Mori Kogoro asked softly, "Where is the haunted place?"

"I heard that it seems to have been seen in the library on the third floor and the laboratory on the third floor."

"Okay, then let's go to the classroom on the second floor to get the schoolbag first, and then I will catch this troublemaker, how about it?"


The two headed towards the stairs.


The leather shoes made a crisp sound when they stepped on the floor, but gradually, there seemed to be more and more footsteps.

Qingzi's face turned pale in an instant: "Uncle, can there really be ghosts?"

Mori Kogoro reassured: "Don't scare yourself, it's just an echo in the corridor. If there is a ghost, uncle can solve it."

Mori Kogoro is not talking big, but he brought the forbidden arrow, even if there are ghosts, he is not afraid.

How can a little ghost bear this magic weapon that has existed for thousands of years.

Soon, the two came to the stairs. The entire staircase happened to be in the backlight, and the moonlight did not shine on it. The stairwell looked extremely dark.

Mori Kogoro felt something was wrong as soon as he stepped on it, the soles were sticky.

He immediately dragged Qingzi to the second floor.

When the two reached the second floor, they immediately left the stairwell and came to the corridor.

Under the moonlight, the two saw shoe prints on the way they ran up, and the color seemed to be the color of blood.

Qingzi immediately hugged Kogoro Mouri: "Uncle, there is blood!"

"This is not blood, I am familiar with the smell of blood, don't be afraid!"

Aoko's complexion improved a little, but Mori Kogoro frowned.

What he said just now was to lie to Qingzi, the whole staircase was covered with blood.

What's even weirder is that the blood didn't dry up. You know, blood is a kind of liquid that dries easily, and the blood flowing down the entire staircase has always been in a fluid state, which is very weird.

Do ghosts really exist!

"Let's go, Qingzi, let's go to your classroom to get the schoolbag first." The two walked towards the classroom.

Soon they came to Class B of the second year of high school. Qingzi found his schoolbag and carried it.

Kogoro Maoli was afraid that Qingzi would encounter danger if he followed him, so he said: "Qingzi, you wait here, I will find out this prankster first, and then I will come back to you."

"Come on, put on this amulet, and yell whenever there is a situation, and I will appear in front of you in less than three seconds."

The amulet for Qingzi was given by Fusang, and it is a one-time magic weapon. In case of danger, a protective barrier will appear, and the duration depends on the degree of danger.

In fact, Mori Kogoro is more proficient in witchcraft, and he can refine these things himself.

Aoko asked Mori Kogoro to help her put on the amulet.

But she was still a little scared, so she grabbed Moori Kogoro's clothes and said, "Uncle, can I go with you?"

Mori Kogoro refused: "Of course not, for dangerous things, of course a man has to do it."

Maori Kogoro also ordered the Ant-Man robot to secretly protect Aoko.

After using all kinds of measures, he walked out of the classroom with peace of mind.

Qingzi, who was left alone in the classroom, was a little scared, so he picked up a mop to defend himself.

As soon as he walked out of the classroom, Mori Kogoro headed towards the stairwell, heading towards the third floor.

He still remembered what Fusang said, that such ghosts trapped in a place are very likely to be earth-bound spirits.

If it is an earth-binding spirit, then it will be a big profit. I have the so-called spiritual power liquid, and I will subdue it first, and then supply the spiritual power liquid to help it cultivate. Added a big boost.

Chapter 0155 gorgeous 'ghost'

The stairs from the second floor to the third floor were clean and normal without blood.

Mori Kogoro soon came to the third floor. He was walking quickly in the corridor and was about to go to the library.

At this time, a black shadow flashed past.

The speed was so fast that Kogoro Mori couldn't catch it with his eyesight.

Following the sound of the wind, he barely chased after him and ran to the end of the corridor.

A pair of blue eyes appeared at the corner, with a sinister aura, hard to deal with at first glance.

blue eyes?black cat?

This is not a good sign!

The black shadow slowly stepped out from the darkness. Kogoro Mori thought it was a black cat at first, but judging by its size, it was clearly a black panther.

When it finally approached, Mori Kogoro couldn't help but gasped. It was a monster with three heads, but the eyes of the other two heads were tightly closed.

Facing this weird monster, he kept pinching his handprints underneath, intending to cast a summoning spell.

In fact, what he has trained the most in the past few days is not the rejuvenation technique, nor the wind control technique, but the summoning technique that can summon Fusang, which is the real life-saving skill.

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