"Hmph, Kogoro, tell me the truth, what is your relationship with Qingzi?"

"It doesn't matter!"

Mori Kogoro dared to confess to all women, but he dared not confess to Hongzi.

Hongzi has a bunch of magic props in his hands, which are too lethal, and his personality is a little impulsive and reckless.

If he really told her, Kogoro Mori would not have expected the result.

But Hongzi still has the energy to ask now, it seems that he was too lenient tonight.

Mori Kogoro couldn't help but reflect on himself: I blame myself for being confused by the witch's begging for mercy. I let down my vigilance when I didn't pay attention, and didn't respond with all my strength. This habit needs to be changed!

Hongzi was about to continue asking, at this moment, Mori Kogoro took out a bottle of liquid containing the color of smog from his arms.

It is the Fountain of Youth salvaged from the [Mysterious Well].

"It didn't hurt me, so don't take it to heart." In Fusang's mouth, it was the liquid of spiritual power!

Mori Kogoro wondered, what would this be in Hongzi's eyes?

Sure enough, Hongzi's eyes lit up, and he snatched the bottle of water away.

"What a strong magical power! Kogoro, why do you have this treasure?"

Mori Kogoro asked, "Hongzi, do you know what this is?"

Hongzi then pulled out the cork, took a deep breath, and became refreshed: "This concentration seems to be the source of magic power!"

"Does it work for you?"

"It's very useful. Just by being around this source of magic power, I can feel the surrounding elements become active. It will definitely improve the efficiency of meditation."

"And I think it is used for magic experiments, and it will definitely make great props."

Hongzi looked delighted, holding this bottle of well water like a treasure.

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro understood instantly, and this was in line with his guess.

In fact, the well water produced in the [Mysterious Well] is essentially a higher-level energy fluid, which has a wide range of versatility and is of great benefit to extraordinary practice.

This universal high-level energy should be easily converted into spiritual power or magic power.

It seems that I really got an amazing baby!

Kogoro Moori continued to take out the well water from his pocket, and handed the well water to Hongzi one by one.

Hongzi's big eyes widened, with a look of ecstasy.

It is extremely lucky to get a bottle, and Kogoro Mori still has so many bottles.

In the end, Hongzi's arms were full of this magic source, she just felt that happiness came too suddenly.

Maori Kogoro said domineeringly: "Since it is useful to you, you can use it. Meditation is fine, experimentation is also fine. If it is enough, if it is not enough, just tell me, and I will send it to you!"

Hearing this, Hongzi cried out in surprise, his voice trembling: "Wow! Xiao Wulang, you are so kind!"

Immediately afterwards, Hongzi slowly put the bottles of liquid in his arms under the car, and regardless of the speeding car, he directly unbuckled his seat belt, and jumped from the co-pilot to Kogoro Mouri who was driving.

"Hey, Hongzi, what are you doing, I'm driving!"

Kogoro Mori's seat belt was immediately unbuckled by Hongzi, and then she found the button to get off the car seat, and put down the driver's seat directly.

Mori Kogoro was pressed down and lay down. In desperation, he could only spend points to ask Xiao V to help control the car.

Only now did Kogoro Moori see Hongzi's pretty face, her bewitching eyes were shining brightly, and there was a fox-like smile at the corner of her mouth.

Hongzi even licked her own lips, she was extremely alluring, she really looked like a vixen sucking yang energy!

Hongzi kissed Maoli Kogoro's cheek lightly, and then said: "Kogoro, don't think that you can recover your witchcraft, I also have a way to recover your physical strength."

"Hee hee hee, we two, it's not over yet!"

After saying this, Hongzi kissed Mori Kogoro directly, and her soft little hands directly caressed his majestic body.

I made a mistake, I didn't expect Hongzi to also have the ability to continue.

Hongzi is worthy of being a witch, so it's not certain who will win the game!

Wait, is this considered to be reversed?

Not long after, the unmanned Lexus vibrated while galloping.

The speed of the car was extremely fast, and it was still heading for Hongzi's house.

Chapter 0158

After eleven o'clock in the evening, Kogoro Mori's car drove under the office, and Kogoro Mori's face in the driver's seat was full of satisfaction.

Although I don't know what method Hongzi used to recover her physical strength, but Nizi thought that she could challenge herself with this ability, which was really naive.

He only exerted five successes, and Hongzi was cut off from his horse.

This girl really thinks that she is a dragon knight and can fly forever!

Young, so young!At best, it's just a fierce horse!

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