[Last night, it was the first time I saw my mother's expression. It's so frustrating to be able to blush like this!

Also told me to eat grandma, what the hell?I am no longer a child, what kind of grandma to eat, and no milk to drink!

No, even if there is milk, you can't eat it.

It seems that the memory of drinking milk when I was a child is also very good. It doesn’t matter if I eat grandma!

No, my mother and I are obviously equal, how can we be weaker than my mother.

Besides, my grandma is also very powerful, she is not weak at all! 】

Thinking of this, Xiao Lan couldn't help puffing out her chest, and Xiao Hong's face was full of confidence.

At this time, Yuanzi next to him spoke again: "Xiao Lan, what's wrong with you, you are so ecstatic, and you don't answer people's questions, you are thinking about your boyfriend, right?"

"how is this possible?"

Xiaolan's reaction was so great that she almost stood up, in exchange for Sonoko and Shiliang's suspicious eyes.

Seeing the expressions of the two, Xiaolan quickly calmed down, swallowed her saliva, and then said, "What were you talking about just now?"

Sera Masumi said, "It's nothing, Mouri-san, right? I heard that your father is the great detective Mori Kogoro. Is this true?"

Hearing someone mentioning her father, Xiaolan nodded proudly: "Yes, my father is Mori Kogoro, does Shiliang have an entrustment for my father to solve?"

"No, it's just that Xiaosheng is also a detective, and he admires Kogoro Mori, the savior of Tokyo, if I have a chance, can I go to your office?"

Xiaolan is naturally very enthusiastic: "Of course, you are very welcome!"

On the other hand, Sonoko's face changed drastically, and his amber-like eyes locked on Shiliang Zhenchun instantly: Could it be another coquettish bitch who wants to rob Uncle Maori from me?

Definitely is!What a daughter's route, with ulterior motives, actually wants to attack from Xiaolan's direction.

But then Sonoko saw Sera Makoto's airport, and looked at the small B-cup pigeon on his chest, and couldn't help laughing smugly.

Finally there is a competitor with smaller breasts than me.

With such poor breasts, how could Uncle Maori fall in love with her!

Sonoko felt that Sera Masumi was no match for her at all, so she immediately relaxed and the hostility disappeared.

Sera Masumi only felt that Sonoko's laughter was full of malice, and couldn't help but have black lines all over her head.

And Xiaolan also glanced at Shiliang Zhenchun's chest, and couldn't help but said: "To be honest, I thought you were a boy when I first saw Shiliang Zhenchun!"

"Oh, what are you talking about!" She stretched out her hand to stroke her flat chest, and said heartily, "Although the chest seems small now, there will definitely be considerable progress in the future."

"After all, my mother has big breasts, and a daughter who inherits her genes will definitely be good in the future!"

"I'm not worried at all."

Xiaolan quite agreed with her statement, so she nodded slightly.

At about [-]:[-] in the morning, the case of the murder of the president of the real estate company Shi Huan officially opened.

In the courtroom, judges, jurors, prosecutors, defense lawyers, defendants, and audiences all entered this solemn courtroom.

Yukiko and Conan also sat in the auditorium with the old principal and the fourth elementary school.

Kobayashi Chengko followed the other jurors and sat in the juror seat with a reserved face.

Mori Kogoro and Hieiri are on the side of the defense lawyers, while Kujo Reiko is opposite them.The judge announced the opening of the trial with a hammer, and the defendant stepped forward.

The Madonna of the prosecutorial circle got up first and began to read the indictment.

"Toshio Iwamatsu, the defendant, broke the window of the study room of the real estate president Ishikwanzhong's house in [-]-chome [-]th to steal, and then sneaked into it to steal."

"After breaking in, while the defendant was looking for the target of the theft, he was discovered by President Shi Huan who was returning home. After the two had an argument, the defendant stabbed President Shi Huan's abdomen with the knife he was carrying, killing him!"

At this time, Fei Yingli said, "I have objections!"

"The knife mentioned by the prosecutor, is the murder weapon confirmed?"

"No, the murder weapon has not been found yet."

The judge in the court said: "Please delete this relevant article!"

"I see!" Kujo Reiko nodded.

Reiko Kujo continued to read: "Afterwards, the police found the defendant nearby with blood on his clothes. After investigation, the defendant confessed to his crime."

"Therefore, the crime to be prosecuted is Article 199 of the penalty for homicide!"

"Does the accused admit to the crime?" asked the judge.

The bearded man Toshio Iwamatsu who was sitting in the middle shouted, "I really didn't kill anyone, I'm innocent!"

The judge continued to ask: "What about the defense lawyer's opinion?"

Fei Yingli stood up: "I, like the defendant, maintain my innocence."

The judge nodded: "Then let's go to the stage of hearing the evidence. All jurors are asked to look at the TV screen in front of us."

As soon as the photo on the screen appeared, the faces of everyone in the jury seat above couldn't help but change, even Chengzi was no exception.

After all, he is only a primary school teacher, and he has not seen so many murder scenes like Mori Kogoro, so he is still a little uncomfortable.

"Although the picture may cause discomfort, in order to find out the truth, I ask the jurors to overcome it."

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