On the other hand, Nan Yunxiao, who had gray hair and a black suit, said, "Brother Kazama, I'm only sixty years old. How can you say I'm old?"

"I'm sorry, forgive me for my poor eyesight. I saw you acting like an old man in his eighties or nineties. It would be a little lighter to say that you are getting old. It is obvious that half of your foot has entered the coffin, hahaha!"

The hedgehog man smiled triumphantly.


On the side, Nagumo Nobuharu, the man who played the role of being killed today, came over and stopped Nanyunxiao who was about to do something.

"Dad, don't be angry, Kazama, please calm down, no one will take your role, everyone, don't make such an unpleasant scene before the filming starts!"

The hedgehog-headed man Yoshiki Kazama snorted, then turned and left.

Little loli Huiyuan couldn't help but whispered softly: "This guy's mouth really stinks!"

That's really the case, as soon as it appeared, it offended all the actors and directors of the opponent's play.

Mori Kogoro said: "Director, I was only invited to watch the play, and at most I will help film the beginning, don't mention the cameo."

Yoshiki Kazama, who turned his back, couldn't help but say, "Hypocrisy!"

Kogoro Mori, who has excellent hearing, heard this, and with a thought, the Ant-Man robot was dispatched.

The Ant-Man robot directly kicked Kazama Yoshiki down, and he fell to the ground in an instant, and everyone couldn't help but burst out laughing.

Yoshiki Kazama got up quickly, and began to reprimand the field staff loudly, why didn't he level the ground.

He also kept asking the makeup artist to come over to help see if his face was injured from the fall, and if he needed to touch up his makeup.

The mustache director said guiltily: "Detective Maori, you must not be as knowledgeable as him. His father is the investor in this short play. Please take care of him, take care of him!"

Naturally, Kogoro Moori would not care too much about a dying person, so he said, "It's okay, director, when are we going to shoot the beginning!"

"You can do it now, Detective Maori, this is the opening remark you will say later!"

After the director handed over a page to Kogoro Mori, he started scheduling.

Chapter 0160 Charming Kogoro

A chasing light came down and landed on Mori Kogoro's sculpture-like side face, which was enough to make little stars appear in the eyes of the women present.

Wearing a white suit, Mori Kogoro turned around, looking straight at the camera with a handsome face, his eyes were as deep as the stars, and the faint smile at the corner of his mouth was even more touching. The charm of a mature uncle exploded completely.

All the female staff present couldn't hold back their girlish hearts. They clenched their fists in front of their chests and stamped their feet shyly.

Xiaolan and Huiyuan both look like little fans, and Kogoro Mori's rare and serious appearance is also extremely lethal to them.

And Conan turned his head away pretending to be disdainful, but he was very jealous in his heart.

Standing in front of the villa, Mori Kogoro began to read the opening remarks, his voice was full of magnetism and a little hoarse, as if he was massaging along the ear canal.

Some female staff members couldn't help but their legs were weak, and they almost fell for it.

The eyes of the actress Hahara Kasumi who was still angry just now were already full of nympho.

"I'm Kogoro Mori. The stage of today's incident is behind me in this villa far away from human habitation. In this love-hate case, the key lies in two words, color!"

"Just like people will subconsciously choose the color they like when shopping, criminals have the same heart. Next, let me unveil the curtain of this incident for everyone!"


The director couldn't help being amazed when he saw the perfect picture in the camera, the precise positioning, and the confident smiling face at the final freeze.

"Detective Maori, you acted so well, it's a pity that you don't become an actor with this face."

There was continuous applause immediately, Xiaolan and Huiyuan both looked proud.

But the hedgehog-headed man Yoshiki Kazama couldn't help showing a fierce look in his eyes, looking at the showy Mouri Kogoro, he didn't know what he was thinking in his heart.

At this time, Yucheng Liuli's voice came over: "Wow, Kogoro, your acting is amazing."

Wearing a hat and wearing a purple dress, Yucheng Liuli came over.

Moli Kogoro raised his eyebrows: "Xiao Liuli, didn't you say that your car had a flat tire? Why are you here?"

Yucheng Liuli hugged Mori Kogoro's arm, and rubbed her soft chest, probably a D!

Yucheng Liuli said: "Hee hee, this is my little selfishness. Although I couldn't act opposite you, Kogoro, it feels very meaningful that we can appear in the same work. Kogoro, don't you Will you blame me?"

"It's just an opening remark, how could I blame you!"

Seeing the intimate posture of the two, Xiaolan immediately stepped forward and pulled her father over like protecting food.

She pinched Kogoro Mori's waist with her small hands, and she couldn't believe the sour feeling.

Xiaolan asked softly: "Dad, you didn't say that your old classmate is such a beautiful celebrity!"

Mori Kogoro quietly pulled Xiaolan's little hand away, pretended to be stupid with a dry smile, and said, "I remember I told you that!"


Yucheng Liuli looked puzzled: "Xiao Wulang, who is this?"

"She is my daughter Xiaolan."

"Oh, you are Yingli's child, your mother always talks about you, saying that you are so good!"

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