she's sitting on something.

It took nearly ten minutes to rub a mere back, and Xiaolan finally helped Eri rub it.

Then Eri turned around and took the bath towel.

Seeing Xiaolan's red face, Yingli quickly asked, "Xiaolan, are you okay, why are you so red?"

"It's okay, it's okay, Mom, you don't know, my physique is like this, I will blush after soaking for a long time, it's okay."

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