In the end, Hongzi was carried into her castle by herself.

Mori Kogoro got out of the car, brushed off his clothes, raised his big hand, and a robot disguised as a bodyguard came out from the corner of the street, got into the car, and drove the car to be cleaned.

These little things don't require Mori Kogoro to do it, which is extremely convenient.

Soon, he climbed to the third floor, opened the door with the key and returned home.

There was no one in the living room, so Mori Kogoro turned around and went into the bathroom to take a shower.

After rinsing, he changed into his pajamas and walked out. He entered his room clean and dry, ready to rest.

As soon as he opened the door, he found that the two women on the bed were not asleep.

Both women were lying on the bed in cool pajamas, their tender white legs swayed from time to time, one long and one short, they were both very beautiful.

Huiyuan tried hard to read the obscure biology papers, while Xiaolan was actually guiding her by the side.

This scene is so rare!

It's just the frustrated look on the little loli Huihara's face.

And Xiaolan proudly rubbed Huiyuan's little head, and said, "Xiao Ai, it's normal for children not to understand these problems, don't be discouraged, you are already very smart compared to your peers."

Huiyuan frowned and said, "How is it possible, how can you, a guy with strong limbs and a simple mind, know this?"

Xiaolan stared wide-eyed: "Well, it's too rude to say that about your tutor!"

But soon she laughed again, rubbing Hui Yuan's short brown hair: "The reason is very simple, that is, sister, I am smarter than you."

"My sister can tell what's going on with these materials at a glance. There's no need to think hard like Xiao Ai!"

Xiaolan's words were full of superiority, as if beating little Lolita would make her feel happy.

But when Xiaolan turned her head, she soon found Kogoro Mouri at the door.

She immediately got up and flew into his arms, her legs clamped around his waist, and her whole body was hung on Mao Li Xiaogoro.

"Dad, you are finally back. Let me tell you, Xiao Ai is very stupid. There are so many people who don't understand such a simple book. She really doesn't understand anything!"

Hearing Huiyuan complaining, the blue veins on his forehead kept jumping up, this big milk orchid started acting like a monster again!

Mori Kogoro naturally knew what was going on, the channeling technique he practiced had already raised Xiaolan's five dimensions.

Although his intelligence is not as good as his own, it is higher than Haibara, Conan, Heiji and others, and he is very handy in learning.

The current Xiaolan is the same as her previous self, and she can learn many things by herself after reading them several times.

Maybe this girl will one day become a better detective than Conan and Hattori!

Seeing the appearance of Xiao Loli being hit, Mori Kogoro reached out and patted Xiao Lan's buttocks, and said, "You're such an adult, don't bully Xiao Ai anymore."

"Okay, it's so late, it's time for us to rest." "Xiao Ai, let's read the book tomorrow!"

Little Loli closed the book obediently and put it on the bedside table.

Mori Kogoro entered the room, turned off the light, and carried his daughter to bed. He lay in the middle, Xiaolan on the left, and Haibara on the right.

Little Loli twisted her body, found a comfortable position in Mouri Kogoro's arms, and then closed her eyes.

It's just that his little hands are playing with Kogoro Mori's beard, which is very interesting.

Xiaolan's body was also lying sideways on Kogoro Mouri's body, and she did not avoid her proud chest against Kogoro Mouri's chest, with one long leg still hanging on her body, looking like she was not sleeping well.

Xiaolan, who was resting on Kogoro Mouri's arm, said, "Father, I want to hear the commission you received tonight. Are you going to catch ghosts or people?"

"Is the ghost catching the same as the ghost I met in Mermaid Island last time? Is it going to be sent to the shrine for salvation?"

Xiaolan remembers this incident. After seeing Fusang, Xiaolan, who still believes in science, completely believes that there are ghosts in this world. Hearing the legend of ghosts, she becomes even more frightened.

Maori Kogoro caressed Xiaolan's soft back with his big hands, and said flickeringly, "It's really about catching ghosts. It's a bit like a female high school ghost story. There are monsters and female ghosts in it..."

Before Mori Kogoro could continue, Xiaolan's body began to tremble, and she covered Mouri Kogoro's mouth with her little hand: "Dad, don't say anything, let's go to sleep!"

The little loli Huiyuan taunted: "Coward, there are no ghosts in this world. Uncle, tell me!"

"Don't talk, don't talk, Dad, let's sleep!"


"Do not say!"

The two girls were about to quarrel again, so Mori Kogoro spanked each buttocks and said, "Sleep!"

The room became quiet in an instant, and the three of them soon fell into a sweet dreamland.

The next morning, Huiyuan was the first to wake up.

Looking at the slightly bright sky, Huiyuan shook his head, got up quietly and took out the foreign biology book from the bedside table.

Huiyuan was quite hit last night.

My parents are the world's top scientists, and I have inherited their scientific research talents, and my knowledge of biology is also world-class.

Last night, Xiaolan beat her to pieces.

She completely failed in the field that Hui Yuan was most proud of, how could she accept it.

So the little Lolita got up early and worked hard secretly, planning to earn a fortune by studying hard.

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