After Xiaolan heard it, she couldn't help scolding: "Conan, you are too rude. This is a transfer student who just transferred from my school. She is a girl. You should call her Sister Shiliang."

Shiliang Zhenchun waved his hand, with an indifferent look on his face: "It's okay, I'm used to being misunderstood anyway!"

Conan was taken aback, inspected carefully, and made sure it was a girl, so he apologized.

Kogoro Mori in the middle of the courtroom continued: "Mr. Tsukano, you heard that the murder weapon had not been found when the court opened in the morning. I am afraid that there is no way to convict Mr. Iwamatsu."

"That's why you went to Toriya Park to discard the murder weapon during the court recess at noon, so that the prosecutors could easily find it."

Tsukano Heng suddenly became anxious: "You are talking nonsense, the murder weapon has nothing to do with me."

Mori Kogoro said: "Oh, I remember that Toriya Park underwent a reform a year ago and installed a camera at the entrance. Maybe you can ask the police to call up the camera to see if you have been there?"

Tsukano Hiroshi's pupils shrank instantly, and immediately retorted: "So what if I went, I just feel depressed at noon, I just went there for a walk, Toriya Park is so big, I can't even take a walk!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the court was arguing again, and the sophistry was too forced.

And Mori Kogoro laughed lightly: "Haha, what I said about the camera just now is all nonsense. Why is Mr. Tsukano so eager to testify that he went to Toriya Park at noon? Isn't it a guilty conscience?"

"You!" Hearing that Toru Tsukano's eyes turned red immediately, and he pointed his finger at Kogoro Mori, it felt really uncomfortable to be cheated out.

The audience's suspicion of Toru Tsukano deepened.

Tsukano Toru waved his hand, and then said angrily: "Where I go at noon has nothing to do with this matter, Mori Kogoro, you are talking nonsense, I will definitely sue you for slander."

"How could I kill my brother-in-law, he is my only family member in this world!" Tsukano Toru said while dropping a few drops of horse urine.

Disgust appeared in Maoli Kogoro's eyes: "Stop pretending, lawyer concubine has already gone to your company to investigate, lawyer concubine, tell me."

Fei Yingli presented a stack of materials to the old judge, and then said: "According to the investigation at President Shihuan's company, Mr. Tsukano's embezzlement of the company's property by taking advantage of his position has been discovered by President Shihuan. The president had a quarrel, and everyone in the company knew about it."

Hearing this, Tsukano Hiroshi became even more bizarrely angry: "Impossible, those people who eat inside and out, they all came to frame me and want to take my position as general manager. This is not evidence! This is not evidence!"

Toru Tsukano struggled to get the materials, but was subdued by Ren Saburo Shiratori behind him, and his body was pressed on the table in the auditorium.

Mori Kogoro sternly said, "Mr. Tsukano, don't you want evidence? I'll give it to you."

He picked up the vase immediately: "Throwing the gloves and dagger into the vase will not get your fingerprints, but when you reach in to get the dagger and gloves, you don't have gloves on your hands."

"It's inside this vase, with your bloody fingerprints on it, and here's the ironclad proof, what else do you have to argue about now!"

Hearing these words, Tsukano Toru, who was under pressure, was stunned as if he had been struck by five thunders.

His lips were trembling constantly, and finally he couldn't say anything.

With a whimper, he burst into tears again.

"It's all because of that guy, I don't want to kill him, I don't want to kill him."

"He said that if I still don't pay the money, he will call the police and arrest me. I have no choice but to do it."

"Why, I hate it, why do you all want to kill me, can't you let that guy go to jail? Can't you?"

Tsukano Toru kept wailing, Shiratori Ren Saburo heard that his words went too far, so he took out handcuffs and handcuffed him, and then escorted him outside.

Seeing this situation, everyone sighed with emotion.

Reiko Kujo, who was in the prosecution, was a little confused, feeling as if she had come to make soy sauce, and the audience listened to Mori Kogoro's reasoning without saying a word.

She looked at Mori Kogoro, and saw that he was still smirking at herself, and couldn't help being slightly annoyed.

This guy took so much advantage of me at noon, and even helped me find evidence. It turned out that this was all a trick to confuse me. It's really disgusting!

Thinking of this, she couldn't help clenching her silver teeth and staring over.

The old judge above combined the opinions of the jurors, swung his hammer and said: "Based on the opinions of the jurors, the result of the trial of this case is that the defendant Toshio Iwamatsu was acquitted."

"Does the prosecution have any objections?"

Hearing this, Kujo Reiko came back to her senses.

She stood up and said, "The prosecution has no objection. We will collect materials as soon as possible and re-prosecute Tsukano Toru's murder of President Shi Huan."

The old judge nodded and swung the hammer again: "The interrogation is over, Toshio Yanmatsu will be released in court!"

Hearing this, the whole court burst into loud applause.

Toshio Iwamatsu couldn't believe it, and finally thanked Mori Kogoro and Hieiri excitedly.

The audience looked at Mori Kogoro with admiration, and the applause kept ringing. They felt that their trip was worthwhile, and they watched a wonderful reasoning show.

And there was a strange smile on the corner of Sera Masumi's mouth underneath, and then he quietly put away the cell phone that he had been holding up all the time.

Just before taking it back, the real-time video signal light of the phone was still on.

On the other side of the video, a girl looks at the cut signal, lost in thought.

Chapter 0133 The sour smell of love

The case was over, and everyone left in an orderly manner.

Mori Kogoro and Eri packed up the materials, walked out of the court, and gathered with Yukiko and others in the corridor.

Shiliang Zhenchun immediately praised: "Detective Maori, your reasoning just now is really wonderful, and it taught the younger generation a very useful lesson."

"you are?"

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