"Call witnesses!"

The bailiff brought the old nanny Yuan Xinghui to the court. Fei Yingli took out the vase with gloves on, and started to question.

"What's your impression of this vase?"

"This vase has been placed on the cabinet in the master's study."

"What time did it happen?"

"I remember that the vase was still on the master's study cabinet on the day of the incident. I cleaned the vase before I went to the second floor to clean it."

"May I ask when and where did you see this vase later?"

"On the next day, I don't know who threw it in the garbage disposal site outside the master's house. I saw no one, so I took it home. I plan to help my wife keep it first."

Yuan Xinghui was very cooperative, but she made an appointment with Mori Kogoro as long as she told the truth, she wouldn't have to go to jail.

Reiko Kujo frowned, and couldn't take it any longer: "I have an objection. The case we are discussing now is the murder of President Shi Huan. It is useless to discuss such a vase. Therefore, I think the defense lawyer is suspected of delaying time. !"

The old judge also became serious: "Let the defense lawyer answer this question."

Fei Yingli said seriously: "Then please explain to the new witness who discovered this vase, Mori Kogoro."

Hearing this, there was a lot of discussion in the audience, even the jury was no exception, Xiaolin Chengzi was quite surprised by this.

Kujo Reiko's heart sank suddenly. As soon as Kogoro Mori appeared on the stage, it would be difficult. Could it be that there is something weird about this vase?

The face of one person in the auditorium turned pale in an instant.

As for Yukiko and the other girls, they have full confidence in Kogoro Mori.

Only Shiliang was pure and pure, and looked over with an interesting expression, his eyes full of scrutiny.

Mori Kogoro straightened his clothes, got up from the audience behind, and stood beside Eri.

"My lord, we met again. We came here uninvited. I really can't bear to see an unjust, false and wrongly decided case."

The old judge also had an impression of Mori Kogoro, so his attitude was very tolerant, so he said gently: "Then let detective Maori explain the origin of this vase to everyone!"

Kogoro Mori, who was wearing gloves, directly picked up the vase and pointed the mouth of the vase at the crowd. There was another dry brown stain on the neck of the bottle.

He said directly: "Everyone can also see that there is blood stain on the mouth of the vase. According to the inspection, the blood stain has been found to match the blood of the deceased, so this is the key evidence related to this case."

Reiko Kujo stood up: "This blood stain may also be formed by the blood splashed out during the assassination. The key evidence should be the murder weapon and the debt certificate!"

Mori Kogoro raised his eyebrows, and said without hesitation: "Then dare to ask the prosecutor, if the defendant really went to steal and kill for the proof of the debt, then he has time to turn the oil painting upside down and hang it up, why didn't he pay the debt?" How about taking the evidence away with the trend to lessen your own innocence?"

"This!" Kujo Reiko was immediately overwhelmed by the question.

"Clearly, the defendant was simply stealing."

"In fact, this case is like this. When Ms. Yuan Xing was cleaning the second floor, the first noise she heard was when the murderer stabbed the victim."

"After the murderer killed the deceased, he immediately removed the oil painting on the wall, because there were no fingerprints left because he was wearing gloves."

"After he took away his proof of debt, he was about to leave when he ran into Toshio Iwamatsu who had sneaked into the study. The murderer couldn't escape, so he could only hide behind the door."

"Toshio Iwamatsu came in and saw the corpse on the ground. He panicked, stepped on the pool of blood of the corpse and slipped, and knocked the vase to the ground. The vase rolled behind the gate."

"Toshio Iwamatsu panicked and fled the same way."

"Afterwards the nanny appeared and screamed when she found the corpse. The murderer put the vase behind the door, put all the gloves and daggers in the vase, and pretended to be someone who rushed over when he heard the sound."

"That's right, the murderer is the second witness I mentioned in the morning, the second witness who appeared at the door of the study, Tsukano Hiroshi."

Hearing this, Tsukano Hiroshi in the auditorium behind turned pale.

He was about to leave altogether, but the gate was already blocked.

Mori Kogoro continued: "Mr. Tsukano has never left the study at all, and has been staying in the villa all the time, so he can appear miraculously."

"After that, he pretended to ask Ms. Hara Yuki to call an ambulance, but in fact he held the vase and threw it in the garbage dump outside."

"Mr. Tsukano, do you think you can wait for the garbage dump to take back the waste, and you can help you destroy the corpse?"

"Unfortunately, it happened that the day of the incident was not a non-flammable product recycling day, so the vase was not destroyed, but was picked up by Ms. Yuan Xing."

After hearing Kogoro Mori's reasoning, Toru Tsukano shouted angrily: "It's nonsense, this is a complete slander, I'm just a witness, not a suspect, let me go, I won't testify this afternoon."

Chapter 0132 Reiko Kujo Soy Sauce

Tsukano Hiroshi got up from the auditorium and ran out of the door like crazy.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, but the bailiffs looked hesitant. They only had the right to control the defendant, not the right to prevent the witness from leaving.

At this moment, there was an extra person at the door. It was Ren Saburo Shiratori who had received a call from Mori Kogoro and sent reinforcements from the Metropolitan Police Department.

Ren Saburo Shiratori stopped Tsukano Hiroshi from his way, took out his ID and said, "Mr. Tsukano, now the police suspect that you have something to do with this case, please cooperate with the investigation!"

Hearing this, Tsukano Hiroshi turned extremely pale, and in the end he had no choice but to be escorted back to the scene.

Shiliang Zhenchun couldn't help but said: "The policeman came too soon!"

Conan on the side replied feebly: "Uncle called the police just before he came here, and everything can't escape Uncle's expectations."

"Wow, it really is a clever plan!" Sera Masumi looked at Mouri Kogoro in the center of the court, his eyes lit up, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, as if he was thinking about something.

But Conan the Little Devil said with a hostile face: "Hey, who are you boy? Why are you sitting next to Sister Xiaolan?"

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