But on the way, he heard a familiar voice.

"Yoho, Xiaolan, your driving skills are amazing, drive faster, drive faster."

This is Sonoko's voice.

In the Ford Mustang red sports car in front, it was Xiaolan who was driving, and Sera Masumi was in the passenger seat.

There are only two seats in the sports car, so Yuanzi sat in the back and let himself fly, her schoolbag flying.

Mori Kogoro frowned slightly, stepped on the accelerator, and chased after him.

The black Lexus is like a roaring monster, extremely fast.

Seeing this, the other vehicles in front avoided and let the Lexus pass.

Soon, Mori Kogoro caught up with the red supercar, and the speed of both cars was around [-] mph.

Xiaolan soon saw Kogoro Mouri, and said in surprise, "Dad, why are you here?"

As soon as Yuanzi heard this, she immediately sat up straight, pretending to be a lady, but it was too late.

"I was about to go home, and I bumped into you on the road. Where are you going so fast?"

"Martial arts field, Dad, let's see who can get there faster?"

After finishing speaking, Xiaolan stepped on the accelerator of the sports car, and the car immediately accelerated and rushed out, and the pointer on the inside and outside of the watch went straight to [-] miles.

Sonoko was so frightened that she immediately hugged the seat in front of her tightly.

Xiaolan drove so fast, Mori Kogoro was not too worried.

After all, she has the cultivation guidance technique, and her reaction speed is far faster than ordinary people, so a car accident is impossible.

But I can't just be defeated by my daughter like this, otherwise where will my father's dignity go!

Kogoro Mori also stepped on the accelerator of this modified Lexus, and master driving skills were displayed.

His eyes immediately caught the most perfect route from the endless flow of traffic, and he manipulated the steering wheel to gallop along the fleeting route.

Drifting, overtaking, crossing the shoulder of the road, and even driving up the wall and overtaking obliquely, a series of driving skills were displayed, and Xiaolan's supercar was surpassed in an instant.

Sera Masumi and Sonoko were both dumbfounded.

The car can still drive like this, which is too beautiful! ! !

More than ten minutes later, the Ford Mustang came to the outside of the Budojo, and saw Mori Kogoro standing beside the car, tilting his head and fiddling with his hair.

The speed is too fast, and the hair is messed up.

Seeing the sideways figure in the setting sun, the warm sunlight reflected on that handsome side face.

Sera's innocent face flushed red.

For the first time, she, who was always boyish, had strange feelings towards the opposite sex.

But Yuanzi has long been unable to control himself and flew up, his eyes full of nympho.

She put her arms around Moori Kogoro's arm and said, "Uncle, you are so powerful, how can the car drive so fast, I want to take your car and go for a ride with you!"

"It's best just the two of us, drive to the deep mountains and wild forests, and then..."

Before the words finished, Xiaolan grabbed Yuanzi's collar by the back of his clothes, and was dragged by Xiaolan to the Martial Arts Field.

Yuanzi tugged at the collar of his neck, struggled and said, "Ahem, Xiaolan, let me go, you're going to strangle me to death."

With great difficulty, Sonoko unbuttoned two buttons at the collar of her school uniform so that she could breathe.

Chapter 0152 unbearable enthusiasm

Xiaolan took the key and opened the Martial Arts Field. The inside was exactly the same as the ones she had seen before, as white and spotless as ever.

Temporary workers are fixed every day to do cleaning and maintenance.

Xiaolan said: "Since the last National Martial Arts Conference, I have rarely come here to train. Today I lost to Senior Sister Tsukamoto at school."

"Takamoto-senpai's Bengquan is very powerful, Dad!"

When she said this, Xiaolan rubbed her shoulder against Mori Kogoro's chest, and glanced over with her big eyes, as if she meant something.

Mori Kogoro didn't dare to teach the half-step Bengquan to his daughter.

Xiaolan is already strong enough, no matter how strong she becomes, it will be difficult for him to subdue her.

He put his arms around his daughter's soft shoulders, and said, "Xiaolan, don't compare yourself to Sumei. In Nimbus Karate, Sumei is definitely not comparable to you."

"Father only hopes that you can become more gentle in the future. It doesn't matter if you don't practice karate, let Dad protect you in the days to come!"

Hearing this, Xiaolan's face flushed a little more, Qianshou lowered her head, and responded softly: "Hi!"

Sera Masumi and Sonoko on the side immediately felt that the father and daughter were a little strange.

Yuanzi said, "Okay, hurry up and change into your martial arts uniforms, you just got into a fight at school."

"I want to know whether Jeet Kune Do is better or Karate is better!"

Hearing this, Xiaolan, who was originally gentle and soft like water, immediately became full of fighting spirit, and she dragged Shiliang Zhenchun to the dressing room at the back.

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