Behind Yingli's glasses, Danfeng's eyes almost shot coldly, and he looked at Kogoro Mori angrily.

If he hadn't insisted on going his own way last night, how could he have been so embarrassed by Xiaolan's questioning, and he was about to lose his mother's majesty.

On the other hand, Yukiko smiled very sweetly, and Mori Kogoro knew her very well, the sweeter the smile, the more dangerous it was.

Yuanzi didn't believe what Conan said today, but Yuxiko believed [-]% of it, and it was natural for him to be angry when his son exposed it, and it was normal to behave like this.

The appearance of the two girls made Mori Kogoro feel a little panicked, it seems that tonight is not going to be easy.

But fortunately, neither Eri nor Yukiko had an attack when they saw outsiders were there.

Everyone went to the table peacefully and started today's dinner.

Although Mori Kogoro was full, since it was Yukiko's craft, he naturally wanted to try again.

The elders sit on the same side, and the younger sit on the opposite side.

It's just that as soon as he sat down, there was an extra hand on the left and right waists, and then he began to twist [-] degrees.

It's a pity that it didn't break the defense at all, and it didn't hurt at all.

Eri and Yukiko still pretended to be normal and greeted everyone to eat.

Moori Kogoro is not the kind of person who is passively beaten. After taking a few mouthfuls of food, he made a look full of praise, and took the opportunity to fight back with his hands down, pointing at the vital point.

Yukiko froze, but Eri shook like an electric shock.

Little Lolita Haibara ate dinner without caring about the world.

Sera Masumi kept praising the superstar Yukiko's craftsmanship.

While Yuanzi buried his head in cooking, he was secretly complaining that Shiliang Zhenchun's face was too thick, and he had to have dinner here after a day of acquaintance with Xiaolan.

Xiaolan, who was sitting opposite Mori Kogoro, seemed to have seen her mother's shaking, her big eyes were patrolling her parents, full of weirdness.

Seemingly aware of her daughter's gaze, Eri buried her head in her meal.

Eri and Yukiko were critically restrained, and they both withdrew their little hands from Mori Kogoro's waist, hoping to exchange for peaceful coexistence.

But Mori Kogoro didn't let the two girls go so easily, and said, "Youkiko's craftsmanship is really getting better and better, but I just had dinner outside, so I'll just watch you guys eat!"

Chapter 0138 Why does my daughter become like this

Lightly close and slowly twist and pick up, the first is the neon clothes and the second six.

The red bean is born in the southern country, and a few sprigs come out in spring.

The ancient sheep intestines road opens at three to seven, and the winding path leads to secluded places slowly.

Mori Kogoro is well aware of the beauty of ancient Chinese poetry.

Xiaolan looked suspiciously at her parents.

Sera Masumi, who is a high school student detective, also seems to have faintly noticed something unusual.

Only then did Kogoro Mori restrain himself, and immediately the two women on the left and right let out a deep breath.

Only then did Yukiko relax, as if she suddenly thought of something, she took out a re-pasted letter.

"Xiao Goro, look, this is what I saw when I sorted out the letters in the afternoon. There is also a commission fee of [-] million yen, and this map is attached at the back."

Kogoro Mori took the letter and asked in surprise, "Why did the letter break into pieces like this?"

You Xizi stuck out her tongue: "I accidentally tore it like this, it took me a long time to stick it together!"

Looking at the invitation letters that are all in pieces, it is really a skill to be able to stick them together.

Kogoro Moori read the invitation letter: "Detective Maori, I am the owner of the Twilight House. I sincerely invite you to come to the humble house on this Thursday and have dinner. At that time, there will be a gathering of all the detectives. I am looking forward to meeting you." A conversation with a Maori detective."

"The inscribed name is the phantom of a child abandoned by God!"

Mori Kogoro nodded slightly, the event of Twilight House, that is, the event of Renye Karasuma, this is a big event.

After Shiliang Zhenchun heard it, he thought for a while, and his brows relaxed, as if he had thought of something.

Yuanzi flipped through the map, and kept saying, "What is the phantom of the son of God, what the hell is inviting uncle to such a remote place."

The corner of Shiliang Zhenchun's mouth curled up, and he began to ask: "Uncle Maori, do you know who this phantom of the child that God has abandoned?"

Looking at Sera's Zhenchun's scrutinizing eyes, Mori Kogoro chuckled: "Of course I know, the child that God abandoned comes from the New Testament, that is, the goat."

"The word for a goat is goat in English, but it has already been said to be a child, that is, a little goat, and it is kid in English."

"Add the word phantom, and it adds up to Phantom Bandit Kidd!"

"So the literal meaning is that this is an invitation letter from Kidd."

After listening to Mori Kogoro's analysis, Sonoko, Xiaolan, and Yukiko's eyes were filled with admiration.

Shiliang Zhenchun also showed admiration in his eyes, he was indeed a very good detective, and he analyzed it immediately.

Yuanzi also exclaimed: "Uncle Mao Li, you are too powerful!"

You Xizi frowned and said, "I just caught Kidd last Saturday, I didn't expect him to come out to make trouble again and invite so many detectives."

"Kogoro, is he trying to use other detectives to defeat you?"

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