On the way home, Shiliang also pulled up his sleeves.

All the purple and blue on the arms caused by the fight just disappeared, and the two arms returned to plain white, and there was no soreness at all.

She was also very surprised when she saw this scene. She was very familiar with the injury just now, and she had to rest for at least one night to recover.


It's a pity that in the chaos, Sera Masumi didn't see that Mori Kogoro had grabbed her hand and used the rejuvenation technique.

She secretly remembered this matter, and didn't think about it any more.

After saying goodbye to Sonoko, Sera Masumi turned around and headed towards the Kubado Hotel.

Yuanzi wrinkled his nose: "Hmph, I won't let you succeed."

After saying that, Yuanzi was like a rooster fighting for victory, and walked towards his home with arrogance and arrogance.

In the martial arts arena, Mori Kogoro hugged Xiaolan from behind, clasping his big hands on his chest, still stopping his daughter.

He continued to explain: "Xiaolan, don't believe Yuanzi's words, classmate Shiliang should have asked Dad to go to the hotel for business, not to open a room."

"Giggle cluck!"

"Dad, I'm doing well."

Xiaolan turned around and smiled smugly.

"I know Yuanzi's words are exaggerated, but otherwise, these two thick-skinned guys will definitely go home with us. They have already said that they are going to have lunch today."

"So as soon as I pretended to be angry, they all ran away. How about it, Dad, can my acting skills fool Mom?"

This girl turned out to be all acting, and she fooled Kogoro Moori.

It can't be said that it was cheating, it was Mori Kogoro who thought in his heart that his daughter would not lie to him, and subconsciously ignored the change in her face, which was the trick.

Mori Kogoro rubbed Xiaolan's head, and said with a light smile, "Very well, I was deceived by you, and your mother will stop talking."

Hearing this, Xiaolan laughed triumphantly again, she stretched out her hand to hold Kogoro Mouri's big hand, and invited: "Dad, we haven't competed in a long time, come on, let's fight!"

Mori Kogoro refused: "No, just now I thought you would easily deal with Shiliang, so that didn't stop your competition."

"If I knew it was so violent, I would definitely not let you fight. After all, didn't your relatives come in the morning? When relatives come, you should be a lady!"

Hearing this, Xiaolan's face flushed instantly: "You, you, how do you know about my menstrual period?"

"Nonsense, I'm your father, don't you know when you see the trash can next to you when you go to the toilet in the morning?"

"Hmph, fathers who know their daughter's menstrual period are all perverts."

Mori Kogoro stretched out his hand and patted his daughter's butt: "Okay, I'm a pervert, okay, so let me be quiet these few days, and I can't do bad things or anything."

Xiaolan pouted in an instant: "Poor!"

Mori Kogoro put his arms around his daughter's soft shoulders, and said in a warm voice.

"Okay, when I go back, Dad will show you some red dates and black-bone chicken soup, which will help you replenish your energy and blood."

"I don't need it!"

The father and daughter went out noisily, their figures stretched extremely long under the setting sun.


In Ekoda Middle School, Aoko Nakamori was in a good mood after school, and was constantly packing her schoolbag.

She didn't care at all that Kaito Kuroba didn't come to class.

At this moment, Keiko Momoi, Qingzi's best friend, drew over.

Momoi Keiko is a very cute high school student girl, with long brown hair tied in two braids, grass green eyes under the glasses, she looks very cheerful, she belongs to the kind of carefree girl.

It's just that she is more keen on gossip.

As soon as Huizi came to Qingzi's side, he said mysteriously.

"Qingzi, do you know? Our school is haunted!"

Hearing this, Qingzi's face suddenly changed.

"Sakura from class A next door met a female ghost in the laboratory last night. I heard that it was a senior in red. She died in the laboratory due to an accident before, so she has been wandering there."

"I heard that her tongue is so long that it can strangle people's necks!"

"Yako was scared and passed out last night, and then she didn't come to school all day today."

After hearing what Huizi said, Qingzi's face was already pale.

"Keiko, don't say such scary things!"

Keiko on the side smiled: "Didn't I remind you not to come to school at night? Otherwise, it would be a disaster if you were arrested by a resentful senior."

"Ah, stop talking, it's really annoying."

Qingzi immediately picked up her schoolbag and ran out of the school, leaving Keiko with a successful prank on her face.

But soon, Huizi said, "Qingzi, wait for me, let's go home together."

Mori Kogoro and Xiaolan drove back home, and Haibara and Conan were already at home after school.

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