Sure enough, there was blood on the edge of the back of the oil painting, but no fingerprints could be seen, presumably he was wearing gloves.

Kujo Reiko leaned over to Mori Kogoro's side and began to investigate.

Mori Kogoro reached out to remove the wooden board behind the oil painting, and saw a partition space with a stack of papers inside, all of which were IOUs.

"It turned out that oil paintings were made into crude safes."

He reached out to pick up the IOU, and continued to speak: "According to my investigation, this President Shi Huan is not a good person."

"In addition to the companies on the surface, there are also loan sharks in private. This is the evidence of his loan sharks!"

"Wow, this one belongs to Toshio Iwamatsu, it's actually ten million, we seem to have found some incredible evidence!"

Hearing this, Kujo Reiko's eyes lit up, and she immediately reached out to get this IOU.

This is enough evidence to reverse the entire situation of the battle.

Once it is determined that the defendant has a motive for killing, he can push the balance of victory to his own side.

However, the IOU was pulled away by Kogoro Mori, and Reiko Kujo crashed into his arms all at once.

The soft chest bumped into him all of a sudden, and the touch was really wonderful.

Kujo Reiko glared at Mori Kogoro, and said, "Detective Mori, what do you want to do, hiding evidence is also a serious crime."

Kogoro Mori looked directly into the blue eyes of the chief prosecutor, and said with a chuckle, "I never thought of hiding the evidence, but if I help you find such crucial evidence, why not?" Is there nothing in return?"

After saying this, Kogoro Mori wrapped his arms around Reiko Kujo's slender waist, and Reiko Kujo became tense in an instant, and couldn't even speak.

"You, what do you want in return?"

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro smiled treacherously, and Reiko Kujo became more and more nervous.

Immediately afterwards, he lowered his head and kissed the beautiful prosecutor's pink lips.

The beautiful prosecutor's pupils shrank, and she couldn't help scratching her fingers: again, here it goes again! ! !

Mori Kogoro threw the IOU in his hand on the desk, and pushed Reiko Kujo to lie down on the desk.

After that, he held Kujo Reiko's hands with one hand, clasped them on the desk, and covered her slender waist with the other hand without hesitation, climbing all the way up.

The beautiful prosecutor's pupils burst instantly, her face flushed red, and she wanted to struggle.

But the weight suppression left him no room to resist.

And that passionate kiss seemed to melt a person's soul.

With Kogoro Mori's aggressive attack, Reiko Kujo was defeated by Kogoro Mori's superb kissing skills, and finally she couldn't help herself to respond.

It was the first time in her life that she tasted a wonderful taste.

The two forced kisses by Mori Kogoro before were nothing more than a glimpse, more of a panic, and before that there was nothing.

The Madonna of the prosecutorial field has a very successful career, but her emotional experience is a blank sheet of paper.

With her strong aura and high vision, she looks down on ordinary men and devotes herself to prosecuting, so she can become the chief prosecutor who competes with Fei Yingli when she is younger than Fei Yingli.

Kogoro Mori looked at Reiko Kujo under him with a flushed face and bewildered eyes, and he suddenly felt very complacent.

He let go of his hands, and the freed hands went along his suit pants and directly covered his long legs.

If it wasn't for the wrong time and place, maybe he would have taken care of this beautiful prosecutor.At the same time, outside the study, a sweaty kid appeared.

It was Conan who secretly followed him on a skateboard under the scorching sun.

The little ghost managed to trick the old nanny into this villa.

As soon as he came to the door of the study, he saw an unbelievable scene.

Uncle Mori is actually kissing prosecutor Kujo Reiko, what's going on?And his hands were still touching the prosecutor's body!

Did I run too fast and hallucinate?Or is the world changing too fast?

They are obviously the two people who are least likely to have entanglements, how did they get together?

And didn't uncle have an affair with his mother?Why are you hanging out with other women? You really are a big carrot.

Conan's eyes were filled with anger, as if he was about to do something.

Mori Kogoro raised his head and glanced over as if aware of it, but Conan immediately hid outside.

He is clearly a dog, but he is secretly swearing: Hmph, just wait, I will deal with you together next time!

After a few minutes, the phone rang, and Reiko Kujo's eyes gradually recovered.

She reached for her phone and connected the call.

Mori Kogoro pulled his big hands out of his white shirt to help him organize his clothes.

After trying to catch a few breaths, Kujo Reiko's voice returned to normal: "What's the matter?"

"What, the murder weapon was found in the park closest to the deceased's home. Okay, bring the murder weapon to the court this afternoon."

After hanging up the phone, Reiko Kujo didn't hide the satisfaction on her face.

Indeed, both the murder motive and the murder weapon have emerged, and the success rate of convicting homicide has increased infinitely.

"Detective Maori, the IOU and the murder weapon have also been found. How can you win this afternoon?"

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