Yuxiko held back, and Sonoko rushed over when she heard this. Kohaku stared at Conan with big eyes, and twisted Conan's ears.

"Little ghost, what did you just say? Is it true? How is it possible, how could uncle be tempted by that old woman."

Conan hurriedly struggled away, rubbed his ears and said, "How can it be impossible, I have seen this with my own eyes, of course it is true."

"And uncle is so handsome, it's normal for women to like him!"

Sera Masumi on the side also followed, listening curiously.

Conan looked at his mother's expression and felt that the material was not enough, so he continued to speak.

"I still remember one time when my uncle went to the bank to make a deposit, he met a female staff member. That evening, he hugged the female staff member and went to her apartment. He stayed there for a long time~~~"

Naturally, this was what he knew about Akemi Miyano.The veins on Yukiko's forehead were twitching wildly. Although she was generous, she would still be angry when she heard this, but she still pretended to be smiling.

But Yuanzi's eyes turned red in an instant, and he stretched out his hand and patted Conan's head: "Impossible, you little brat, you must be lying!"

Conan immediately ran away and hid, but Sera Masumi hugged Sonoko from behind and controlled her.

"What I said is true." Conan looked at his mother's normal expression again, gritted his teeth, and continued to break the news.

"I still remember one time when we went to Moon Shadow Island to investigate a case. The day before I left the island, I went to my uncle, and I heard the female doctor who was with him screaming 'Ya Die, Kimo Chicken', and the two seemed to be fighting. !"

"Later, that doctor went to work as a school doctor in our elementary school!"

Of course, this is about Aso's honesty.

As soon as these words came out, before Youxizi could react, Yuanzi went crazy first.

Her eyes were red, and she burst out with infinite power. She broke free from Kai Shiliang's pure confinement, grabbed the broom beside her, and started chasing and killing Conan.

"Little devil, you dare to talk nonsense, I will tear your stinky mouth!"

Conan ran away immediately, but still got a few slaps on his ass.

And Shiliang Zhenchun looked at his arm in a daze. He could be regarded as a master of Jeet Kune Do, but he let Yuanzi run away so easily. How is this possible?

Yukiko on the sofa was holding both ends of the letter with both hands.

With a sound of tearing, You Xizi exerted a little force with his fingers, and the whole letter paper was torn into countless pieces. You Xizi covered his mouth and smiled softly: "Thick and thick, it seems that I accidentally used too much force."

Seeing this scene, Shiliang Zhenchun kept sweating on his forehead.

She looked sideways at Yuanzi, then at Youxizi, it seemed that these two women were not easy to mess with!

Conan was still running wildly, and when passing the sofa, a foot stuck out from Yukiko, tripping Conan directly.

Sonoko caught up in an instant, stepped on Conan's back, and slapped Conan's butt with a broom with both hands.

The screams are endless!

That scene was so tragic that Shiliang Zhenchun on the side couldn't bear to look at each other, and turned his head sideways with his eyes covered.

But when she saw Yuxiko on the sofa still had a smiling face, looking very interesting, she couldn't stop feeling chills in her heart!

Who are these people!

The little loli Huiyuan, who was flipping through a magazine in the living room on the third floor, heard Conan's screams, shook her head and said, "It's a mess!"

Little Lolita also completely ignored these things.


Conan's sad days are still going on, but Mori Kogoro in the hot spring is very happy.

He finally understood what the sandwich biscuit meant. With his back against the big rock, Miwako was on the left side, Chengzi was on the right side, and Yumi-chan was on the front side.

The three girls sandwiched themselves, and Yumi kissed herself lightly, so happy!

But right next door to the hot spring, a sneaky man was attaching his ear to the wall, trying to eavesdrop.

It was the hard-working Shiratori Ren Saburo.

Shiratori Ren Saburo still couldn't believe it in the end, and after cheering up, he ordered the hot spring pool next door to the boss.

He didn't take a bath in the hot spring, he just wanted to hear the movement inside to make sure it was true.

It's a pity that the sound insulation effect of the building materials of the hot spring hall is so good that Ren Saburo Shiratori can't hear anything.

Chapter 0136 Three women and one man's hot spring bath

The three girls stood on the stone steps, treating the sitting Mori Kogoro's head like a ball, laughing and bumping it back and forth with their buttocks.

Silver bell-like laughter resounded throughout the hot spring pool, creating a completely harmonious scene.

Kogoro Moori also enjoyed it, covering the three people's long legs with his big hands from time to time, taking advantage of it.

But soon the three girls were tired from playing, they all sat down and started to soak in the hot spring.

Miwako on the left, Sumiko on the right, and Yumi-chan sat directly on Kogoro Mori's lap.

Yumi was restless when she sat down, and mischievously splashed water on the three of them. Not to be outdone, Miwako and Chengzi also fought back.

Immediately, the hot spring battle began, and screams and laughter continued to spread.

Faced with such a chaotic situation, Mori Kogoro, who was sitting in the middle, closed his eyes and remained motionless.

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