It's just that Huiyuan didn't know that all of this was in vain. She and Xiao Lambi, who was cheating, had obvious results in the end!

Hui Yuan hugged the biology book, walked quietly to the living room, and began to flip through the pages that smelled of book ink in the morning light.

In the room, only Moori Kogoro and Xiaolan were still sleeping soundly.

After about thirty minutes, Xiaolan opened her eyes and woke up.

She glanced at the situation in the room, and a sly look appeared in her eyes.

Chapter 0159 Little Angel's Singing

Mori Kogoro opened his eyes, and immediately saw the little angel's beautiful big eyes.

The expression of the little angel is just like a hamster eating secretly, so cute.

The arc of the corner of the mouth is touching people's hearts, and the big eyes are still inquiring, as if asking how the song is sung.

The most touching thing was that she was holding the microphone in both hands, rubbing it on her cheeks, her eyebrows and eyes were all bent, and she smiled warmly at Kogoro Mouri.

That scene was so heartwarming that I couldn't resist it.

Mori Kogoro woke up instantly, stroked the girl's head gently with his big hand, and said, "Oh, you're not good again, I don't listen to what I said yesterday!"

The girl stuck out her tongue and made a grimace, and then the pink lip print was reflected on the microphone, looking like you can't help me.

Mori Kogoro smirked and looked up at the ceiling: She is still too young!

It seems that she needs to find an opportunity to let her know that flowers can not only bloom red, but also yellow, and the yellow is ferocious! ! !

Mori Kogoro closed his eyes to enjoy the singing of his little angel.

Her learning ability is still very strong, and her singing voice has improved so much that Kogoro Mori can feel the trembling of the vocal cords deep in her throat.

good!good!This singing skill can be at the top of my own women!

After breakfast, everyone in the family went to school.

It was another day without entrustment, and Kogoro Mori, who had nothing to do, spent another day of depravity.

He went on consecutive dates to make up for those women who were neglected by him before, such as Sayuri, Princess Kako, Honest Doctor...

The scene is constantly changing, whether it is at home, or a villa, or a hospital, it is really ecstasy and happiness.

Fortunately, Kogoro Mori's strength has become much stronger. Even though all the women are waiting for work with ease, they are still beheaded by Kogoro Mori and surrendered to Kogoro Mori's magic weapon.

At night, Kogoro Moori took a large family to the appointment of Liuli in Yucheng.

Yucheng Liuli filmed in a villa at the foot of Mount Fuji.

As soon as Mori Kogoro's car arrived, he saw the staff of Nichimai Radio Station.

This short reasoning drama was filmed and broadcast on TV.

After getting out of the car, Yucheng Liuli called.

"Xiao Goro, have you arrived yet?"

"I'm here, what's the matter, Liuli?"

"Can you do me a favor, my car has a flat tire and I might be late!"

"There is an opening scene to be recorded at the beginning, can you help me record it? I have already told the director, just read the lines according to the lines, please!"

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro was a little distressed. He originally planned to watch the show, but he didn't expect to participate in the recording.

Xiaolan on the side heard it, and quickly said: "Dad, just help me, you are so handsome and have so many fans, you will definitely attract many people to watch it, and if there is a good response, your classmates will also Thank you for your."

Hearing what his daughter said, Mori Kogoro could only agree, and Yucheng Liuli on the other end of the phone kept thanking him.

Maori and his party walked towards the camera crew.

Soon, the bearded director of the TV station walked up to him.

As soon as he saw Mori Kogoro, he first bowed respectfully, then held his big hand with both hands, and shook it excitedly: "Detective Maori, I am a loyal fan of your reasoning, and I have written many scripts based on your reasoning of."

"I didn't expect Miss Yucheng to have such a great ability. It's a great honor to invite you here. If possible, you might as well make a guest appearance in my shooting today, how about it?"

The mustache director's eyes were full of expectation.

Mori Kogoro was about to refuse.

At this time, the hedgehog-haired man Yoshiki Kazama spoke.

"Director, are you kidding me? There are only five characters in this play."

"Apart from playing the widow's mother, the extremely coquettish daughter, the old housekeeper, and the dead in the family, I'm the detective left. How can there be other roles to play as a cameo?"

The hedgehog-haired man Kazama Yoshiki also reached out and turned on the lighter, lit the cigarette in his mouth, and pretended to blow his cigarette with his head up, completely looking like a bastard.

Surprisingly, when the actor said this, the mustache director didn't dare to refute him.

At this time, an actress with short yellow hair - Hahara Kasumi said: "What are you talking about, what kind of coquettish daughter?"

Yoshiki Kazama bit the cigarette filter and said inarticulately: "I'm sorry, I mean, you are the only one who can act this kind of flirtatiousness. It looks like it's for sale. Praise you!"

Hahara Kasumi shouted angrily: "Damn it, I just do my job well and play a good role."

Kazama Yoshiki turned around and ignored her.

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