"Don't touch around, where are your hands going!"

Seeing this scene, Yucheng Liuli couldn't help but chuckled: "Xiao Wulang hasn't changed at all, he's so popular with girls!"

Xiaolan couldn't help but asked in doubt: "Is this what Dad has been since he was a child?"

The little loli on the side couldn't help but prick up her ears.

Yucheng Liuli said: "That's right, he has been good-looking since he was a child, has a good personality, and is very lucky, especially those senior sisters who like him very much."

"But after Eri got rid of him, the situation eased."

"Xiaolan, you don't know that your mother and Xiaowulang were in pairs at school back then. I don't know how many girls envied her!"

When she said this, Yucheng Liuli still had a bit of resentment in her mouth.

"Aunt Yucheng, tell me something about Dad's childhood!"

"Okay, I remember that Kogoro still has some embarrassing things..."

After more than ten minutes, Mori Kogoro finally got rid of those female fans and came to Xiaolan's side.

He heard his old classmate revealing his truth, and the expressions of Xiaolan and Huiyuan became very strange, so he immediately opened his mouth.

"Xiao Liuli, it happened many years ago, don't talk about it."

"Let's go, this villa is so big, let's go shopping!"

A group of people walked out of the restaurant where they were filming, and wandered in the corridor.Along the way, Xiaolan also asked: "Aunt Yucheng, that guy just now has such a bad personality, why did you cooperate with him?"

Yucheng Liuli sighed: "I don't want to, but my agency said that this series of short films will definitely become popular on TV, so I must come here to shoot."

"If I had known that there was a guy who brought money into the team, I would definitely quit."

"And that guy is the son of the owner of a big newspaper in Tokyo. Because there is a newspaper at home, he is very well informed about a lot of gossip."

"He just relies on his unrestrained words and constantly releases some false news to attract attention and use it to hype himself."

"To be honest, I'm also very annoyed!"

Xiao Lan nodded, and said, "He's really a bad person!"

At this time, the two walked to the corner of the corridor, and saw that the door with a mirror in the rest room opened, and several staff members came out.

Yucheng Liuli was stunned for a moment, then turned to look out of the window, and immediately said, "The starry sky is beautiful tonight, do you want to go out together to see the night scene, the night under Mount Fuji is a great treat!"

One of the female staff members said, "But the filming will start in five minutes."

Yucheng Liuli laughed softly: "It's okay, the director is such a good person, if you are a little late, there will be no problem, and it is only when you are nervous that you will cherish the beautiful scenery more!"

"Let's go, let's go out!"

She came behind the female staff member and pushed her to go out.

The group of people did not suspect him, so they all followed out of the villa and came to the yard.

The environment under Mount Fuji is excellent, and the weather is also very good. There are no clouds and no fog. When you look up, you can have a panoramic view of the sky full of stars.

The stars are shining brightly, but such a beautiful scenery is often overlooked by people.

At this moment, Kogoro Mori felt someone pulling at the hem of his clothes.

He lowered his head, and saw the little loli Huiyuan stretched out her hands, pouted her mouth, and acted coquettishly about to hug her.

Under the starlight, the little loli is so cute.

Mori Kogoro picked up the little Lolita's armpit, picked it up, hugged it into his arms, and then supported her little buttocks, feeling great.

Little Loli wrapped her arms around Mori Kogoro's neck very skillfully, and leaned against his arms, with a faint smile on her lips.

Mori Kogoro put his cheek against Little Lolita's cheek, and the two looked up at the starry sky together.

Xiaolan on the side looked at Huiyuan with a face full of envy, and pouted, she also wanted to be hugged by her father and watch the stars!

It's a pity that there are too many people around.

Why!It's really inconvenient to grow up, and for a while, Xiaolan was a little envious and turned gray.

When Conan saw this scene, he kept shaking his head: the world is going down, people's hearts are not old!

However, Conan does not have the romantic cells to appreciate the beautiful star dome. Instead, he turned his head and kept looking at the people around him, muttering softly: "Where did Miss Yucheng go?"

It was obvious that she invited everyone out just now, but why did they disappear?

After a few minutes, Mori Kogoro felt the warmth on his cheeks, and couldn't help but chuckled: "Xiao Ai, don't kiss uncle secretly!"


The warm feeling came again, and the little loli's cheeks were full of smiles.

This scene was so sweet that Xiaolan couldn't help but glared over at the side, but Huiyuan was full of complacency, and his big eyes glanced at Xiaolan from time to time, as if to show off: This is my man!

Xiaolan was about to go up and hug Huiyuan down.

At this time, a woman's scream appeared, it was Yucheng Liuli's voice.

Chapter 0162 Master, just accept me

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