At this time, Reiko Kujo stood up: "No, the question asked by the defense lawyer has nothing to do with this case!"

Fei Yingli turned around and said righteously: "In fact, we all know that both the first discoverer and the second discoverer in this case are suspected."

"The defendant was accused by the prosecution of being the murderer because of blood stains on his clothes, but the second discoverer, Mr. Tsukano, also had blood stains on his palm."

"Although he said that he did it to determine the injury of the deceased, it is undeniable that there are other possibilities."

"Therefore, this question is only to clarify all the circumstances on the day when the case happened, and it is closely related to this case!"

After hearing this clear statement, the judge on the stage swung his hammer and said: "The objection is invalid, please witness to answer!"

Reiko Kutiao sat weakly on the chair, with sweat dripping from her forehead: Why did lawyer Concubine become so sharp all of a sudden? Is it because of him?

Her slightly green eyes looked at Kogoro Mori, but when she saw the great detective flirting with a beautiful juror on the stage, her veins jumped.

How could I be defeated by this kind of guy, Kujo Reiko's eyes instantly lit up with fighting spirit.

While the interrogation in court was still going on, Tsukano Toru regained his composure.

He said: "I don't remember either. When I saw my brother-in-law died, the emergency personnel from 120 came, and the police came. I went to the police station to record my statement."

"It's a mess. I don't know when I lost the files in my hand, and I can't remember now, but there should be files on the company's computer. I'll look for them when I go back."

"To be honest, after my brother-in-law died, I didn't care about being in the company. I was busy with his funeral. I don't know how to deal with the urgent documents."

If you ask three questions and don't know, the persuasive power of these words is not very good!

There was some discussion in the jury seats and audience seats.

The judge swung the hammer again to demand silence.

Fei Yingli didn't care too much, and started to ask the third question directly: "Mr. Tsukano, in your testimony before, you said that you appeared in the study on the first floor directly after hearing the scream."

"Then may I ask, when did you enter the deceased's house? You don't have the key to the deceased's house, do you?"

"And according to your testimony, you haven't seen President Shi Huan alive, so he can't open the door for you, and the nanny didn't say that he saw you before entering the study."

"Then how did you find the dead body in the study after shifting outside the gate? Or did you never leave President Shi Huan's house at all?"

Hearing this, Tsukano Hiroshi's pupils shrank sharply.

And everyone present was lost in thought.

Indeed, this point is very suspicious. Toru Tsukano should not appear in the study, but should be at the door!

Sweat dripped from Tsukano Hiroshi's forehead: "I, I, I don't know why, the door was open, I pushed it in, and then I heard the screams, and I rushed to the study, that's why I found the body .”

Fei Yingli shook her head lightly: "No, as the president of the company, how can you not lock the door when you enter if you have property at home?"

"And the defendant, Toshio Iwamatsu, is a thief. Even a thief needs to smash the window to get in. How can you easily enter through the door?"

Tsukano Hiroshi was dumbfounded by these two questions. He became angry from embarrassment: "What's the matter with you, lawyer? I'm here to testify. I'm not a suspect. Why do you keep asking me like I'm a suspect?"

"You should press the defendant!"

The judge swung the hammer again: "Silence!" "Silence!"

Facing Tsukano Toru who lost his composure like this, Fei Eri didn't react at all.

She said calmly, "Your Honor, I have no problem!"

Naturally, Fei Yingli had the upper hand in this round!

The three judges above discussed in a low voice, and then announced: "Because there are many doubts in this case, we now announce that the court will be temporarily adjourned, and the court will be reopened at two o'clock in the afternoon!"

Chapter 0128 shameful prosecutor

After the adjournment, everyone exited the court in an orderly manner.

After Mori Kogoro came out, he saw that Kujo Reiko was still questioning the witness Tsukano Hiroshi.

Presumably, he wanted to solve the problem raised by Fei Yingli, if he could find the document he wanted the deceased to sign on the day of the crime from the company.

Then Tsukano Hiroshi's suspicion will be greatly reduced, and the success rate of convicting the defendant for homicide will be relatively increased.

It seems that the prosecutor Mou Zujin wants to win the case.

On the other hand, Youxizi smiled lightly and said, "Eri, if you really have you, you beat the other side to pieces. I'm sure I can win this time!"

"You still can't be careless!"

That's what I said, but Eri's gaze at Mori Kogoro became more and more gentle. The few flaws just now were all told by Mori Kogoro.

At this time, Xiao Lin Chengzi also withdrew from the court, she was still muttering: "That painting is weird!"

At first, Chengzi had discovered something, but the eyes of all the people present were taken away by the imposing concubine barrister, and no one noticed Chengzi's whereabouts in the courtroom.

But she heard her talking to herself when she passed Kujo Reiko.

Prosecutor Jiutiao stopped Chengzi, "What does the juror mean when he says the painting is weird?"

Chengzi was stunned for a moment: "Uh, it's nothing, I just noticed that the abstract painting on the wall seemed to be hung upside down when I was looking at the photos of the crime scene."

"Because our school principal's office also has a painting like this, so I understand a little bit, but it doesn't seem to have anything to do with the case!"

After Chengzi said this, he smiled and patted his head.

But she soon saw Kogoro Moori and his party, so she quickly said excuse me, and followed the direction of Moori and his party.

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