Although Mori Kogoro knew the reason, he didn't reveal too much: "I don't think it's realistic, it's okay, I'll find out when I go there on Friday."

Sera Masumi stood up and bowed, with a sincere look on his face: "Detective Maori, please take me with you, I also want to meet other detectives for a while."

Mori Kogoro pondered for a moment, then nodded: "Well, all right!"

And Sonoko also wanted to ask to accompany, but was rejected by Mori Kogoro on the grounds that she was not a detective.

Sonoko pouted for a moment, looking at Shiliang Zhenchun who was beside him resentfully.

Shiliang Zhenchun felt a little scared.

After dinner, Sonoko and Sera Masumi both said goodbye politely.

"Thank you for your hospitality today, we should go, goodbye."

The two went downstairs together and walked towards home together.

In the Polo Cafe, Toru Amuro came out of the cafe.

Standing in the shadows, he kept staring at Sera's pure figure until he could no longer see her before returning to the cafe.

Sera Masumi also seemed to be faintly aware of it, and after getting out of Toru Amuro's sight, she quietly turned around and looked behind.

Conan on the second floor still hasn't left the room. Today he was ashamed and humiliated.

Even with his hungry stomach growling, he didn't want to leave the room.

After taking a shower, Conan went straight to bed and covered himself with a quilt.

He forced himself to sleep so that the humiliating scene wouldn't keep replaying in his mind.

If Conan doesn't come out to make trouble, Mori Kogoro and Yukiko will be much more relaxed.

Ran and Eri went to the bathroom to take a shower together, while little loli Haibara hid in her room and read the new bio magazine.

In Mori Kogoro's room, only Yukiko and Kogoro were left alone.

Yukiko looked like she was settling accounts after autumn.

Yukiko was wearing a light blue dress, bright and eccentric, her small face was exquisite.

The big star's aura is so strong that standing on the bed is like walking a red carpet.

Her jade feet stepped directly on Mori Kogoro's chest.

"Xiao Goro, you're amazing, if Shinichi hadn't told me, I wouldn't have known that you were involved with so many women in private."

"I hooked up with Prosecutor Kujo so quickly, if Eri found out, he would kill you alive."

"Tell me, who is that female clerk at the bank? Who is that female doctor at Moon Shadow Island? Is there anyone else? Call me quickly!"

Yukiko was still smiling when she said this, and her toes were still twirling on her pectoral muscles.

Mori Kogoro grabbed Yukiko's jade feet. As an old driver, he naturally knew what to say and what not to say at a time like this.

He said softly, "You Xizi, those women are not one-thousandth, one-ten-thousandth as good as you. You Xizi, you are the most beautiful. I want to sink under your skirt forever."

Hearing this, Yukiko's big eyes lit up, and she was really satisfied.

"Hmph, glib, I don't believe you!"

He said he didn't believe it, but he sat on Mouri Kogoro's stomach.

Mori Kogoro climbed his legs all the way to his waist with both hands, pressing him against himself.

The long, slightly curly brown hair slid across his head, feeling a little itchy, and he smelled a very familiar woman's fragrance in his mouth and nose.

The two looked at each other with smiles on their faces.

I have to say that You Xizi is easy to coax, if only other women are like You Xizi.

Kogoro Mori watched Yukiko's small face getting closer, and kissed her with pink lips, like jelly.

His big hand poked in from the long skirt, and became presumptuous.

The two had already had a tacit understanding, and they knew what each other wanted with just one look.

Not long after, a fierce and quiet movement was played in the room.

In the bathroom, Eri and Ran are taking a bath.

Yingli originally wanted to wash it by herself, but Xiaolan opened the door and barged in halfway.

This is exactly the same as her father.

After Ran came in, Eri felt a little uncomfortable.

Sure enough, the daughter started a new round of interrogation.

"Mom, what were you and Dad doing at dinner just now?"

Yingli suddenly looked hopeless, God, why did her daughter become like this, where did the pure and kind Xiaolan go?

Chapter 0139 became unrestrained daughter

Xiaolan looked curious: "I seem to see Dad's hand under the table..."

Eri exclaimed in surprise, "Nothing happened."

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