But just as he was about to recite the incantation, Qingzi's scream came from below.

Mori Kogoro's expression changed, his speed exploded, and he rushed downstairs.

And the three-headed monster didn't stop him, but hid back in the darkness again.

Turning back the time to a minute or two ago, Qingzi was alone in the classroom with a mop in his hand for self-defense.

Her little head looked around vigilantly, feeling more and more frightened.

After calming down, she gradually heard the sound of water droplets.

Qingzi felt very strange, this is obviously a classroom, and there is no faucet, how could there be the sound of water droplets!

Unless it is, blood!

Her face turned pale, and when she turned her head, a black figure flashed by the window. Looking at the silhouette, it looked like the dead senior sister Keiko mentioned.

Qingzi was so frightened that his upper and lower teeth collided, and wanted to call Moori Kogoro, but he was afraid of being discovered by the female ghost, so he dared not speak.

But the black shadow didn't just leave, but stood in front of the classroom door.

Looking at the shadow, Qingzi's pupils kept shrinking, but he also knew that he had no way out, so he clenched the mop in his hand and boldly opened the door.

As soon as she opened the door, she saw a red cloak standing in front of her. The cloak was as red as if stained with blood, and she couldn't see the female ghost's face clearly.

Qingzi didn't care about it, and directly took the mop and pulled it up, right on the female ghost's head.

Then Qingzi pushed the female ghost away and started to run desperately, ran directly into the toilet cubicle, locked the door, and then took out his mobile phone to call Mori Kogoro.

She still didn't dare to cry out, for fear of being discovered by the female ghost!

Aoko didn't even think Mori Kogoro could defeat the ghost, and just wanted to send him a message to make him escape.

Unfortunately, as soon as Qingzi turned on the phone, the screen just turned on, and there was an extra drop of scarlet liquid on the phone screen, dripping from the top, it was still blood! ! !

Qingzi raised his head with a pale face, and saw the red cloak floating above the compartment, and the ghost claw that was about to come.

She immediately screamed, and then her eyes turned white, and she passed out.

This was the scream that Mori Kogoro heard.

In less than two seconds, Mori Kogoro ran from the end of the corridor on the third floor to the stairwell, and followed the sound to the women's toilet on the second floor.

In an instant, he saw the female ghost floating in the air, and the unconscious Qingzi in the compartment.

The right hand is condensed into a fist, and the half-step Bengquan is ready to go.

He was about to attack, but suddenly realized that the red cloak looked very familiar, so he dispersed the attack.

"Kogoro, why are you here?"

Hearing this familiar voice, Mori Kogoro asked suspiciously, "Hongzi?"


The female ghost landed on the ground, lifted the hat of the red cloak, and an extremely gorgeous face appeared in front of Mori Kogoro.

It was Koizumi Hongzi, her forehead was even red!

Mori Kogoro walked up to Hongzi: "I should have guessed it was you, but Hongzi, why are you pretending to be a ghost to scare people?"

"There's no such thing as pretending to be a ghost to scare people. I just heard the movement and flew down from the third floor to take a look."

"It's just that before I even said hello to Qingzi, she directly attacked me with a mop. My head hurt from the beating, Xiaowulang, look at it."

Hongzi stretched out her arms to wrap her arms around Mori Kogoro's, leaning against her proud chest, her mouth full of coquetry.

Kogoro Mori held his small face in his hands and looked at it carefully, and it turned out that he was injured.

"It's okay, I'll help you heal!"

After finishing speaking, he pinched his handprints and performed the rejuvenation technique that he had practiced in private for a long time.

There was a light green light from the fingertips, which lightly touched Hongzi's forehead.

Hongzi instantly felt a sense of coolness, and the pain in his forehead dissipated.

Her crimson eyes were full of splendor: "Xiao Wulang, are you witchcraft?"

Mori Kogoro nodded: "This is not a place to talk, let's go out first."

He picked up the unconscious Qingzi.

Hongzi said, "Then follow me to the laboratory on the third floor!"

Kogoro Mouri carried Aoko in his arms, and walked up to the third floor with Hongzi.

Along the way, he was still asking: "Hongzi, the monster with three heads I saw on the third floor just now, is that yours too?"

Hearing this, Hongzi immediately became dissatisfied: "What kind of monster, it's obviously very cute, it's my magic pet, Black Ball."

Hongzi whistled, and a black crow flew over, and when it landed on the ground, it transformed into the three-headed monster just now, and meowed.

Those cat eyes were still looking at Kogoro Mori curiously.

Hongzi bent down and rubbed his demon pet's little head, and said, "Go and eat!"

The monster quickly ran to the stairwell and began to lick the blood on the ground.

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