The understanding Moori Kogoro instantly understood!

At this time, Yingli asked without any silver here: "Hey, Kogoro, I'm done taking a bath now, where did you go to take a bath?"

"Of course, go to the hot spring pool on the rooftop to take a luminous bath. The starry sky is so beautiful, we should go take a bath together."

And Xiaolan answered the conversation in a funny way: "Father, you are so deceitful, you ran to enjoy it by yourself, and you didn't call me."

Hearing these words, Eri nodded slightly, with a look of satisfaction on her face, her mother's image was preserved!

But Mori Kogoro and Xiaolan looked at each other, and raised their eyebrows at the same time, everything was kept silent!

Mori Kogoro sat cheekily between the mother and daughter, put his arms around the soft shoulders of the two girls, and said, "Our family hasn't watched TV together like this for a long time!"

Fei Yingli rolled her eyes at Mori Kogoro, but she didn't break free.

And Xiaolan stretched out her hand and began to peel the grape skins for Kogoro Mori, and then put the crystal clear grapes into Kogoro Mori's mouth. She was extremely filial, and Eri was so envious!

The three of them spent the night watching TV programs in the living room of the villa.

Although this Japanese program was not to Kogoro Mori's liking, with Eri and Ran around, he didn't find it boring at all.

Finally, the two women leaned their heads in Kogoro Mouri's arms at the same time.

At that moment, Mori Kogoro really felt that he had achieved a lot.

Such a good day, he would not change it for him to be a god!

After ten o'clock in the evening, Xiaolan started to yawn, and the infection caused Yingri to start yawning too.

Eri got up from Mori Kogoro's arms: "Okay, it's getting late, Ran, it's time to go to bed!"

"Mom, I'll sleep with you tonight!"

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro was not happy, he quickly said: "Xiaolan, there are so many rooms in this villa, you should try to sleep alone, the bed in the villa is very comfortable."

Xiao Lanqiong wrinkled her nose, got up and hugged Fei Yingli's arm, and said, "Hmph, I'm going to sleep with my mother tonight, the bed in my mother's room is the biggest and most comfortable."

She looked like she could see through Kogoro Mori's mind, and secretly made a few faces.

And Yingli was also very happy to see her daughter pestering him like this, with her head raised, her face full of complacency.

Seeing the performance of the two women, it seems that the magic chain that Hongzi got along really has a chance to come in handy.

Mori Kogoro didn't do much to hinder, and watched the mother and daughter Hua walk to the room on the second floor.

Chapter 0124

After twelve o'clock in the evening, there was silence in the villa.

A figure sneaked up to the bedroom door on the second floor, it was Kogoro Mori.

The bedroom door was also unlocked, and he sneaked into the room without making a sound.

There were two women lying on this large bed specially customized by You Xizi, both wearing white suspender nightdresses and thin quilts, looking like begonias sleeping in spring, and there seemed to be a sweet smell in the air.

Mori Kogoro soon came to the edge of the bed, and gently lifted the quilt on the two girls. The two girls in nightdresses were very beautiful, and their faces were somewhat alike.

The curtains rolled slightly, and the moonlight shining in from the gap reflected on the two women, as beautiful as a goddess.

Mori Kogoro's heart became more and more intense. He controlled all his muscles and landed on the bed lightly without making any sound.

Afterwards, he gently lowered his head, and lightly kissed Feiyingli's lips.

Soon, Yingli was startled and woke up with a shudder.

She opened her eyes, seeing Kogoro Mori facing her, her pupils shrank sharply again.

Yingli quickly got rid of the passionate kiss of the man in front of her, and struggled with her hands, she shouted in a low voice: "Xiao Goro, you are crazy, you are still acting foolishly at this time."

Yingli didn't dare to speak loudly, she turned her head to look at the girl beside her, and was relieved to see that she was still sleeping soundly.

Mori Kogoro subdued Eri's hands with one hand, put his bare hands upside down on the pillow, and said softly: "It's okay, she slept like a dead sleeper, she won't wake up."

"Eri, I miss you!"

As soon as the words fell, Mori Kogoro kissed Eri's lips again, and launched another offensive.

But within a few seconds, Yingli broke free again, and shouted again in a low voice: "Xiao Wulang, you go back quickly, don't mess around here, at worst, I will go to your room later."

In fact, she is also willing, otherwise she would not have entered the bathroom by herself before.

But even though Eri had taken a step back, Mori Kogoro still ignored it.

This time he brought all the magic chains that can charm people's hearts, so naturally he won't go back so easily, after all, this can be regarded as Kogoro Mori's long-cherished wish!

Mori Kogoro's actions were extremely domineering, and he didn't give Eri any room to resist, and he softly comforted him: "Eri, keep your voice down, there will be no problem!"

After saying that, he easily suppressed Eri.

Yingli was going crazy, her face was full of panic, her nervous heart was about to jump out, but she was completely powerless in the face of Kogoro's tough offensive, and she didn't dare to make a sound.

Not long after, a gorgeous movement was played in the bedroom!

Two hours later, the fighting in the room stopped!

On the other hand, Mori Kogoro's face became even more evil, and he directly hung the enchanting magic chain he stole from Hongzi around Eri's neck.

In an instant, a gleam of red flashed in Eri's eyes, and she was controlled by Mori Kogoro.

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