Shiratori Ren Sanlang instantly felt that his heart had been pierced by thousands of arrows, and the sound of heartbreak rang in his ears.

The boss's words made him shut himself up instantly. He lowered his head, walked to the steps with a blank face, and sat down directly.

Shiratori Renzaburo with his head in his hands just wants to be quiet!

In the Mori Detective Agency, although Mitsuhiko, Genta, and Ayumi were sent home, there were still many people in the office.

Sera Masumi is very curious about everything, wandering around the office on the second floor, flipping through everything she sees.

Sonoko stayed by Shiliang Zhenchun's side, her eyes full of vigilance.

However, Mori Kogoro didn't like to leave any paper documents when handling cases, so Shira Masumi didn't find anything.

The mother and son Yukiko and Conan sat on both sides of the sofa, splitting the accumulated letters together.

In Ran's room on the third floor, Eri and Ran sat on the bed.

Yingli only felt that she was in a panic. Today, her daughter has been looking at her very strangely, and she hesitates to speak, almost killing her.

Eri absent-mindedly helped her daughter fold the clothes in the closet.

Soon, she got a few very strange items, stockings, some ropes, a little fabric, and fishing nets.

Hey, isn't this sexy lingerie?

Eri's eyes widened instantly at her daughter's sexy lingerie.

When Xiaolan saw it, she grabbed the clothes in panic and stuffed them into the closet, her face blushing.

Seeing that her mother was about to ask a question, Xiaolan decided to preemptively: "Mom, last night..."

Hearing the keyword, Eri tensed up instantly, her big eyes were a little erratic.

"Are you and Dad reunited?"

Eri tried to calm down, complaining about Kogoro Mori in her heart, pretending to be a gentle and good mother, and asked softly, "Xiao Ran, did you sleep well last night?"

Xiaolan then said, "I slept soundly, but I was woken up in the middle, so I can only pretend to be asleep."

Her big eyes lit up, and there seemed to be little devil's horns on her little head, and she said, "Mom, I saw everything about you and Dad?"


Eri's face turned pale.

Chapter 0135 Mom, is Dad amazing?


Mother's face is gone!

Yingli turned her head away, not daring to look at her daughter, and said in panic, "Xiaolan, you must have misread, nothing happened last night?"

Xiaolan made a special circle and came to sit in front of Yingli, with a malicious smile on her face.

"But I obviously heard my mother's cry. It lasted for more than two hours, and she was right beside me. How could I be wrong!"

Eri's face turned red with embarrassment, and she felt extremely resentful towards Kogoro Mori: she didn't know how to face her daughter after this matter was exposed.

Xiaolan approached step by step, completely like a little devil, and said with a smirk: "How is it? Mom, is Dad good? How do you feel? Are you comfortable?"

Eri's pupils shrank suddenly. She never expected her daughter to ask such a question, and she couldn't answer it at all.

But Xiaolan asked herself and answered: "Hehe, Dad must be very good, after all, it's been so long."

"Xiao Lan!"

Yingli couldn't let her daughter continue asking like this, and turned defensive to offensive: "I haven't asked you yet, what happened to those stockings and underwear you just had? You child, how can you have sexy underwear?"

"Oh, those are just shopping for fun."

Xiaolan prevaricated casually, not wanting to give up the initiative of the conversation to her mother, so she stepped forward and put her arms around her arm, and said, "Mom, we are mother and daughter, tell me it's okay!"

"Did you feel comfortable last night? Are you and Dad reunited?"

Facing her daughter who was so aggressively chasing and beating her, Yingli had nothing to do. Xia Fei had no choice but to lower her head and whisper, "Forget it, let's do it!"

"Wow, that's great, mom, you're so deceitful, and you kept hiding it from me." Xiaolan pretended to be happy, and continued to press Fei Yingli.

Eri in the room should be very distressed, and in the office on the second floor, Yukiko on the sofa is also having a hard time.

Conan, who was sitting across from him, opened the letter and spoke.

"Aunt Youxizi, don't you know? Just now I went to President Shi Huan's house with my uncle to investigate. Guess what I saw?"

"I saw Uncle Maori and Prosecutor Kutiao at the door of the study. The two of them were kissing constantly, mua, mua, tsk tsk tsk, uncle is so good, he took down Prosecutor Jiutiao so quickly."

Hearing this, Yuxiko frowned, and her breathing suddenly became heavy.

However, the actor's self-cultivation is supporting her, and she is still opening the letter pretending to be calm.

Yukiko knows Conan's tricks, and she just wants to use these things to stimulate herself.

Once he loses his composure, Conan can be sure that he and Kogoro really have ghosts.

Unexpectedly, it took so long to dispel Conan's suspicion.

You must hold back!

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