As soon as the words fell, her buttocks were attacked, and a crisp sound came out.

Mori Kogoro couldn't get used to seeing Reiko Kujo's complacent appearance, so he reached out and patted on it.

"I advise you not to be too happy too early. With me here, you can't win if you want to win."

Happily, Kujo Reiko didn't mind being spanked.

She gave Mori Kogoro a blank look, and immediately got up and picked up the IOUs: "Without you helping me find this IOU, I really don't have any confidence."

"When I win the lawsuit this afternoon and end Lawyer Concubine's winning streak, I will personally tell her about it, hehehe!"

This woman looked very happy, and it was her long-cherished wish to defeat Eri.

"Thank you, Maori Detective!"

Having said that, Kujo Reiko dared to kiss Mouri Kogoro on the cheek: "This is your reward!"

After that, she didn't know whether she was panicked or proud, took the IOU, and left directly in small steps.

Looking at the silly woman going away, Kogoro Mori laughed.

I really don't know what her expression will be after listening to her reasoning in the afternoon.

Chapter 0130 Dad likes big breasts

On the other side, in the restaurant opposite the court, Xiaolan, Yuanzi, and Sera Masumi who had the cheek to follow all came to the agreed restaurant.

Yuanzi took Xiaolan's hand, and the two walked in front. She whispered, "Xiaolan, I think this classmate Shiliang has something to do with Uncle Mao Li!"

"Look, she's been asking you about Uncle Maori all morning, and insists on coming with us. I'm afraid she's also a fan of Uncle. You must be careful!"

Xiaolan turned her head to look at Shiliang Zhenchun behind her, then turned her head and smiled lightly, "No way, Yuanzi, you are overthinking, Dad won't like her."


"Because Dad likes big breasts!"

Sonoko choked on those words for a moment.

Xiaolan, you are enough!What the hell is this proud and shy tone?Yay!Why are you still holding your chest up?

Yuanzi's aura suddenly went down, and he was hit hard enough.

Sera Masumi from behind leaned forward: "What are you talking about, big breasts or something?"

"Well, Mori-san can be called a girl with big breasts, her breasts are only a little smaller than my mother's."

"I heard from my mother that the breasts are too big and the burden is quite heavy. Alas, my breasts will become so big in the future, and I still feel very troubled!"

Yuanzi's veins popped instantly: What the hell!It's fine if I get ridiculed by Xiao Lan, but you, the airport, will also mock me.

You are clearly poor, but you still want to become a big-breasted woman, just dream about it.

And Xiaolan's face turned red all of a sudden, she still felt very shy discussing such a topic with the girl she just met.

"Xiao Lan, this way!"

When Eri saw her daughter, she raised her hand to beckon her over, and the three daughters quickly followed.

The boys at the other table hurriedly greeted each other, and Xiaolan also introduced Shiliang Zhenchun to everyone.

It's just that Sera Masumi didn't see Mori Kogoro, and a look of disappointment flashed in his eyes.

As for Sonoko, she glanced at Aunt Yingli's breasts, and then at Xiaolan's breasts, and suddenly murmured in her heart.

The genes for big breasts are so strong, it is possible that what Shiliang said is true, she will become a big breasted woman in the future.

She began to cry silently in her heart: I am desperate for this world of nurses, don't, uncle is mine!

Ran sat next to Eri, her little face flushed slightly.

She ran away when she got up in the morning, and went straight to school without meeting her mother.

Now seeing my mother again, the senses are completely different.

After all, Xiaolan saw the other side of her mother last night, she was so lewd!

Getting along now is naturally a little different from before.

When Yingli saw her daughter's expression like this, she also felt drummed in her heart: Could it be that everything happened last night was seen by her daughter!

Thinking of this, she trembled three times, and could only secretly hypnotize herself to stabilize herself.

But soon Xiaolan's face returned to normal, and she asked with concern: "Mom, how did you go with the lawsuit this morning?"

You Xizi on the side joked: "Needless to say, your parents have two swords, of course they beat the opponent to death."

Eri smiled lightly and patted Yukiko on the shoulder: "Youkiko, you are exaggerating, but according to the trend in the morning, there is still a chance to win."

"Where did dad go?" Xiaolan still wanted to find Kogoro Mouri and talk to him.Yingli then said, "Your father said he's going to investigate and he'll be back later."

You Xizi echoed, "I think he must be preparing a trump card, and defeat Prosecutor Jiutiao in one blow in the afternoon!"

The parties didn't speak, and You Xizi was completely confident: "Don't worry, Xiaolan, there is no one in this world who can defeat the cooperation of your parents!"

"Okay, don't talk about the case, Xiaolan, Yuanzi, Shiliang, you must be hungry when you come here, order food quickly!" The three girls began to order.

In the study of the villa of the deceased President Shi Huan, Kogoro Mori carried Conan, the little devil who was eavesdropping outside the door, into the study.

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