Saying this, Xiaolan got up, turned around, and sat down in the bathtub again.

Eri didn't doubt that there was him, so she began to rub her daughter's back.

"Xiaolan, is the strength okay? How is mom rubbing?"

Xiaolan, who was still a little confused, answered obediently: "The strength is okay, but not as strong as my father!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a cold light flashed in Yingli's eyes, and the air seemed to drop two or three degrees suddenly.

Yingli asked with a fake smile: "Xiaolan, did your father help you take a bath?"

"Yes, he will also give me a full body massage, which is very comfortable!"

As soon as these words came out, the temperature seemed to drop another two or three degrees, as if the entire bathroom was frozen.

Chapter 0123 Mother and Daughter Flower

The combination of these two sentences was extremely harsh, and Fei Yingli immediately thought of something very bad.

Under the water, Kogoro Mouri secretly complained, what a fool.

But he couldn't hold it anymore, and there was no more oxygen in his chest.

I was so excited just now, Xiaolan sat on her head.In front of Eri, Kogoro Mori admired himself as he explored Ran's body with his tongue under the water.

The fucking excitement almost sucked his soul out, and the blood spurted out, making him explode.

Originally he could hold his breath for thirty to forty minutes, but now he can't hold it for ten minutes.

Fei Yingli was about to get angry, when a series of bubbles bubbled up from her chest, disturbing her mood.

Then Mori Kogoro's head floated up from his chest.

Eri's pupils burst, and she was stunned. Looking at Xiaolan in front of her, she quickly reached out to push Moori Kogoro's head back to the bottom of the water.

Mori Kogoro came up to take a breath, and he felt uncomfortable, so naturally he refused to give in.

One wanted to push, the other wanted to get up, and the two became deadlocked with each other.

Mori Kogoro's head was pushed back and forth on Eri's chest, his mouth was still breathing heavily, he just felt so happy!

Xiao Lan, who had her back to the two, heard the sound, and asked, "Mom, why don't you start yet?"

Xiaolan turned around, and Mori Kogoro regained his composure, and obeyed Fei Eri's wishes and dived into the bottom of the water again.

Xiaolan could only see Feiyingli constantly flicking the bubbles to cover up Kogoro Mori's whereabouts.

Interrupted by this long incident, Eri's thoughts and anger disappeared without a trace.

Fei Yingli laughed dryly: "It's okay, mom will come right away."

After finishing speaking, she took the bath towel and began to rub Xiaolan's back.

It's just that Fei Yingli's face changed drastically as soon as she started rubbing her back, she turned red instantly, and gritted her silver teeth: This guy is too gutsy, Xiaolan is still here, he dared to do this!

Eri's body trembled for a while, but the movements of her hands were not slow at all.

The bath towel was quickly scrubbed on Xiaolan's fair and beautiful back, but there was no trace of dirt.

Soon, Yingli said in a panic: "Xiaolan, I've rubbed it, let's go wash it!"

She immediately pulled Xiaolan up and left the love bathtub as if fleeing, and took a shower under the shower head.

The mother and daughter are very similar in figure, they are both protruding forward and backward, with graceful figures, taking a bath under the shower head, the picture is very beautiful.

However, Eri is taller, and Xiaolan is a little shorter because she is only seventeen years old and can still continue to grow, but it is almost negligible.

After Yingli helped Xiaolan wash off the foam, she saw that her daughter wanted to go back to the bathtub to take a bath, so she quickly grabbed her little hand.

"Xiaolan, don't soak it, the water is already cold, and there may be something dirty in it!"

The insinuations, inside and outside the words, seem to be talking about Mori Kogoro.

But Xiaolan was distracted, and instantly became nervous. She thought that what happened just now had been discovered.

Her little face turned pale all of a sudden, she didn't dare to react, her big eyes were like a deer's panic, and finally she was dragged out of the bathroom obediently by Eri.

But when Eri dragged her to the bedroom, changed into her pajamas, and dragged her to the living room, Eri didn't have any other reactions.

Only then did Xiaolan realize that she had misunderstood, and she secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

As soon as the two of them left the bathroom, the hot water in the bathtub surged, and Kogoro Mori floated up from the bottom, panting heavily.It almost suffocated him!Eri is also true!

Mori Kogoro also wondered if Eri would give him air like a Chinese ghost story, but he didn't expect that this guy didn't understand at all, and wanted to push his head down.

Mori Kogoro shook his head, and began to scrub himself, and after washing, he poured the water in the love bathtub to destroy the corpse.

Afterwards, he changed into a bathrobe before coming down from the room on the second floor.

In the living room, Eri and Ran were both wearing white suspender nightdresses.

At home, Eri wears a suspender nightdress when she sleeps, and Xiaolan and Eri are similar in figure, so they naturally wear the same nightdress.

The two girls were watching TV and eating grapes, and when they heard Kogoro Moori coming downstairs, they turned their heads at the same time.

The two women winked at Kogoro Mori at the same time, trying to get him to cooperate and let him stop talking about what happened just now.

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