As soon as Conan saw Xiaolan, he couldn't help avoiding his eyes, lowered his head, and pretended to be doing homework on the table.

Time is indeed a good medicine to heal everything. Under the shadow of peeing his pants yesterday, Conan dared not meet Xiaolan face to face, but today he has barely recovered.

Kogoro Mori couldn't help laughing secretly when he saw this scene. After such a tragic lesson last night, Conan is now a man with his tail between his legs.

And his heart was completely messed up, and he didn't care about his mother at all these two days.

Both Yukiko and Eri have returned to the villa. The reasons for the two women are the same. One doesn't want to stay with her daughter, and the other doesn't want to stay with her son.

So the Maori family will return to its previous appearance.

Xiaolan was quite understanding. Seeing Conan so embarrassed, he didn't mention yesterday and today's breakfast. He just took the ingredients and was busy in the kitchen with Mori Kogoro.

As for Huiyuan, little Lolita was alone in the room gnawing raw biological data.

Huiyuan didn't come out of the room until the smell of dinner came out.

After dinner, Conan and Xiaolan still couldn't stay together, so they went downstairs with their schoolbags in hand.

And when it was close to nine o'clock in the evening, Mori Kogoro's cell phone rang, it was Aoko's call.

Mori Kogoro hid on the balcony and started to answer.

Chapter 0154

After Mori Kogoro returned to the living room from the balcony after making the phone call, Xiaolan and Huiyuan looked over with scrutiny.

He said calmly: "Hey, there is an urgent commission at night, I have to go out."

Xiaolan got up and put her arms around Mori Kogoro's arm, and said with a smile, "Father, shall I go with you? Xiao Ai, do you want to come together?"

Xiaolan didn't believe that her father had received an entrustment, maybe it was some vixen's call.

Huiyuan looked at the time, it was already nine o'clock, so he rolled his eyes and said, "I'm bored, I don't want to go out!"

Mori Kogoro laughed lightly: "It would be nice for Xiaolan to come together. It just so happens that there are so many people, I still need to investigate the haunting incident in high school."

Hearing this, Xiaolan's face instantly turned pale, and her body stiffened.

Big night!high school!Haunted!

When these elements came together, she immediately took a few steps back, and smiled dryly: "Dad, I remembered, I haven't finished my homework yet, go on your own, and be careful on the road!"

After saying this, she went directly into the room, as if she would not go out even if she was killed.

His daughter's reaction was also expected by Mori Kogoro.

He chuckled twice, patted Hui Yuan's little head, and went out.

Little Lolita also instructed: "Uncle, don't come back too late, it's hard for me to fall asleep alone at night."

"Well, I know."

After finishing speaking, he went downstairs and drove towards Jiang Gutian High School.

Not long after, the car arrived at Eguda High School, and a young girl was waiting under the streetlight, it was Aoko Nakamori.

Qingzi was wearing denim shorts, black stockings on her beautiful legs, black leather shoes, and a blue coat on her upper body, very pretty.

As soon as she saw Kogoro Mori get off the car, she immediately went up to meet him.

"Uncle, are you here?"

Mori Kogoro put his arms around Qingzi's soft shoulders, and asked, "What's the matter, what are you doing here alone at night? What about haunting?"

Qingzi said, "Uncle, I left my schoolbag at school. I blame Huizi for saying that there are ghosts in school to scare me, so I forgot to take my schoolbag. There are test papers due tomorrow, so I must take them home. written."

"But when I came to the school, I suddenly felt a little scary. I didn't dare to go in by myself, so I called you, uncle, you don't blame me, do you?"

Mori Kogoro rubbed Qingzi's little head lightly: "I regard Qingzi as a very important person, how could I blame you."

"But you don't even have to go back to school. Call me earlier. Uncle will deliver your schoolbag to your home directly."

Hearing this, a smile appeared on Qingzi's face, and his little head leaned gently on his shoulder: "Well, uncle, you are so kind!"

After hugging for a while, Mori Kogoro said, "Okay, let's go, we should go to school!"

After that, he led Qingzi into the high school.

It does feel a little spooky.

The door was locked, and Aoko dragged Mori Kogoro to the corridor window.

The window is broken and cannot be locked.

After Qingzi pushed it away, she raised her legs and wanted to climb up, but she was not very flexible, the window was too high, and her legs were uncomfortable.

Mori Kogoro pushed behind him, raised his buttocks with his big hands, and pushed Aoko up.

Qingzi blushed slightly, but said nothing.

Immediately after, Kogoro Mori rolled over and entered.

As soon as they entered the inner corridor, both of them felt that the air was much colder than that outside, and they didn't know if it was an illusion.

Aoko followed behind Mori Kogoro, with a look of fear on his face.

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