Yingli can't compare to Hongzi, Hongzi has learned magic, and can still maintain self-awareness under the influence of this magic chain.

And Eri couldn't maintain consciousness, and during this period, the memory of being driven by Mori Kogoro couldn't be preserved.

Mori Kogoro first asked Eri to cooperate with him, while his big hand grabbed the girl who was pretending to be sleeping.

Soon, accompanied by exclamations, another gorgeous movement sounded!

This night is destined to be a long one for the three people in the room! ! !

The next day, at nine o'clock in the morning on Monday, Mori Kogoro and Hideri arrived at the Tokyo District Court.

Yukiko also said on the phone that she would bring Conan over.As for Xiaolan, today is the first day of school at Didan High School, and she has to go to school to attend the opening ceremony, but she has time to come here in the afternoon.

Although Mori Kogoro meant to let Xiaolan come directly to the court, after all, the actual controller of Tedan High School is himself, so it is not a problem to let his daughter miss classes.

But Xiaolan insisted on not wanting to be special, so she obediently went to school.

In the corridor leading to the lounge, Fei Eri was still pinching Kogoro Mori's waist, twisting her fingertips frantically, and muttering about what happened last night.

After wearing the magic chain last night, she has no memory, but she still has memories of what happened before wearing the magic chain.

When she woke up the next day, she was naturally very angry, and she lost her temper all morning.

Mori Kogoro also felt that it was a little too much, so he obediently endured it.

However, Prosecutor Jiutiao and her assistant came to meet him in the corridor.

Kujo Reiko was wearing a black suit skirt and high heels, she had a graceful figure, and she still had a strong aura as always, her slightly green eyes were full of confidence.

When Fei Yingli saw Reiko Kujo appearing, she immediately let go of Kogoro Mori's hand to punish him, and instantly transformed into a concubine barrister who refused to give up an inch in the court, and her momentum became calm and awe-inspiring, not weaker than Reiko Kujo.

The two women stopped when they met.

"Lawyer Concubine!"

"Nine Articles Prosecutor!"

"I heard that you are Toshio Iwamatsu's defense lawyer."

"Well, I just talked to him."

Reiko Kujo laughed softly: "I am looking forward to being able to distinguish the right and wrong of this murder case in court with jurors present!"

"Me too, please be merciful to the prosecutor!"

The two women spoke politely, but their aura was not weak at all, and there were sparks between their eyes.

Mori Kogoro, who was ignored by the side, was rather depressed, and he even winked at Reiko Kujo.

But the last time Reiko Kujo was kissed by Kogoro Mori several times at the tribunal, she naturally didn't give Kogoro Mori a good face, completely ignored him, and walked over directly after greeting Eri.

Mori Kogoro shrugged, but he didn't care too much.

Reiko Kujo, who had been walking for a while, couldn't help but turn around, watching Mouri Kogoro's figure go away, with a complicated expression on her face.

Seeing the man who stole her first kiss, Reiko Kujo was not as calm as she appeared.

At this time, a panicked figure appeared in the corridor.

She ran all the way with her mobile phone, as if she couldn't recognize the way, and she looked confused. It was Xiaolin Chengzi wearing glasses.

When Kogoro Mori saw Chengzi appear, a smile appeared on his face.

But the confused Chengzi didn't see Mori Kogoro at all, and wanted to run over directly.

Mori Kogoro stretched out his hand and pulled Chengzi back.

Seeing that it was Kogoro Mori, Chengzi embraced his arm with joy on his face: "Xiaogoro, you really came here!"

A gleam of coldness flashed in Fei Yingli's eyes.

And Chengzi also found Fei Yingli, and quickly let go of Mori Kogoro.

Mori Kogoro introduced the two of them, and Fei Yingli relaxed when he heard that this was today's juror.

Chapter 0125 Dad is really bad!

After all, the duel between her and Reiko Kujo will be decided by the jury, so Eri's attitude has naturally improved a lot.

Eri is also very keen, from Kobayashi Chengko's body movements towards her man just now, she can see that the two are having an affair.

She didn't say much, she yawned and went to the lounge, and told Xiao Wulang casually: "Don't delay too long."

Seeing Eri enter the lounge, Mori Kogoro's face relaxed a lot.

However, there is still a gaze staring at him from the direction of the prosecutor's lounge behind.

He turned his head, but only saw Reiko Kujo passing by, and couldn't help laughing.

But Chengzi said, "Oh, Xiao Wulang, so you found out about my case today through the help of my concubine's lawyer, it's really a fraud!"

Mori Kogoro reached out and rubbed Kobayashi Chengko's head: "Nonsense, lawyers can't have anything to do with jurors, and Eri doesn't know who the jurors are. I deduced this!"

"But since I found you, I won our bet yesterday. How about I find you at Didan Primary School?"

Mori Kogoro put his arms around Chengzi's slender waist, and raised his chin with the other hand, with a smirk on his face.

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