"You kid, when did you follow me?"

"Hey hey hey!" Conan didn't know how to answer, so he rubbed his hands and laughed dryly.

Mori Kogoro directly rewarded Conan with a few big red envelopes: "I haven't seen you pay attention to other things, but these things are very diligent."

"Since you're here, stay here and don't run around."

After that, he left Conan behind, and Conan began to investigate in the study as soon as he landed.

The first place he ran to was the place where the deceased was stabbed to death, that is, by the desk.

Mori Kogoro ignored Conan, but found a strange cabinet.

There is a cloth pad on the cabinet, but there are obvious traces of sunlight on the pad, and the center is as white as new, as if there was a vase or something like that before.

He directly shouted to the nanny in the villa: "Ms. Yuan Xing, please come here!"

The old nanny walked over quickly, and said respectfully, "Detective Maori, what do you need?"

Mori Kogoro pointed to the cushion and asked, "Did there be decorations such as vases here before?"

Hearing this, Yuan Xinghui's expression changed, and he clenched his hands involuntarily.

"Well, there was a vase there before. I remember Madam bought it, but the master disposed of the vase after Madam passed away. It has been more than a year now!"

Mori Kogoro raised his brows, and his momentum rose instantly: "Lie!"

The loud drink made the old nanny tremble in fright.

"The middle of the cushion is still as new. If the vase had been disposed of a year ago, the color of the cushion would never have been so noticeably different."

"Ms. Hara Xing, you will go to jail for perjury. If you insist on saying this, I'm afraid you will have to go to prison in your sixties."

Hearing this, Yuan Xinghui's forehead broke out in countless cold sweats, and his body couldn't stop shaking.

Mori Kogoro continued to cheat: "I asked the defendant Toshio Iwamatsu before I came here, but he told me that he knocked over a vase when the case happened."

"Now that the vase and the murder weapon are gone, I have reason to suspect that the murderer took it away together, and you who are lying are naturally the most likely to be the murderer."

"I still have some friendship with the police officers of the Metropolitan Police Department. If I tell them my reasoning and they take out a search warrant to search, what do you think will happen?"

Hearing this, Yuan Xinghui's eyes were full of gloom, and she quickly grabbed Kogoro Mouri's arm: "Detective Maori, don't say it, don't say it, I surrender, I will tell you everything!"

Conan, lying on the ground beside him, stared at this scene dumbfounded.

The story turned around too quickly, what on earth was I doing here? It seems that I just made soy sauce and discovered the adulterous affair between my uncle and the beautiful prosecutor, so it's nothing to do with me.

Conan was depressed again in an instant!

Chapter 0131 Sera's Examination

It was nearly two o'clock in the afternoon, and most of the people in the court had already entered the venue, except Eri, who had been waiting anxiously at the door.

When it was almost time for the court session, Mori Kogoro, Conan and the old nanny Yuan Xinghui arrived late.

The old nanny, Yuan Xinghui, looked downcast.

Eri breathed a sigh of relief, and asked, "Kogoro, where have you been?"

Mori Kogoro held the wrapped vase and said with a chuckle, "Of course I'm going to help you find the key evidence that can decide this case. I can't justify it if you don't thank me well!"

"Ms. Hara Yuki will go to court again later."

Yuan Xinghui nodded, and obediently entered the witness room to wait for the message.

Mori Kogoro followed Eri into the courtroom, and kept whispering to him, telling him how to deal with it, and Eri followed suit.

Conan returned to the auditorium. The little devil didn't help at all, and he didn't eat lunch. He was hungry and tired.

The old judge swung his hammer and said, "This afternoon's hearing began. Before summoning witnesses, the prosecution submitted new evidence."

Reiko Kujo stood up confidently, and the photos in the projector were continuously projected.

"After being reminded by a juror, we knew that the oil painting in the room was hung upside down. After we took the oil painting down, we found a proof of arrears in it."

"There is a loan of [-] million yen in it. The name of the debtor is Toshio Iwamatsu. Toshio Iwamatsu said before that he and the deceased have never met each other. Why is there a certificate of arrears in his name?"

"This is enough to prove that he did not steal randomly, but with a purpose. This proof of arrears is enough to become his motive for killing."

"In addition, we found the murder weapon in Toya Park, which is the closest to the villa. It is a [-]cm short knife, and the blood on it has been proved to belong to the deceased."

As soon as the words fell, Toshio Yansong stood up and roared angrily: "I didn't kill people. I don't know what a knife is. Why do you insist on framing me? Why?"

The sound of the hammer kept ringing, and the old judge said again and again: "Silence, silence, please pay attention to your words and deeds, and respect the order of the court."

Toshio Yanmatsu, who was controlled by the bailiff, did not speak again, but his eyes were full of tears, and he covered his face and began to cry.

The old judge asked again: "This court hearing uses the new evidence submitted by the prosecution. Do the defense lawyers have any objections?"

Yingli replied: "There is no objection, but our defense has to submit evidence, which is the vase in the study of the deceased!"

Hearing this, Kujo Reiko's face changed, and she began to search through the list of the deceased's relics, but found no introduction about the vase.

Reiko Kujo frowned, and turned to look at Kogoro Mouri, but Kogoro Moori blinked at him, and she couldn't help but fell into doubt.

Eri continued: "Before explaining, we want to summon the nanny at the villa."

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