The mother and daughter in the room stayed in the room for a long time, and when they approached, the mother Concubine Eri ran away with a flushed face, and the daughter Xiaolan inside had a weird smile.

After that, the concubine lawyer was still pouring things in the pot like alchemy in the kitchen, and asked her that she was still saying that she was cooking, how could she cook like this, she was obviously studying explosives, and two pots were blown up.

What a weird family!

Sera Masumi began to wonder if her mother's decision was wrong.

Chapter 0137 Angry Eri and Yukiko

But after Sera Makoto saw Mori Kogoro, he still felt that the Mori family was quite reliable.

After all, this great detective is a real and powerful person.

I have to say that the man's good looks are still very advantageous, and he can shake other people's minds in an instant, giving people a sense of reliability.

On the contrary, Shiliang Zhenchun felt that people with weird personalities must have strange abilities!

But if Kogoro Mori knew what Sera Zhenchun was thinking, he would definitely think that this girl is too young and naive.

Conan, who was tied up with duct tape on the sofa, kept "humming", especially his waist, which kept twisting, as if hinting at something.

Conan was about to go crazy. He was tied up for more than two hours, which means he didn't go to the bathroom for more than two hours.

His bladder was about to burst from holding back his urine.

Conan wriggled vigorously, even stretching the adhesive tape. He rolled like a salted fish, and finally turned over as hard as he could, turned his body on his side, and stopped.

But with his upper body hanging, he couldn't use his strength, so he felt more and more uncomfortable.

The little ghost stared at Yuanzi with hatred in his eyes, and kept shouting in his heart: Damn motherfucker, shameful shame, shameful shame, I will definitely take revenge!

Sera Masumi saw how pitiful Conan was, and said, "Why don't we let Conan go?"

Yuanzi flatly refused, "No, this brat is getting bolder and bolder. If you don't give him some punishment, he won't even know his last name."

Sera Masumi looked at Conan's face that was getting redder and redder, and felt that something was wrong, and was about to dissuade him again.

Kogoro Mori changed the subject and asked, "Sonoko, what did Conan say about me?"

Sonoko began to recount.

"Humph! Humph! Humph..." [Uncle, let go of me quickly, I'm about to lose my hold, I'm about to explode! 】

"Humph! Humph..." [Help, is there someone here to save me! 】

At this moment, Xiaolan led the little girl Huiyuan down the stairs.

Xiaolan was still talking: "Dad, are you back yet? Aunt Yuxiko has already prepared dinner, hurry up and eat!"

"Sonoko, Sera-san, you guys also stay at my house for dinner together!"

Hearing Xiaolan's voice, the pupils of Conan who was lying sideways on the sofa contracted.

Oops, I can't hold on anymore!

As soon as Xiaolan and little loli Huiyuan walked into the office, a shrill "hum" sounded, which caught the two people's attention.

The sofa was tied up with tape, causing Conan, who was lying on his side, to close his eyes, and then a puddle of water began to spread on his gray shorts, drawing a map.

The whole audience was silent, Mori Kogoro, Sera Masumi, Sonoko, Xiao Ran, and Haibara all stared at this scene with dumbstruck eyes.

Conan peed his pants in front of his sweetheart, and Conan wanted to die. If there was a gap, he would rather get in than crawl out.

Yuanzi immediately laughed gloatingly: "Hahaha, brat, you actually peed your pants, I'm dying of laughter."

And the little loli Huiyuan turned her head sideways and said, "Disgusting!"

Xiaolan turned her head to look at Mori Kogoro: "Father, why are you tying Conan, why don't you let him go!"

Mori Kogoro picked up the knife in Conan's pencil case on the table.

The knife flashed!The circles of tape that tied Conan were scattered, and Conan's half-hanging body suddenly fell on the sofa.

But the little ghost jumped into the sky like a rabbit, and immediately rushed into the room, with crystal clear tears falling from the corners of his eyes.

It was so painful and humiliating!

The door was closed heavily, and Conan closed himself!

Xiaolan also said: "Conan, come up to eat after changing your pants!" There was no response from the room.

Conan behind the gate hugged his knees with his hands, smelling the smell of urine, tears streaming down his face.

Yuanzi, if you don't take revenge, you are not a gentleman, just wait for me!

The people outside the door didn't wait long, and they all went to the third floor to have dinner.

As soon as he reached the third floor, he saw Eri sitting beside him awkwardly.

Xiaolan put too much pressure on her today, causing her dark cooking to be out of order, and she directly made a few dishes of black charcoal cooking.

This time, even Eri knew that the dishes that were burnt into black charcoal were not edible, so she gave up the position of chef to Yukiko.

The big star Yukiko put on an apron and turned into a cook, and took charge of tonight's dinner.

As soon as Sonoko came up, she told the two about the embarrassing incident of Conan peeing his pants, and Yukiko's eyes lit up, feeling very satisfied.

But when Yukiko and Eri saw Mori Kogoro appearing, they had different expressions.

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