Hearing what the judge said, Chengzi frowned and began to observe the photos carefully.

While the jurors were observing the photos, the witnesses were uploaded.

The first one is the first discoverer at the scene of the crime, the nanny Yuan Xinghui.

Kujo Reiko went up to inquire first.

Yuan Xinghui opened his mouth to describe the situation that day: "The master said that he was going to play golf that day, and he would not come back until after dinner, so I kept cleaning on the second floor."

"Although I seemed to hear the sound from the first floor at first, I didn't think much about it and came downstairs after cleaning."

"However, when I was in the corridor, I heard the voice from the study again. I went into the study and found that the window was opened. After that, I saw the master lying in a pool of blood beside the desk."

After Kujo Reiko finished asking, Consort Eri got up and asked.

"Then may I ask the witness, did you see the defendant when you entered the study?"

The nanny shook her head: "No!"

Fei Yingli said: "Everyone, this nanny is only the first person to discover the crime scene, and she did not witness the murder."

"Therefore, there is no evidence at all about the assassination of President Shi Huan after the dispute that the prosecutor just said. Please keep this in mind."

Hearing this, the jurors nodded.

Kujo Reiko and Fei Yingli looked at each other from a distance, and the first round was evenly divided.

Chapter 0127 The Unrestrained Eri

As a melon eater, Kogoro Mori found it very interesting to watch the two women confront each other in court.

He kept his eyes fixed on Kujo Reiko's eyes, but unfortunately Kujo Reiko didn't respond at all.

And the little loli Haibara in the auditorium couldn't help but frowned and muttered softly when she saw Fei Yingli who was so imposing: What a difficult character!

Conan the Little Devil has been thinking about the case with his chin on his hands.

And Xiao Lin Chengzi on the jury seat looked at the left and right confrontation in a daze, feeling that it was an eye-opener.

A second witness came in, the brother of the deceased's wife.

Kujo Reiko stepped forward again and started asking.

"Mr. Tsukano, I heard that you are the general manager of President Shihuan's company. You went to President Shihuan's house for company affairs that day, right? Can you tell me about the situation at that time in detail?"

Tsukano Hiroshi, who looks gentle on the outside, said: "At that time, I went to the president's house because the company had documents urgently needed to be signed by the president."

"But as soon as I arrived at the president's house, I heard the scream of the nanny inside, and then I rushed to the study immediately."

"Afterwards, I saw the president lying on the ground, and I went to check immediately, but I didn't expect to have blood on my hands. That's when I knew that the president had been assassinated."

"I immediately asked the nanny to call 120, but it was too late!"

As he spoke, Tsukano Hiroshi actually shed tears, and looked at the defendant Toshio Iwamatsu with hatred.

"Your Honor, since my sister passed away, the president is my only family member. Please seek justice for my brother-in-law's death, and let this prisoner be sentenced to death."

He directly pointed his finger at the accused with agitation.

And Toshio Yanmatsu also shouted excitedly: "I didn't kill anyone, who are you talking about!"

The bailiffs on the side quickly suppressed Toshio Iwamatsu.

The judge on the stage swung his hammer again and again: "Silence! Silence!"

After a long time, the court finally returned to silence, and Reiko Kujo said, "My lord, I'm done asking!"

On the other side, Fei Yingli stretched out her hand to pinch Mori Kogoro's thigh, and asked in a low voice, "Kogoro, did you find anything?"

Mori Kogoro smirked and said, "The sound is good, come and listen, my husband!"

Danfeng's eyes under Yingli's glasses flashed coldly, and he directly grasped Kogoro Mori's vitals: "I haven't settled with you for what happened last night, do you still want me to call you husband now?"

Mori Kogoro couldn't help but sweat dripping from his back: "No need, no need!"

Yingli is really getting more and more unrestrained. Although there is a table blocking her, she is still too bold to do such a thing in court.

Is this still the concubine barrister I know who regards defense extremely noble?

He gently pushed Eri's little hand away, and began to guide in a low voice.

Soon, Attorney Concubine got up with a calm face, came to Tsukano Hiroshi, and began to question.

"Mr. Tsukano, the first question, the time of the incident is about [-]:[-]pm to [-]:[-]pm."

"According to the nanny's testimony, President Shi Huan will come back after dinner. How can you be sure that President Shi Huan is at home?"

"Also, have you seen the deceased on the day of the incident?"

Tsukano Hiroshi then said, "I called the president to make an appointment, and the president knew I was coming, so he went home early."

"But I didn't meet the president that day, and I saw the president's body only after entering the study."

The corner of Fei Yingli's mouth curled up into a slight smile: "Then may I ask what kind of urgent documents need to be specially signed by President Shi Huan on the day off?"

"I remember that I didn't see that document among all the evidence. Can you submit that document as evidence, and provide its urgency, and how did you deal with it after the president died that day?" Hearing this, the gentle general manager's face immediately turned pale, he hesitated and couldn't speak.

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