As soon as he saw the two leave, Sonoko came over again, put his arm around Kogoro Mouri, and didn't shy away from rubbing his little pigeon over.

"Uncle, the drift of your car just now is so handsome, I want to learn it too, can you teach me!"

"Uncle, I'm stupid. I'll sit on you when the time comes. You can teach me how to do it?"

Seeing this scene, a drop of cold sweat oozes from Kogoro Mori's forehead, Sonoko's enthusiasm is really burdensome!

If Sonoko could be normal, maybe Mori Kogoro gritted his teeth and ate it, but this girl is obviously underage, and she has such a slut attitude, she really can't do it!

Mori Kogoro didn't answer either, and Sonoko's voice became more and more sweet.

They are obviously a pair of Bs, and they are still rubbing back and forth. Could it be possible that they will suddenly skyrocket?

After finally waiting for Xiaolan and Shiliang Zhenchun to come out, Sonoko immediately let go of Mori Kogoro's arm, stood up, and turned into a serious look.

This girl doesn't want to be choked by Xiaolan again.

Yuanzi asked, "Uncle, do you think Jeet Kune Do is better or Karate is better?"

Mori Kogoro said: "There is no great martial art in the world, only great people."

"Different people use different effects, so it is unwise to insist on jeet kune do and karate."


From the perspective of Kogoro Mori, a martial arts master, Xiaolan has already surpassed ordinary people in strength after her own training, and even Kyogoku is not her opponent.

There should be no suspense in this duel, Xiaolan's physical fitness alone is enough to beat Shiliang.

But the facts surprised Mori Kogoro.In the beginning, it was Xiaolan who was at a disadvantage. Shiliang Zhenchun achieved good results even after several attacks.

Mori Kogoro fixed his eyes, and then he saw the clue.

Shiliang Zhenchun's fist should have seen blood, and he has a lot of experience in life-and-death fighting. When he fell into a disadvantage, the counterattack was fierce and even fatal, completely exchanging injuries for lives.

Naturally, Xiaolan didn't want to fight to the death, so she kept changing her moves and retreating.

Seeing Shiliang Zhenchun, who is aggressively attacking in the martial arts arena, with firm eyes, it seems that this girl has suffered a lot, no wonder she is so boyish.

After all, she had to protect her mother by herself, so it wouldn't work if she wasn't strong.

The garden below couldn't understand it, but felt that the two of them were flying up and down, which was wonderful, so they cheered loudly.

"Xiaolan, what are you doing, cheer up and beat up Shiliang for me, making her want to grab my man."

The cheers provoked the two women competing on the field, as well as Kogoro Mori couldn't help but roll their eyes.

However, Yuanzi's refueling was still very effective. After Xiaolan adapted to Shiliang's offensive, relying on her strong body speed and reaction speed, she quickly turned the situation back.

Not long after, Sera Masumi was already defending very hard, and countless fine sweats oozed from his forehead.

Faced with Xiaolan's continuous offensive, she gradually lost the strength to fight back, and finally could only say: "Stop, stop, I admit defeat."

"Wow, Xiaolan, why are you so powerful? My arm is red from your kick."

Sera Masumi rolled up her sleeves, her arms turned red as expected.

Xiaolan apologized embarrassedly: "I'm sorry, I didn't hold back my strength, but I finally found an opponent who can match me, so I accidentally got a little excited."

Shiliang Zhenchun looked unconvinced: "Although I lost to you, it doesn't mean that Jeet Kune Do is weaker than Karate."

"My Jeet Kune Do was taught by my elder brother. His fists are more than three times stronger than mine."

Hearing this, Xiaolan laughed softly: "Coincidentally, my karate was taught by my father, and his fist is more than three times stronger than mine."

Sera Masumi turned his head to look at Mori Kogoro next to him, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, and said softly, "That's great!"

"What, Shiliang, what did you say?"

"It's nothing, Xiaolan, your father will lend me a loan first, I have something to tell him."

Sera Masumi got off the martial arts field, and dragged Mori Kogoro to the corner.

Mori Kogoro pretended to be puzzled: "Shiliang, what's going on, you don't want to ask me about martial arts, do you?"

Sera Masumi shook her head: "No, Detective Mori, I just want to ask you when you are free, can you come to Kuwano Hotel and meet in my room!"

Behind the two of them, Yuanzi, who sneaked over, heard this, and immediately became furious, and immediately turned around and shouted.

"Xiaolan, Shiliang wants to ask uncle to open a room at the hotel!"

Xiaolan's complexion also changed because of it: "It's a lie!"

"No, I can hear you clearly, it's still the Cupido Hotel!"

Shiliang Zhenchun quickly waved his hands and said, "Sonoko, you misunderstood!"

But then Shiliang Zhenchun's face dripped with cold sweat, and she felt that Xiaolan in the martial arts field was emitting a terrible magic flame.

With this momentum, I'm afraid he will be killed if he can't last a round!

Chapter 0153 be a lady

After a while of flying around, Shiliang Zhenchun and Yuanzi both left the martial arts field, and the two women did not dare to stay any longer.

The blackened Xiaolan is really scary. If Kogoro Mori hadn't tried his best to stop her, the two girls would not have escaped so easily!

As for the matter of Shiliang Zhenchun asking Mori Kogoro to the hotel, after this interruption, it was over.

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