Chengzi's face turned red immediately, and she quickly refused, "Daba! Absolutely not!"

But at this moment, Ayumi's angry loli rang out: "Uncle Maori, Mr. Kobayashi, what are you doing?"

Mori Kogoro and Kobayashi Sumiko turned their heads, and they saw Genta, Mitsuhiko, Ayumi, Haibara, and the bearded principal, Uematsu Kamejiro.

All the four looked at the two of them angrily, especially Ayumi, who raised her fists and looked swollen.

And Hui Principle crossed his arms and stared sideways at Kogoro Moori, with a cold gleam in his eyes.

Yuantai and Guangyan whispered in the background: "Uncle is too bad, he already has a little mourning, and he is still molesting Teacher Xiaolin."

But the two boys were so scared of Kogoro Mori that they dared not speak loudly at all.

Seeing this, Chengzi shyly left Kogoro Mori's big hand.

"Xiao Ai, Ayumi, why are you here?"

Little Lolita Huiyuan's cold words came over: "Because Teacher Xiao Lin is not here, the principal changed this class to a self-study class."

"However, we were worried that Mr. Xiaolin was a juror for the first time, so we persuaded the principal to change it to a social practice class, and let us come together to cheer for Mr. Xiaolin."

"Looking at this posture, our worries are unnecessary. Mr. Xiaolin is living a happy life here!"

These words made Cheng Zi's face redden a little bit!

Mori Kogoro stepped forward and rubbed the heads of the two girls: "Don't talk nonsense, just now Chengzi almost slipped and fell, I just helped her up."

Haibara and Ayumi didn't believe it at all, but their attitudes eased a lot under the attack.

The old principal Uematsu Kamejiro said: "Ms. Kobayashi has been the only juror in Teidan Elementary School for so many years. Of course we have to support her!"

"Maori-kun, are you here to cheer too?"

Mori Kogoro nodded: "That's right, but it's possible to play!"

While the two were exchanging pleasantries, Yuan Tai ran to Xiao Lin Chengzi's side and asked gossipingly, "Mr. Xiao Lin, are you dating Uncle Mao Li?"

Hearing this question, Xiaolin Chengzi's face flushed red, and she immediately said, "I remember that I still have to attend the juror's briefing? Let's go first!"

After she finished speaking, she turned and left, and Kogoro Mori instructed: "The location of the briefing session is on the second floor, don't make a mistake."

Xiaolin Chengzi just waved his hand and left.Mori Kogoro also wanted to invite Haibara and his party to the defense lawyer's rest room to wait for the trial.

But Haibara heard that there was a concubine Eri, and immediately refused, and the fourth elementary school finally followed the old principal Uematsu Kamejiro to the waiting room to wait.

On the other side, in the classroom of Didan High School, Xiao Lan looked at the snow-white ginkgo blossoms outside with her small head in her hands, and sighed softly.

She has been like this since the opening ceremony in the auditorium just ended.

Looking at the ginkgo blossoms falling outside, Xiaolan's thoughts have already returned to last night.

Dad is so bad!

It's really embarrassing to be called out forcibly even though I've pretended I don't know anything.

I thought that my father would be like this, and my mother would definitely get angry. I didn't expect my mother to have no reaction at all, and she was very cooperative and ate ice cream together.

But in the end, I was happy for nothing. I thought everything was resolved and the family could be happy together. I didn’t expect it was all fake, fake!

Dad used the trick he used against Qingzi last time.

Hateful hypnotism!

so bad!so bad!

I don't know when my mother will accept this matter so that the family can be reunited.

"Ah!!!" Xiaolan let out another long sigh.

At this time, Yuanzi who was sitting next to him poked Xiaolan with a pen: "Xiaolan, a new transfer student is coming, what are you still thinking about?"

Only then did Xiaolan come back to her senses.

"Hey, I said that the only seat behind you in the entire classroom is that you don't care if a new transfer student wants to sit behind you?"

Only then did Xiao Lan say perfunctorily: "Oh!"

At this time, a handsome girl came in from outside the classroom with a schoolbag on her shoulders, and the students in the classroom couldn't help talking.

The girl was wearing the blue school uniform of Didan High School, with short wavy hair, dark green eyes with a single fold under the eyes, and small canine teeth showing when she smiled.

It's a pity that he has a flat chest and a small face, but he looks more handsome.

She seemed to be very uncomfortable wearing this school uniform skirt with exposed legs, and she made a lot of small movements.

The girl patrolled the audience, and finally her gaze stayed on Xiaolan for a few seconds before introducing herself.

"My name is Shira Masumi, please give me your advice!"

The teacher in charge said, "Student Shiliang, go and sit behind Xiaolan!"

Shiliang Zhenchun obediently went to the seat behind Xiaolan and sat down. The familiar Sonoko immediately leaned over to deal with her, and she quickly responded enthusiastically.

But Xiaolan didn't care so much, she put her head in her hands and became dazed again.

She remembered what happened last night again, but this time her little face turned red all of a sudden, and she remembered her mother's expression last night.

Chapter 0126 Mom is blushing

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