But under the water, his big hand secretly controlled everything, climbing along the curves, and finally came to Yumi's body.

He hugged Yumi's soft waist directly, and kissed Yumi's pink lips in one breath.

During the passionate kiss, Yumi's face in front of her turned red, her breathing became heavy, and her big eyes were full of water.

Miwako and Chengzi glanced at each other, then they both stopped, a pair of small hands covered Kogoro Mori's body, and they also started to mess around.

Mei Hezi's eyes were full of tenderness, her lavender pupils lit up slightly, and she plunged into the water.

hiss! ! !

Not to be outdone, Chengzi got up directly, and put Kogoro Moori's head in his arms, his eyes were full of tenderness.

This kind of treatment is not much different from that of an emperor.

Soon, Miwako couldn't hold her breath and floated up. Mori Kogoro hugged her body and kissed her lips.

Not long after, water splashed everywhere, and a moving and exciting movement sounded. This was destined to be a scuffle.

The white bird next door, Ren Sanlang, scratched his ears and tried all kinds of methods, holding a bowl and basin against the wall to eavesdrop, but he didn't hear any sound.

Shiratori Ren Sanlang didn't bother to soak in the hot spring at the end, so he went straight out of the private pool and sat on a stone chair beside him in the corridor, watching the gate where Maori and his party entered, and began to wait, he couldn't believe it. Until Kogoro Mori comes out.

This wait lasted more than three hours, and when he was almost asleep in a daze, he heard the sound of the door.

Shiratori Ren Sanlang immediately covered his head with a towel, only peeping with one eye.

The four people walking out of the bathing place were all dressed neatly, talking and laughing while walking, Kogoro Mori looked refreshed, while the other three women had ruddy complexions and a very good complexion.

The three girls still leaned against Mori Kogoro from time to time, looking completely intimate, and chatting from time to time.

Mori Kogoro pretended not to see Rensaburo Shiratori, and walked out with Chengzi in his arms.

"Chengzi, your physical strength is too weak. You look so much like me. You don't look like me at all in this respect. No, I have to find a chance to help you practice."

"Chengzi, don't listen to Meihezi, you're fine like this, and being weak is the most perfect state." Yumei's big eyes rolled around, bewitching the confused Chengzi.

"Who has gone to the police academy for training like the two of you! Pervert, he came out and said, Xiao Wulang, you take care of them two, bullying me all day long."

"Okay, okay, okay, Miwako, Yumi, you all calm down!"

The three kept going away, but Shiratori Ren Sanlang trembled with anger when he saw this scene, his teeth creaked.

It's so hateful! ! !

There is no reason for this, is it possible to do whatever you want because you are handsome?

Heaven has no eyes!Heaven has no eyes!

Mao Li and his team soon came to the front desk, handed over the key to the boss, and paid some money for breaking the water bed.

The boss saw his energetic face, and the three girls beside him looked like little birds, so he couldn't help giving Mouri Kogoro a thumbs up.

Mori Kogoro smiled indifferently, hiding his achievements and fame.

He went out with all the girls in his arms, got into the Lexus, and the car sped out in an instant.

Shiratori Ren Sanlang, who was still asking the boss behind, hadn't reacted, and the car disappeared from his sight.

This time Mori Kogoro no longer controlled the speed. After getting rid of Shiratori Ren Saburo, he drove directly to the Japanese restaurant with the best sukiyaki cooking in Tokyo, and took the hungry three girls to eat a big meal.

After that, they drove the three girls to their respective homes.

After kissing the three girls goodbye one by one, Kogoro Mouri drove towards his home.

At six o'clock in the evening, the car stopped next to the cafe, went upstairs, and Kogoro Mori heard the humming of Conan the Devil.

This guy had a disheveled face, lying on the sofa, his whole body was tied up with tape, and a dirty rag was stuffed in his mouth.

When Conan saw Mori Kogoro, he hummed and twisted his body continuously, as if he was asking for help.

Mori Kogoro couldn't help being surprised, someone can restrain Conan, this is too amazing!

As soon as he changed his mind, today's video about Conan replayed in his mind.

Hearing Conan's continuous revelation of himself, his brows also twitched, and he instantly cut off the idea of ​​saving Conan.

I really deserve to die!

Soon after the replay of the video, Kogoro Mori knew what happened today.

Conan with small arms and legs was rubbed by Sonoko like a ball, round and flat at once, which was horrible.

At this time, Sonoko came down from the third floor, still holding an apple in his hand, and when he saw Kogoro Mouri, he immediately said, "Uncle, you don't know how this stinky brat arranged for you after you left." of."

"He made up a lot of things for us to hear, so I punished him for you. How about it, uncle, did I do well?" The little girl had a look of asking for credit.

The arc of Conan's struggle became wider and wider: "Heh heh heh..." [I didn't tell a lie, it's all true. 】

Kogoro Mori stretched out his hand and rubbed Sonoko's little head, Sonoko immediately narrowed his eyes with a happy expression.

Shiliang Zhenchun, who followed behind, still looked terrified.

It's hard to believe that such a docile girl was so cruel before!

Sera Masumi just thinks that the people in this office are a little weird, so I won't talk about Sonoko and Yukiko.

On the third floor, there was an unusually calm mature little loli, who didn't pay any attention to the screams below, saw her eyes and said that her eyes were a bit strange.

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